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Working Group 1



Quality Assessment and Reproducibility for Instruments & Images in Light Microscopy

The Consortium for Quality Assessment and Reproducibility for Instruments and Images in Light Microscopy (QUAREP-LiMi), formed by the global community of practitioners, researchers, developers, service providers, funders, publishers, policy makers and industry related to the use of light microscopy, is committed to democratizing access to quantitative and reproducible light microscopy and the data generated by it.

Our mission is to provide a comprehensive set of community-agreed guidelines, protocols, automation procedures and other resources aimed at improving quality control, quality assurance, and instrument/method calibration. The stakeholders advocate for the use of the highest level of reproducibility for data generated by light microscopy methods in scientific research and biotechnology applications. In support of achieving its mission, QUAREP-LiMi:

  1. sanctions Working Groups to form teams that focus on specific technical or outreach topics;

  2. maintains, disseminates, and teaches best practices, protocols, and software tools; and

  3. collaborates with providers of reference materials or instrumentation or other tools that enable the easy implementation of best practices at the community level.

We came together in our first online Web meeting on the 28th of April, 2020, with about 50 attendees. By now (24st of April 2024), the network has grown to 620 people from 41 countries worldwide. We have members from academia (research labs, core facilities), national microscopy communities, companies involved in the microscopy business, organizations or institutions related to standardization on a national or international level, and scientific publishers and observers from funding agencies (see the graph below and on the member page for an overview).

Ten working groups (WGs) were established in the 2nd General Meeting on the 9th of July 2020 to bring our common aims quickly forward. Our web page gives an overview of QUAREP-LiMi’s work. In the 3rd General Meeting, WG 11 “Microscopy Publication Standards” and later WGs 12 “Image Visualization and Analysis” and 13 Phototoxicitywere established. WG 14 “Environment” and 15 “FLIM” are in the process of being established, and WG 8 is restructured to work on “Education, Training and Outreach”.

QUAREP-LiMi operates a NextCloud and an OMERO server, serving as a centralized repository and exchange point for our collective work. These platforms facilitate collaboration and data sharing among our members. 

QUAREP-LiMi is absolutely open to new members, and we are looking forward to your contribution. If you are interested in joining our initiative, please fill out our membership form. Use our form for changing your working group (WG) or joining a new WG. For any further questions, please contact us.


Working Group 2

29th meeting, 17th of April 2023

Meeting date

17/04/2023 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting summary

Draft versions of the workgroup presentation and survey for the General assembly meeting were shared and suggestions for improvements were given. Discussion topics for the breakout session were given. Mathias’ report from his EMVA1288 training and the update on David MacFadden’s analysis script will be discussed during the meeting in May.

Meeting documentation

28th meeting, 13th of March 2023

Meeting date

13/03/2023 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting summary

  1. First we discussed some general QUAREP-LiMi news:
    • QUAREP-LiMi is now a community partner of, we potentially need to contribute to the moderating in the future
    • there is a community room at ELMI for QUAREP and other imaging communities to do 6 workshops, WG2 member contribution is welcome
    • the French MetrologyJ-QC group is very interested in a collaboration with us in WG2, we will invite them to a future WG2 meeting
    • WG12 paper is in the review process of Nature methods
  2. Second we collected ideas on which topics to discuss in the breakout room. It was agreed to especially include open questions and problems: challenge how to measure sensitivity; our strategy of community roll-out; current problems we are facing: UUIDs; data handling, storage, and retrieval. We also collected some potential survey questions. A small team was formed to prepare the breakout room, the short introduction video and questions for a possible survey; all of which will be presented during our next WG2 meeting.
  3. Third followed the reports from the small group measurement teams: for sample preparation, we now have the text for the marker-pen sample on (please check it out). A text is planned for the Chromaslide ramp. MathiasH went to the EMVA1288 certification course. He will report in our next meeting.
We closed the meeting by agreeing on the next steps.

Meeting documentation

27th meeting, 13th of February 2023

Meeting date

13/02/2023 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting summary

After first talking about organisational news, we discussed the changes in date and plans for our upcoming QUAREP-LimI general assembly meeting. It is going to be held online on April 26th 2023 3-6PM. We decided that we want to participate with our own breakout room and formed a small preparation team which will also think about potential questions for a survey. A short video presentation needs to be prepared as well. Next the small measurement teams reported their results. Team CET focussed on test samples and found the marker pen as bright enough, easy to prepare and use. Team CET2 focused on the protocol and its usability via There is still a lot of optimization to do (changing the order of the steps, optimizing the run behavior of the protocol). This discussion was followed by the report from our training session with Emma Ganley from the team. At the end of the meeting we summarized the main next steps: simplify our protocols and the protocols structure, and updated our detection system behavior measurement excel sheet. The APE measurement reporting session is planned for our June meeting.

Meeting documentation

26th meeting, 9th of January 2023

Meeting date

09/01/2023 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting summary

We used the opportunity of this being the first meeting in 2023 to look back at our achievements, but also challenges, last year. As a main challenge we identified the motivation and organisation for collecting data and analysing it. This is essential to test and optimise our protocols to be able to finalise and subsequently publish them. We therefore decided to form small groups of 3-4 people doing the measurements together. In addition, we discussed to have our aims and next steps smaller and more tight, focus on one aim only. This way we will steadily move forward to eventually reach our goal. Our protocols group gave a brief update on the development of our WG2 protocols in the QUAREP-LiMi workspace and informed about the planned training session with Emma Ganley from the team. At the end of the meeting we summarised the main next steps: do measurements in the small groups and contact the support team about our needs.

Meeting documentation

25th meeting, 12th of December 2022

Meeting date

12/12/2022 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting summary

We started with a brief report from WG9&co-chairs last meeting, focusing mainly on the next general assembly meeting of QUAREP-LiMi. In this meeting, we then had a big discussion on Metadata. There is a specific need of finding a good way to collect, name and recover image files.Try to find an agreement on naming the file isn’t universally acceptable. Therefore, the idea is to find a way to recover the most important metadata on acquisition parameters and device settings in a unique format. Omero could be the answer and it requires a list of metadata. In the same direction is also the request from Nature protocol and other editors for publication.

Meeting documentation

24th meeting, 14th of November 2022

Meeting date

14/11/2022 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting summary

Thanks a lot to all of you who participated in the lively discussion about our “Detection system behaviour measurements” collection. We discussed several aspects of the table structure for our measurements and analysis data wich needs to be updated. One major discussion was again about the unique identifier. A solution needs to be found in general for Quarep. Until then we use an intermediate solution with unique identifiers in our excel sheet. Also need to ask the HTS community for their expertise. Furthermore, Kees reported from his last test runs with the APE quantiflash. His presentation can also be found here on our cloud folder. The other test places will report about their experiences and results in our meeting in February.

Meeting documentation

Working Group 3

15th meeting, 8th of September 2022

Meeting date

08/09/2022 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

14th meeting, 21st of July 2022

Meeting date

21/07/2022 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

13th meeting, 23rd of June 2022

Meeting date

23/06/2022 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

12th meeting, 12 of May 2022

Meeting date

12/05/2022 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

11th meeting, 21st of April 2022

Meeting date

21/04/2022 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

10th meeting, 24th of March 2022

Meeting date

24/03/2022 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

Working Group 4

23rd meeting, 21st of February 2023

Meeting date

21/02/2023 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

22nd meeting, 17th of January

Meeting date

17/01/2023 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

21st meeting, 15th of December 2022

Meeting date

15/12/2022 @ 4:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

20th meeting, 16th of November

Meeting date

16/11/2022 @ 4:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

19th meeting, 20th of September 2022

Meeting date

20/09/2022 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting summary

Discuss the transition of the protocol to  Members of WG4 are invited to put comments to keep developing the protocol for WG4 via  Discussion on data/metadata management and the use of a microscopy image database (e.g. OMERO) in the future to progress faster.  Discussion on data analysis strategies and sharing the results with AirTable and/or spreadsheets.

Meeting documentation

18th meeting, 21st of June 2022

Meeting date

21/06/2022 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

Working Group 5

23rd meeting, 10th of November

Meeting date

10/11/2022 @ 3:30 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

22nd meeting, 13th of October

Meeting date

13/10/2022 @ 3:30 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

21st meeting, 15th of September 2022

Meeting date

15/09/2022 @ 3:30 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

20th meeting, 9th of June 2022

Meeting date

09/06/2022 @ 3:30 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

19th meeting, 12th of May 2022

Meeting date

12/05/2022 @ 3:30 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

18th meeting, 7th of April 2022

Meeting date

07/04/2022 @ 3:30 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

Working Group 6

17th meeting, 16th of November 2022

Meeting date

16/11/2022 @ 4:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

16th meeting, 14th of September 2022

Meeting date

14/09/2022 @ 4:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

15th meeting, 13th of July 2022

Meeting date

13/07/2022 @ 4:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

14th meeting, 8th of June 2022

Meeting date

08/06/2022 @ 4:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

13th meeting, 27th of April 2022

Meeting date

27/04/2022 @ 4:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

12th meeting, 9th of March 2022

Meeting date

09/03/2022 @ 4:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

Working Group 7

Subgroup Model, 8th meeting, 3rd of July 2023

Meeting date

03/07/2023 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

24th meeting, 26th of June 2023

Meeting date

26/06/2023 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

23rd meeting, 7th of June 2023

Meeting date

07/06/2023 @ 3:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

22nd meeting, 15th of May 2023

Meeting date

15/05/2023 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

Subgroup Capture Tools, 7th meeting, 19th of April 2023

Meeting date

19/04/2023 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

Subgroup Model, 7th meeting, 3rd of April 2023

Meeting date

03/04/2023 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

Working Group 8

Working Group 9

16th meeting, 7th of July 2022

Meeting date

07/07/2022 @ 4:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

15th meeting, 5th of May 2022

Meeting date

05/05/2022 @ 4:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

14th meeting, 5th of April 2022

Meeting date

05/04/2022 @ 4:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

13th meeting, 3rd of March 2022

Meeting date

03/03/2022 @ 4:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

12th meeting, 1st of February 2022

Meeting documentation

11th meeting, 7th of December 2021

Meeting documentation

Working Group 10

16th meeting, 14th of December 2021

Meeting documentation

15th meeting, 23rd of November 2021

Meeting documentation

14th meeting, 9th of November 2021

Meeting documentation

13th meeting, 26th of October 2021

Meeting documentation

12th meeting, 12th of October 2021

Meeting documentation

11th meeting, 14th of September 2021

Meeting documentation

Working Group 11

13th meeting, 22nd of September 2022

Meeting date

22/09/2022 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

12nd meeting, 25th of August 2022

Meeting date

25/08/2022 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

11th meeting, 26th of May 2022

Meeting date

26/05/2022 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

10th meeting, 28th of April 2022

Meeting date

28/04/2022 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

9th meeting, 24th of March 2022

Meeting date

24/03/2022 @ 4:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation

8th meeting, 24th of February 2022

Meeting date

24/02/2022 @ 5:00 PM (CET/CEST)

Meeting documentation