Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Falomir Lockhart | Lisandro | La Plata | INIBIOLP (CONICET-UNLP) | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Guaimas | Francisco | San Martin | CONICET-UNSAM | Gov. | UTC-3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bottomley | Amy | Ultimo | University of Technology Sydney | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Chang | Jinny | Parkville | The University of Melbourne | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Cho | Ellie | Carlton | The University of Melbourne | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Cole | Louise | Sydney | University of Technology | Univ. | UTC+11 |
Condon | Nicholas | Brisbane | University of Queensland | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Dervish | Suat | Westmead | Westmead Institute for Medical Research | Gov. | UTC+10 |
Geoghegan | Niall | Coburg North | WEHI | Univ. | UTC+11 |
Hibbs | Ben | Silvan | Klein Australia Pty Ltd | Industry | UTC+10 |
Hirvonen | Liisa | Perth | The University of Western Australia | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Lee | Woei Ming Steve | Canberra | John Curtin School of Medical Research, The Australian National University | Univ. | UTC+10 |
McMillan | Paul | Parkville | University of Melbourne | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Parslow | Adam | Melbourne | Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute | Private lab | UTC+10 |
Rad | Dorsa | Sydney | ANZAC Research Instittue | Univ. | UTC+11 |
Rajasekhar | Pradeep | Parkville | Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research | Univ. | UTC+11 |
Rogers | Kelly | Parkville | Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Segal | Gabriela | Melbourne | University of Melbourne | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Sibbons | Jane | Adelaide | University of Adelaide | Univ. | UTC+9 |
Springfield | James | Brisbane | University of Queensland | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Su | Yingying | Riverwood | The University of Sydney | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Aumayr | Karin | Vienna | IMP | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Belinova | Tereza | Klosterneuburg | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Cesbron | Yann | Klosterneuburg | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Darwish | Nasser | Klosterneuburg | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Ecker | Rupert | Vienna | TissueGnostics GmbH | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Gharagozlou | Shadi | Klosterneuburg | Institute of science and technology Austria | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Holub | Petr | Graz | BBMRI-ERIC | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Krainer | Lukas | Dornbirn | Prospective Instruments | Industry | UTC+1 |
Krens | Gabriel | Klosterneuburg | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
De Keersmaecker | Herlinde | Ghent | UGent | Univ. | UTC+1 |
De Vos | Winnok | Antwerp | University of Antwerp | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Dmitriev | Ruslan | Ghent | Ghent University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Duwé | Sam | Diepenbeek | Universiteit Hasselt | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Hendrix | Jelle | Diepenbeek | Hasselt University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Martens | Tobie | Leuven | Cell Imaging Core KU Leuven | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Munck | Sebastian | Leuven | University of Leuven | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Okkelman | Irina | Ghent | Ghent University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Vanderwinden | Jean-Marie | Brussels | Université Libre de Bruxelles, Faculté de Médecine, Light Microscopy Facility | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Verschuuren | Marlies | Antwerp | University of Antwerp | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Zhou | Hang | Ghent | Ghent University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Gomes | Andre | Rio de Janeiro | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Lopes | Jose | Ribeirao Preto | USP/Brazil | Univ. | UTC-3 |
S. Teófilo | Francisco | Campinas | University of Campinas | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Ahmadpour | Noushin | Winnipeg | University of Manitoba | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Brideau | Craig | Calgary | University of Calgary | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Bronze de Firmino | Joao Pedro | Hamilton | Centre for Advanced Light Microscopy at McMaster University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Brown | Claire | Montreal | BINA, Canada BioImaging | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Cleret-Buhot | Aurélie | Montreal | Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CRCHUM) | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Colarusso | Pina | Calgary | University of Calgary | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Ertugrul | Efe | Montreal | McGill University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Fillion | Marie-Lyne | Montreal | Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Forbes | Ashli | Vancouver | University of British Columbia | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Gauthier | Pascal | Jonquiere | RioTinto | Private lab | UTC+5 |
Holland | Ian | Ottawa | Teledyne Lumenera | Industry | UTC-8 |
Joyal | Mathieu | Ottawa | University of Ottawa | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Keerthisinghe | Sandra | Burnaby | Simon Fraser University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Key | Jillian | Ottawa | University of Ottawa | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Kuester-Schoeck | Elke | Montreal | CHU Ste-Justine | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Lacoste | Judith | Montreal | MIA Cellavie Inc. | Industry | UTC-4 |
Laferriere | Pascal | Nepean | Teledyne Lumenera | Industry | UTC-5 |
LeDue | Jeffrey | Vancouver | University of British Columbia | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Oreopoulos | John | Toronto | Oxford Inst. Andor | Industry | UTC-5 |
Pavel | Catalin | Montreal | Azure Biosystems Canada Inc. | Industry | UTC+5 |
Plummer | Greg | Edmonton | University of Alberta | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Stifani | Nicolas | Montréal | Université de Montréal | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Teo | Wulin | Calgary | Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary | Univ. | UTC+7 |
Vaahtokari | Anne | Calgary | University of Calgary | Univ. | UTC-7 |
van Oostende-Triplet | Chloë | Ottawa | University of Ottawa | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Wagner | Darcy | Montreal | McGill University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Wang | Liyuan | Ottawa | Cell Biology and Image Acquisition Core Facility, University of Ottawa | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Watson | Kemp | Georgetown, Ontario | Objective Pathology Services Limited | Industry | UTC-4 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bertocchi | Cristina | Santiago de Chile | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Fuentealba Pérez | Luz | Santiago | Universidad Mayor | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Fuhrhop | Carlos | Valdivia | Universidad Austral de Chile | Univ. | UTC+4 |
Parot | Vicente | Santiago de Chile | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Ravasio | Andrea | Macul | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Valiente-EcheverrÃa | Fernando | Santiago | Universidad de Chile | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Hao | Xiang | Hangzhou | Zhejiang University | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Li | Xiaoming | Shanghaitech | Shanghaitech University | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Liu | Penghuan | Hangzhou | China Jiliang University | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Zhao | Yibing | Shanghai | Carl Zeiss | Industry | UTC+8 |
Zhou | Chunyuan | Pudong New Area | Nikon Instruments (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd | Industry | UTC+8 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Blazikova | Michaela | Prague | Light Microscopy Core Facility, IMG CAS | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Capek | Martin | Prague | Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Cebecauer | Marek | Prague | J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Dostál | Zbyněk | Brno | Brno University of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Esner | Milan | Brno | Ceitec Masaryk University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Hatto | Mao | Prague | Nikon | Industry | UTC+2 |
Horvath | Ondrej | Praha | Institute of Molecular Genetics AS CR | Gov. | UTC-1 |
Jesionek | Wojciech | Brno | CELLIM CEITEC Masaryk University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Sanetrnik | Vojtech | Brno | Telight | Industry | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Braunstein | Thomas | København N | Kbh. Uni. CFIM | Univ. | UTC-1 |
Christensen | Nynne | Copenhagen | University of Copenhagen, Center for Advanced Bioimaging | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Harizanova | Jana | Copenhagen | CFIM/University of Copenhagen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Novak | Ivana | Copenhagen | University of Copenhagen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Tosi | Sebastien | Copenhagen | UCPH / DBI-INFRA | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Narvaez | William | Lastenia Toral | NGSI | Private lab | UTC-5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Erikson | John | Turku | Euro-BioImaging | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Fazeli | Elnaz | Helsinki | University of Turku / University of Helsinki | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Guzman | Camilo | Turku | Ã…bo Akademi University | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Liljeström | Mikko | Helsinki | University of Helsinki | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Pylvänäinen | Joanna | Turku | Åbo Akademi University | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Ronkainen | Veli-Pekka | Oulu | University of Oulu | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Tanhuanpää | Kimmo | Helsinki | University of Helsinki | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Vainio | Susanne | Turku | Euro-BioImaging ERIC | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Vonderstein | Kirstin | Helsinki | University of Helsinki | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Acher | Olivier | Palaiseau | HORIBA France | Industry | UTC+1 |
Ameisen | David | Paris | imginIT & European Society of Digital and Integrative Pathology | Industry | UTC+2 |
Aulner | Nathalie | Paris | Institut Pasteur | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Bourg | Nicolas | Cachan | Abbelight | Industry | UTC+1 |
Boyce | Aidan | Cours-de-Monségur | Oxford Inst. Andor | Industry | UTC+1 |
Casse | Alhassan | Vitry-sur-Seine | SANOFI | Industry | UTC+2 |
Clément | Jean-Emmanuel | Villeneuve d’Ascq cedex | University of lille | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Contremoulins | Vincent | Paris | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Converset | Noel | Lay-Saint-Christophe | Lordil | Industry | UTC+1 |
Cordelières | Fabrice | Bordeaux | University of Bordeaux | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Dauphin | Aurelien | Paris | RTmfm | Univ. | UTC+2 |
DELNERY | Elaine | Paris | Global-BioImaging | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Dhmine | Oumou | Monpellier | CNRS | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Egron | Audrey | Pessac | Argolight | Industry | UTC+1 |
Faklaris | Orestis | Montpellier | RTmfm | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Fallet | Mathieu | Marseille | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Gay | Guillaume | Marseille | France BioImaging, BioCampus, Université de Montpellier | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Girard | Philippe | Paris | Institut Jacques Monod - Université de Paris | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Guilbert | Thomas | Cesson-Sévigné | INSCOPER | Industry | UTC+2 |
Guiot | Elvire | Illkirch | IGBMC | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Kapoor | Varun | Paris | Kapoorlabs | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Lahlou | Aliénor | PARIS | Sony CSL - Paris | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Luccardini | Camilla | Lyon | CIQLE Centre d'Imagerie Quantitative Lyon Est | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Madi | Mehdi | Cachan | Abbelight | Industry | UTC+1 |
Mahou | Pierre | Palaiseau | Laboratory for Optics and Biosciences, Ecole Polytechnique | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mateos Langerak | Julio | Montpellier | MRI | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Matthews | Cedric | Marseille | University of Aix-Marseille | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Monterroso | Baptiste | Nice | University of Nice | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Oheim | Martin | Paris | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Papadiamantis | Sotirios | Marseille | University of Aix-Marseille | Univ. | UTC-2 |
Paul-Gilloteaux | Perrine | Nantes | CNRS Univ-Nantes | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Peron-Cane | Caroline | PARIS | TELIGHT | Industry | UTC+1 |
Petithory | Tatiana | Mulhouse | IS2M CNRS UMR 7361 | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Rexhepaj | Elton | Paris | Sanofi | Industry | UTC+1 |
Royon | Arnaud | Bordeaux | Argolight | Industry | UTC+2 |
Saint-Hilaire | Cadisha | Paris | Curie Institute | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Salles | Audrey | Paris | Institut Pasteur | Private lab | UTC+1 |
Sarron | Florian | TOULOUSE | IRIT - CBI/MCD - Université Toulouse III | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Schapman | Damien | Rouen | Normandy University | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Schroeder | Alexandra | Paris | Telight - BioAxial | Industry | UTC+1 |
Shorte | Spencer | Paris | Institut Pasteur | Private lab | UTC+9 |
Soubies | Emmanuel | Toulouse | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+2 |
ster | Ciaran | Marseille | Aix-Marseille Université | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Stringari | Chiara | Palaiseau | CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Teillon | Jérémie | Bordeaux | University of Bordeaux | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Weiss | Pierre | Toulouse | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Yunling | XU | Paris | Parcc, U970, Inserm | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Alexopoulos | Ioannis | Giessen | ILH/CIGL Multiscale Imaging Platform | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Avilov | Sergiy | Freiburg | Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics | MPG | UTC+2 |
Barachati | Fábio | Berlin | PicoQuant GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Beckert | Hannes | Bonn | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Beer | Sebastian | Hersching | Hamamatsu | Industry | UTC+2 |
Belyaev | Ivan | Jena | Friedrich Schiller University Jena | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Benton | Matthew | Heidelberg | EMBL | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Bierwagen | Jakob | Tuebingen | AHF | Industry | UTC+2 |
Birngruber | Konstantin | Munich | Toptica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Bischof | Johanna | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Block | Stephan | Berlin | Freie Universität Berlin | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Boehm | Ulrike | Oberkochen | Carl Zeiss AG | Industry | UTC-4 |
Boissonnet | Tom | Düsseldorf | Heinrich Heine Universität - Center for Advanced imaging | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Breitlow | Juergen | Berlin | PicoQuant GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Brocher | Jan | Ludwigshafen | BioVoxxel | Industry | UTC+1 |
Broeking | Kai | Goettingen | MPI | MPG | UTC+2 |
Budde | Kai | Rostock | University of Rostock | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Calandra | Ivan | Neuwied | IMPALA, Leibniz-Zentrum für Archäologie (LEIZA) | Leibniz | UTC+1 |
Cappellaro | Markus | München | Carl Zeiss Microscopy | Industry | UTC+1 |
Christopher | Jana | Heidelberg | FEBS Press/Uni Heidelberg/Image-Integrity | Univ. | UTC+1 |
D'Este | Elisa | Heidelberg | Max Planck Institute for Medical Research | MPG | UTC-1 |
Deutsch | Manuel | Munich | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Diekhoff | Dagmar | Freiburg | Max-Planck-Institut für Immunbiologie und Epigenetik | MPG | UTC+1 |
Dietzel | Ralf | Rodgau | Omicron | Industry | UTC+2 |
Dietzel | Steffen | Munich | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Ditengou | Franck | Freiburg | University of Clinic Freiburg, IMITATE | Univ. | UTC+1 |
dos Santos | Daniela | Ulm | Ulm University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Drillet | Eric | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Duong | Cao Nguyen | Saarbrücken | Leibniz Institute for New Materials | Leibniz | UTC+1 |
Eich | Florian | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Eismann | Frank | Jena | Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Ewers | Helge | Berlin | Freie Universität Berlin | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Fallisch | Arne | Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Life Imaging Center | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Felscher | Andreas | Luebeck | Coherent | Industry | UTC+2 |
Franke | Christian | Jena | Institute of Applied Optics and Biophysics of the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Fried | Hans | Bonn | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Helmholtz | UTC+2 |
Fu | Yangting | Bonn | Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen e. V. (DZNE) | Helmholtz | UTC+1 |
Gheisari | Ali | Bergkirchen | Thorlabs GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Gonnert | Manfred | Bergkirchen | Thorlabs GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Grebnev | Gleb | Heidelberg | Global BioImaging | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Gunkel | Manuel | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Gütay | Levent | Oldenburg | University of Oldenburg | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Halavatyi | Aliaksandr | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Hartmann | Hella | Dresden | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Haxelmans | Sabine | Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Life Imaging Center | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Heintzmann | Rainer | Jena | Friedrich Schiller University Jena | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Hemmerich | Peter | Jena | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Leibniz | UTC+2 |
Hoffmann | Birgit | Jena | UKJ | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Hoischen | Christian | Jena | Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute | Leibniz | UTC+1 |
Holst | Gerhard | Kehlheim | PCO/Excelitas | Industry | UTC+2 |
Huerta | Daniela | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Huisken | Jan | Göttingen | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Icha | Jaroslav | Erlangen | Interherence GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Jambor | Helena | Dresden | TU Dresden | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Jevtic | Visnja | Freiburg | Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics | MPG | UTC+2 |
Jolmes | Fabian | Berlin | PicoQuant GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Kapsokalyvas | Dimitris | Aachen | University Hospital RWTH Aachen University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Karl | Christian | Bochum | University of Bochum | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Karpf | Sebastian | Luebeck | Universität zu Lübeck | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Kasper | Robert | Hamburg | Evident Europe GmbH | Industry | UTC-1 |
Kemmer | Isabel | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging ERIC | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Kemnitzer | Norbert | Siegen | ATTO-TEC GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Keppler | Antje | Heidelberg | GBI | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Kirchner | Marcel | Cologne | MPI | MPG | UTC+2 |
Köbele | Luis | Freiburg | opto biolabs GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Köning | Rainer | Braunschweig | PTB Braunschweig | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Kremer | Manuel | Mannheim | Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Krüger | Daniel | Münster | Evident | Industry | UTC+1 |
Krzic | Uros | Munich | Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Kukat | Christian | Cologne | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | MPG | UTC+2 |
Kunis | Susanne | Osnabrueck | GerBi-GMB WG 6 | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Laskey | Peter | Wetzlar | Leica Microsystems | Industry | UTC-2 |
Liu | Xiaomin | Mainz | Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research | MPG | UTC+2 |
Luethy | Kevin | Düsseldorf | Bielefeld University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Margineanu | Anca | Berlin | Max Delbrück Centrum Berlin | Helmholtz | UTC+2 |
Mathur | Aastha | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
McFadden | David | Jena | FSU Jena | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mitkovski | Miso | Göttingen | GerBi-GMB WG 1, MPI-NAT | MPG | UTC+2 |
Miura | Kota | Heidelberg | University of Heidleberg | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mülter | Andrea | Mannheim | Leica Microsystems | Industry | UTC+1 |
Neumann | Sophie | Jena | FSU Jena | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Nitschke | Roland | Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Life Imaging Center | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Ossato | Giulia | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+1 |
Oster | Markus | Munich | MPI of Biochemistry | MPG | UTC+2 |
Peng | Tingying | Neuherberg | Helmholtz Munich | Helmholtz | UTC+1 |
Pepperkok | Rainer | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Petrov | Eugene | Berlin | Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Pfander | Claudia | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging Industry Board @BioHub EMBL | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Politi | Antonio | Göttingen | Max Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry | MPG | UTC+1 |
Reis | Yara | Heidelberg | Global BioImaging - EMBL | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Resch-Genger | Ute | Berlin | BAM | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Reymann | Jürgen | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Rhode | Sebastian | Munich | Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Ritz | Sandra | Mainz | Institute of Molecular Biology - IMB | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Royeck | Michael | Bonn | DFG, guest observer | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Rühl | Arnd | Wetzlar | Maerzhaeuser | Industry | UTC+2 |
Schmied | Christopher | Berlin | Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP) | Leibniz | UTC+1 |
Schmied | Jürgen | Gräfelfing | GATTAquant GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Schmoranzer | Jan | Berlin | Charite | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Schroth-Diez | Britta | Dresden | MPI-CBG | MPG | UTC+2 |
Schuchardt | Chris | Jena | Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Schüler | Jutta | Berlin | Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Schulz | Christian | Wetzlar | Leica DIN/ISO | Industry | UTC+2 |
Schumann | Christian | Wetzlar | Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Schütz | Lucas | Heidelberg | AG | Industry | UTC+2 |
Selbach | Florian | Gräfelfing | GATTAquant GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Selchow | Olaf | Gera | Microscopy & BioImaging Consulting | Industry | UTC+2 |
Shakouri | Mahsa | Heidelberg | DKFZ | Industry | UTC+12 |
Sieber | Jochen | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Sisamakis | Evangelos | Berlin | PicoQuant GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Solovyeva | Vita | Oldenburg | University of Oldenburg | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Spitaler | Martin | Munich | MPI of Biochemistry | MPG | UTC+2 |
Sporbert | Anje | Berlin | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Helmholtz | UTC+2 |
Stauber | Christian | Mannheim | Leica Microsystems | Industry | UTC+2 |
Stöckl | Martin | Konstanz | Bioimaging Center / Universiät Konstanz | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Ströker | Dirk | Münster | Evident Technology Center Eurpoe GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Studier | Hauke | Berlin | Becker & Hickl GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Terjung | Stefan | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Tewinkel | Martin | Hamburg | Evident Europe GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Thirase | Jan | Göttingen | Technologie Manufaktur GmbH&Co. KG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Thuenauer | Roland | Hamburg | Heinrich Pette Institute | Leibniz | UTC+2 |
Tischer | Christian | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Tomikawa | Camila | Munich | Cognostics AG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Türschmann | Pierre | Erlangen | Interherence GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
van Zandvoort | Marc | Aachen | RWTH Aachen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Venus | Brüne | Göttingen | Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Vierdag | Wouter-Michiel | Heidelberg | European Molecular Biology Laboratory | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Vogl | Ulrich | Oberkochen | Carl Zeiss AG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Vogt | Michael | Aachen | IZKF Aachen RWTH University Hospital | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Volkmann, Von | Konrad | Berlin | APE Angewandte Physik & Elektronik GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Walther | Christa | Konstanz | German BioImaging-Gesellschaft für Mikroskopie und Bildanalyse e.V. | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Weidtkamp-Peters | Stefanie | Duesseldorf | Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Weis | Markus | Münster | Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Wernet | Tobias | Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Life Imaging Center | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Wetzker | Cornelia | Dresden | TU Dresden | Univ. | UTC+1 |
White | Silke | Dresden | DZNE - German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases | Helmholtz | UTC+2 |
Wiegraebe | Winfried | Seattle | Bruker | Industry | UTC+8 |
Wilms | Christian | Heidelberg | Cairn Research GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Zantl | Roman | Munich | ibidi | Industry | UTC+2 |
Zeug | Andre | Hannover | Hannover Medical School | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Zuschratter | Werner | Magdeburg | Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie - LIN | Leibniz | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Acton | Richard | Cambridge | Human Developmental Biology Initiative | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Ameer-Beg | Simon | London | King’s College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Auer | Julia | Edinburgh | IGC Advanged Imaging Facility, University of Edinburgh | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Bagley | Steve | Manchester | University of Manch. | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Bammann | Rodrigo | Uckfield | Scientifica | Industry | UTC+1 |
Banks | William | Manchester | Cancer research UK manchester institute | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Bennett | Sarah | Coventry | University of Warwick | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Betteridge | Kai | London | Institute of Cancer Research | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Boczonadi | Veronika | Newcastle | Newcastle University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Botchway | Stan | Oxford/Didcot | UKRI-STFC | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Bourn | Matthew | Leeds | National Measurement Laboratory | Industry | UTC+1 |
Bowman | Richard | Glasgow | University of Glasgow | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Boxall | Sally | Leeds | University of Leeds | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Bruckbauer | Andreas | Cambridge | University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Cadby | Ashley | Sheffield | University of Sheffield | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Clements | Darran | Cambridge | University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Corbett | Alex | Exeter | UK BioImaging | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Corcoran | David | Coventry | University of Warwick | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Culley | Siân | London | King's College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Dornblut | Carsten | Cambridge | Abcam | Industry | UTC+1 |
Dzelzainis | Thomas | Didcot | Rutherford Appleton Laboratory | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Eseola | Alice | Norwich | The Sainsbury Laboratory | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Esposito | Alessandro | Uxbridge | Brunel University London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Gaboriau | David | London | Imperial College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Garcia Gonzalez | Esther | Didcot | STFC, UKRI | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Gascoyne | Rebecca | Birmingham | University of Birmingham | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Giles | Patrick | Uckfield | Scientifica | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Goodhand | Isabel | Andover | CoolLED Ltd. | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Gramann | Alex | Andover | CoolLED Ltd. | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Greenwood | Harrison | London | The Francis Crick Institute | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Hadleigh | Roland | Uckfield | Scientifica | Industry | UTC+1 |
Hartley | Matthew | Cambridge | EMBL-EBI | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Hawkins | Tim | Durham | Durham University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Held | Marie | Liverpool | University of Liverpool | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Herzog | Dylan | London | Microscopy Innovation Centre, King's College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Ho | Kenneth | London | The Francis Crick Institute | Private lab | UTC+-0 |
