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WG 1 - Illumination Power published its second version of the protocol "Illumination Power, Stability and Linearity Measurements for Confocal and Widefield Microscopes". The protocol is featured on

The 6th general meeting of QUAREP-LiMi took place at the 26th of April 2023 from 3 to 6 pm in an online format. 

For more information on the content of the meeting see the agenda.

The QUAREP community developed a checklist for publishing images and image analysis. You can access our publication here.

A common effort for QC in light microscopy of 10 facilities of the French WG-QC of RTmfm  network is now online. Hardware and software tools, guidelins, and limit values, checking reproducibility of a microscope. Enjoy our publication

We welcome our first member from Turkey.  Salim Can Akçınar of Ege University joined the Working Groups 5,6 and 12. Change the Quality of Light Microscopy Imaging as member of QUAREP-LiMi join us here.

We welcome our first member from the United Arab Emirates. Rachid Rezgui of NYU Abu Dhabi joined the Working Groups 1-7, 9, 10 and 13. Change the Quality of Light Microscopy Imaging as member of QUAREP-LiMi join us here.

Two stories were published online in the Technology Features section of Nature Methods about the work in QUAREP-LiMi:
  1. Imaging standards to ease reproducibility and the everyday
  2. The making of microscope camera standards
They will be printed in the July edition of Nature Methods.

We welcome our first member from Qatar. Doha Abbirami of Sidra Medicine joined the Working Groups 3, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Change the Quality of Light Microscopy Imaging as member of QUAREP-LiMi join us here.

welcomes its 400th member in March 2022.

QUAREP-LiMi is happy to annouce its own YouTube Channel. The channel already features its first tutorials. More videos will be available in the furure.



The WG 1 released its first protocol “Illumination Power and Illumination Stability“. The protocol is featured on

Beside step-by-step instructions, the protocol provides: