WG 2 – Detection system performance

Home / Working Groups / WG 2 – Detection system performance

WG 2 - Objectives

WG2 focuses on the detection system, comprising the detection path and its detector(s), and how it measures the signal from the sample.

Members of WG2 aim to standardize the characterization of the detection system performance and create standard procedures for monitoring it over time, thereby revealing performance issues that could affect data reproducibility. Therefore, WG2 will define universal, externally measurable parameters applicable to any type of detector (e.g., photons, linearity, noise), together with measurement tools and protocols for measuring these parameters from common detector types. These universal parameters will be specified according to each distinct type of detector’s internal parameters, which have already been defined by the community. They will enable the evaluation and comparison of different detection systems, thus pinpointing the most suitable technology for given applications.

WG 2 - Co-Chairs

WG 2 - Latest News


Upcoming meeting: 11th November 2024, 5:00 pm
Last meeting: 14th October 2024, 5:00 pm