Holter | Jennifer | Oxford | University of Oxford | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Inavalli | V V G | Southampton | University of Southampton | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Iremonger | James | Edinburgh | University of Edinburgh | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Jarman | Anneliese | Cambridge | The Babraham Institute | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Jarvis | Stuart | Cambridge | Prior | Industry | UTC+1 |
Jiang | Junqing | London | National Physical Laboratory | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Knapper | Joe | Glasgow | University of Glasgow | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Koth | Jana | Oxford | Oxford University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Kraev | Igor | Milton Keynes | Open University | Univ. | UTC-1 |
Kugler | Elisabeth | London | UCL | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Kumar | Purnima | CAMBRIDGE | Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Kupcu Yoldas | Aybuke | Hinxton | EMBL-EBI | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Lai | Pok Yui | Oxford | University of Oxford | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Laissue | Philippe | Colchester | University of Essex | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Laude | Alex | Newcastle | Newcastle University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Lawrence | Nicola | Cambridge | Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Lazenby | James | Norwich | Quadram Institute | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Leburn | Christopher | Edinburgh | Chromacity | Univ. | UTC-1 |
Lees | Robert | Didcot | Science and Technology Facilities Council | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Levitt | James | London | Nikon Imaging Centre, King's College London, UK | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Marcello | Marco | Liverpool | University of Liverpool | Univ. | UTC+1 |
McCarthy | Elizabeth | Uxbridge | Brunel University London | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Micu | Ileana | Belfast | Queen's University Belfast | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mitchell | Claire | Glasgow | The Beatson Institute for Cancer Research | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Moore | Josh | Dundee | University of Dundee | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mullan | Alan | Belfast | Andor | Industry | UTC+1 |
Naylor | Huw | Cambridge | CRUK Cambridge Institute | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Nechyporuk-Zloy | Volodymyr | London | Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Nelson | Glyn | Newcastle | UK BioImaging | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Parsons | Maddy | London | King's College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Pattison | Allister | Belfast | Andor | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Payne-Dwyer | Alex | York | University of York | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Peckham | Michelle | Leeds | University of Leeds | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Pichler | Bruno | Lewes | Independent NeuroScience Services INSS | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Poland | Simon | London | King's College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Porter | Iain | Dundee | University of Dundee | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Prakash | Kirti | London | National Physical Laboratory | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Rea | Chris | Belfast | Andor | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Reick | Christiane | Leicester | University of Leicester | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Robson | Joanne | Durham | Durham University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Schuster | Aminul | London | N/A | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Scrimgeour | Ross | London | Institute of Cancer Research | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Shaw | Elisabeth | Lancaster | Lancaster University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Shaw | Mike | London | National Physical Laboratory | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Sherwood | Francois | Hinxton | EMBL-EBI | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Simm | Alan | Liverpool | Liverpool John Moores University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Simms | Richard | Belfast | Oxford Inst. Andor | Industry | UTC+1 |
Stojiljkovic | Ana | London | The Institute of Cancer Research | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Sutcliffe | Ben | Cambridge | University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Swedlow | Jason | Dundee | University of Dundee | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Thomson | Darren | Exeter | University of Exeter | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Valiya Peedikakkal | Liyana | Oxford | Oxford Nanoimaging | Industry | UTC+1 |
Vanderpant | Leslie | Brighton | Microscope Heaters | Industry | UTC-1 |
West | Steven | London | Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, UCL | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Wetton | Paul | Oxford | Carl Zeiss Ltd | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Wilde | Geraint | Belfast | Oxford Inst. Andor | Industry | UTC+1 |
Zachariadis | Michael | Bath | University of Bath | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Zulueta-Coarasa | Teresa | Hinxton | EMBL-EBI | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Barna | Laszlo | Bloomington | Indiana University Bloomington | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Kumar | Gaurav | Chandigarh | CSIR IMTECH | Gov. | UTC-5 |
Podder | Santosh | Pune | IISER Pune | Gov. | UTC-8 |
Verma | Jitender | Sonepat | Ashoka University | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Heller | Janosch | Dublin | Dublin City University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Thompson | Kerry | Galway | University of Galway, Ireland | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Steinberger | Joseph | Rehovot | Weizmann Institute of Science | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bassi | Andrea | Milano | Politecnico di Milano | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Berno | Valeria | Milano | Ospedale San Raffaele- ALEMBIC | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Ceccarelli | Raino | Rome | CrestOptics S.p.A. | Industry | UTC+1 |
