The WG 5 released its first protocol “Monitoring the point spread function for quality control of confocal microscopes“. The protocol is featured on
A common effort for QC in light microscopy of 10 facilities of the French WG-QC of RTmfm network is now online. Hardware and software tools, guidelins, and limit values, checking reproducibility of a microscope. Enjoy our publication

We welcome our first member from Turkey. Salim Can Akçınar of Ege University joined the Working Groups 5,6 and 12. Change the Quality of Light Microscopy Imaging as member of QUAREP-LiMi join us here.

We welcome our first member from the United Arab Emirates. Rachid Rezgui of NYU Abu Dhabi joined the Working Groups 1-7, 9, 10 and 13. Change the Quality of Light Microscopy Imaging as member of QUAREP-LiMi join us here.
We welcome our first member from Qatar. Doha Abbirami of Sidra Medicine joined the Working Groups 3, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Change the Quality of Light Microscopy Imaging as member of QUAREP-LiMi join us here.
QUAREP-LiMi is happy to annouce its own YouTube Channel. The channel already features its first tutorials. More videos will be available in the furure.
The WG 1 released its first protocol “Illumination Power and Illumination Stability“. The protocol is featured on
Beside step-by-step instructions, the protocol provides:
- A link to a public database with measurements made by members of our group and to which you can contribute by uploading your own measurements.
- A link to a GitHub repository with scripts to automatize the measurements with some scopes and power meters
- A link to tutorial videos which are available on the QUAREP-LiMi YouTube Channel
We welcome our first member from the Ireland. Janosch Heller of the Dublin City University joined the Working Group 11. Change the Quality of Light Microscopy Imaging as member of QUAREP-LiMi join us here.
We welcome our first member from the Denmark. Nynne Christensen and Ivana Novak of the University of Copenhagen joined the Working Groups 2 and 10. Change the Quality of Light Microscopy Imaging as member of QUAREP-LiMi join us here.
We welcome our first member from the Ecuador. William Narvaez joined the Working Groups 1, 3, 5, 9 and 11. Change the Quality of Light Microscopy Imaging as member of QUAREP-LiMi join us here.
Today, December 3, 2021, a special edition of Nature Methods was published containing an amazing selection of publications aimed at improving the quality of research results based on light microscopic techniques. The edition contains proposals, requests and demands from researchers for the development and establishment of new quality standards, software tools and techniques for recording, documenting and storing microscope images.
The whole Nature Methods issue about
Reporting and reproducibility in microscopy
can be found here
Nine publications all involving many members of QUAREP-LiMi as authors can be found within the December Nature Methods issue:
- QUAREP-LiMi: a community endeavor to advance quality assessment and reproducibility in light microscopy
- Towards community-driven metadata standards for light microscopy: tiered specifications extending the OME model
- Micro-Meta App: an interactive tool for the collection of microscopy metadata based on community-driven specifications
- MethodsJ2: a software tool to capture metadata and generate comprehensive microscopy methods text
- MDEmic: a metadata annotation tool to facilitate management of FAIR image data in the bioimaging community
- REMBI: Recommended Metadata for Biological Images—enabling reuse of microscopy data in biology
- Best practices and tools for reporting reproducible fluorescence microscopy methods
- OME-NGFF: scalable format strategies for interoperable bioimaging data
- A global view of standards for open image data formats and repositories
An article about the need for QC and the establishment of QUAREP has been published on the FocalPlane website: 2021/09/20/reproducibility-problems-what-reproducibility-problems/
Detailed QUAREP-LiMi white paper online in Journal of Microscopy:
QUAREP-LiMi: A community-driven initiative to establish guidelines for quality assessment and reproducibility for instruments and images in light microscopy
Download the Open Access PDF here.
We welcome our first member from the China. Xiaoming Li from ShanghaiTech University, joined the Working Groups 1 to 11. Change the Quality of Light Microscopy Imaging as member of QUAREP-LiMi join us here.
We welcome the first member from the New Zealand. Alfonso Schmidt from Malaghan Institute of Medical Research, joined the Working Groups 1, 5 and 6. Change the Quality of Light Microscopy Imaging as member of QUAREP-LiMi join us here.
See the newest publication from QUAREP-LiMi in Nature Methods:
“QUAREP-LiMi: a community endeavor to advance quality assessment and reproducibility in light microscopy“
We welcome the first member from the Saudi Arabia. Rizwan Ali from King Abdullah International Medical Research Center (KAIMRC), joined the Working Groups 10 and 11. Change the Quality of Light Microscopy Imaging as member of QUAREP-LiMi join us here.
We welcome the first member from South Africa and Chile. Caron Jacobs from the University of Cape Town, South Africa will join the Working Groups 10 and 11.
Cristina Bertochi from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile is our first member from Chile and will take part in Working Group 11 - Microscopy Publication Standards. We are looking for people from China and New Zealand, which are currently still empty spaces in our world map of the QUAREP-LiMi community. Change the Quality of Light Microscopy Imaging as member of QUAREP-LiMi join us here
The first white paper was published
QUAREP-LiMi: A community-driven initiative to establish guidelines for quality assessment and reproducibility for instruments and images in light microscopy”
on Download the PDF here.