Filesi | Federico | Rome | CrestOptics S.p.A. | Industry | UTC+1 |
Perin | Paola | Pavia | University of Pavia | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Piazza | Simonluca | Genoa | Genoa Instruments | Industry | UTC+1 |
Roccia | Emanuele | Rome | CrestOptics S.p.A. | Industry | UTC+2 |
Rossetta | Alessandro | Rome | FLIM LABS | Industry | UTC+1 |
Vicidomini | Giuseppe | Genoa | Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Ferdous | Zannatul | Sapporo | Hokkaido University | Univ. | UTC+9 |
Fujimori | Toshihiko | Okazaki | JP BioImaging | Gov. | UTC+9 |
Kobayashi | Norio | Wako | Riken | Private lab | UTC+9 |
Kyoda | Koji | Kobe | RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research | Gov. | UTC+9 |
Onami | Shuichi | Kobe | Riken | Private lab | UTC+9 |
Sasaki | Akira | Tsukuba | AIST | Gov. | UTC+9 |
Tsuchiya | Takanori | Fujinomiya | TOKAI HIT | Industry | UTC+9 |
Yamada | Yohei | Chiyoda-Ku | Chuo Precision Industrial Co., Ltd. LIFE SCIENCE Dept. | Industry | UTC+9 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Gudavicius | Dominykas | Vilnius | Light Conversion | Industry | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Guerrero | Adan | Cuernavaca | National Autonomous University of Mexico | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Pimentel | Arturo | Mexico | Biotechnology Inst. | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bakker | Gert-Jan | Nijmegen | NVvM | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Barth | Anders | Delft | Delft University of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Brocks | Lenny | Amsterdam | Netherlands Cancer Institute | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Chinnaraj | Subash Bommu | Amstelveen | Nikon Europe B.V. | Industry | UTC+1 |
de Boer | Pascal | Groningen | University Medical Center Groningen | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Dick | Amalie | Amsterdam | Netherlands Cancer Institute | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Drent | Peter | Amsterdam | ONI | Industry | UTC+1 |
Giepmans | Ben | Groningen | Global-BioImaging | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Graaff | Anko | Utrecht | Hubrecht Institute | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Hassani | Ibrahim | Amsterdam | Nikon BV | Industry | UTC+2 |
Herz | Johan | Groningen | Lambert Instruments BV | Industry | UTC+1 |
Le Dévédec | Sylvia | Leiden | Leiden University | Gov. | UTC-2 |
Metcalf | Daniel | Amsterdam | Nikon Europe | Industry | UTC+1 |
Namink | Kevin | Hilversum | Scientific Volume Imaging BV | Industry | UTC+1 |
Oord | Kees | Amsterdam | Nikon | Industry | UTC+1 |
Schoonderwoert | Vincent | Hilversum | Scientific Volume Imaging BV | Industry | UTC+1 |
Shemesh | Michal | Delft | TUD | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Smith | Carlas | Delft | Delft University of technology | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Tassis | Kostas | Leiden | Leiden University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
van der Voort | Hans | Hilversum | Scientific Volume Imaging BV | Industry | UTC+1 |
Voort | Nicolaas | Hilversum | Scientific Volume Imaging BV | Industry | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Rebstock | Ria | Auckland | The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited | Gov. | UTC+12 |
Schmidt | Alfonso | Kelburn Parade | Malaghan Institute of Medical Reserach | Private lab | UTC+12 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Heyward | Catherine | Oslo | University of Oslo | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Kalaš | Matúš | Bergen | University of Bergen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Ludl | Adriaan-Alexander | Bergen | University of Bergen and ELIXIR Norway | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Szymanski | Jędrzej | Warsaw | Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej im. M. Nenckiego PAN | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Węgierski | Tomasz | Warsaw | International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Azevedo | Andreia | Porto | Faculty of Engineering – University of Porto | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Azevedo | Maria | Porto | i3S/University of Porto | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Carvalho | Mariana | Braga | INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Conde-Sousa | Eduardo | Porto | INEB/i3S | Univ. | UTC+0 |
Cortes | Luisa | Coimbra | Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology | Univ. | UTC+0 |
Lopes | Alexandre | Oeiras | IGC | Private lab | UTC+-0 |
Martins | Gabriel | Oeiras | Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine | Private lab | UTC+0 |
Monteiro | Bruno | Porto | i3S | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Pereira | Telmo | Lisbon | CEDOC | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Sampaio | Paula | Porto | i3S | Univ. | UTC+0 |
Vasconcelos | Verónica | Coimbra | Polytechnic University of Coimbra | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Sathappan | Abbirami | Doha | Sidra Medicine | Gov. | UTC+3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Laktiushkin | Viktor | Sochi | Sirius | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Petrov | Maxim | Yekaterinburg | SIAMS Ltd | Industry | UTC+5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Ali | Rizwan | Riyadh | King Abdullah International Medical Research Center | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Hassan | Ahmed | Thuwal | King Abdullah University of Sccience & Technology | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Ogg | Stephen | Thuwal | King Abdullah University of Sccience & Technology | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Dencevski | Aleksa | Belgrade | Institute of physics Belgrade | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Goh | Wah Ing | Singapore | A*STAR Mic.Platform | Gov. | UTC+8 |
Lin | Yangchen | Singapore | National University of Singapore | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Ma | Xiaoxiao | Singapore | A*STAR Mic.Platform | Gov. | UTC+8 |
Siew | Ronian | Singapore | Venture Biotech Modules Business Private Limited | Industry | UTC-8 |
Tan | Lihao | Singapore | Venture Biotech Modules Business Private Limited | Industry | UTC+8 |
Wright | Graham | Singapore | A*STAR Mic.Platform | Gov. | UTC+8 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Kladnik | Aleš | Ljubljana | University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Jacobs | Caron | Cape Town | University of Cape Town | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bosch | Manel | Barcelona | University of Barcelona CCITUB | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Caiolfa | Valeria | Madrid | Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (F.S.P.) | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Calatayud | Eric | Castelldefels | ICFO | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Calvo | Maria | Barcelona | University of Barcelona | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Diez-Guerra | F. Javier | Madrid | CBMSO (CSIC-UAM) | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Dominguez | Paloma | Sevilla | CABIMER | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Escalada | Artur | Leioa | Instituto Biofisika (CSIC-UPV/EHU) | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Giakoumakis | Nikolaos | Barcelona | Institute for Research in Biomedicine Barcelona | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Halidi | Nadia | Barcelona | Centre for Genomic Regulation | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Marsal | Maria | Castelledefels | ICFO | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mateos | Nicolas | Castelldefels | ICFO | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Planagumà | Jesús | Barcelona | Fundació ClÃnic per a la Recerca Biomèdica | Univ. | UTC+1 |
RamÃrez Revilla | Diego | Leioa | Instituto Biofisika Insitutua (CSIC) | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Sahun | Alvaro | Madrid | Center for Molecular Biology | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Suckert | Theresa | Barcelona | IRB Barcelona | Private lab | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Camacho | Rafael | Gothenburg | University of Gothenburg | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Casas-Moreno | Xavier | Solna | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Chatterjee | Nabanita | Gothenburg | University of Gothenburg | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Corbat | Agustin | Uppsala | SciLifeLab BioImage Informatics/Uppsala Universitet/Sweden | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Fernandez-Rodriguez | Julia | Gothenburg | University of Gothenburg | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Garner | Oliver | Lyckeby | BergmanLabora AB | Industry | UTC+1 |
Guldbrand | Stina | Molndal | Thorlabs Sweden AB | Industry | UTC+1 |
Hu | Jianjiang | Huddinge | Karolinska Institutet | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Imreh | Gabriela | Stockholm | Karolinska Institutet | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Le Guyader | Sylvie | Huddinge | Karolinska Institutet | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Miranda | Gisele | Solna | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
norlin | nils | Lund | Lund University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Piguet | Joachim | Stockholm | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Record | Julien | Stockholm | Karolinska Institutet | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Zhang | Haijiang | Göteborg | Among | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bartoszek | Ewelina | Basel | University of Basel | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Batti | Laura | Geneva | Wyss Center | Private lab | UTC+1 |
Belyaev | Yury | Bern | University of Bern | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Bercowsky | Arianne | Zug | Dotphoton AG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Biehlmaier | Oliver | Basel | Imaging Core Facility, Biozentrum, Basel | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Cuny | Andreas | Basel | ETH Zurich | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Extermann | Jerome | Geneva | HEPIA / HESSO | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Ferrand | Alexia | Basel | Biozentrum, University of Basel | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Gelman | Laurent | Basel | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Lorentz | Pascal | Basel | Department of Biomedicine University of Basel | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Nørrelykke | Simon | Zurich | ETH Zurich | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Plantard | Laure | Basel | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Quintas Glasner de Medeiros | Gustavo | Basel | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research | Private lab | UTC+1 |
Reither | Sabine | Basel | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Roig | Sara | Basel | Biozentrum, University of Basel | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Sanguinetti | Bruno | Zug | Dotphoton AG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Seitz | Arne | Lausanne | EPFL | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Sokoloff | Tatiana | Lausanne | Unil | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Chu | Wei-Chen | Taipei | Academia Sinica | Gov. | UTC+8 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Lerksuthirat | Tassanee | Rachathewi | Mahidol Unive | Univ. | UTC+7 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Akçınar | Salim Can | Izmir | Ege University | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Rezgui | Rachid | Abu Dhabi | NYU Abu Dhabi | Univ. | UTC+4 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Malacrida | Leonel | Montevideo | Universidad de la Republica & Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Olivera | Andrés | Montevideo | Latin America Bioimaging | EU-Org | UTC-3 |
Pannunzio | Bruno | Montevideo | Universidad de la República & Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Aaron | Jesse | Ashburn | HHMI Janelia Research Campus | Private lab | UTC-4 |
Acevedo | Luis | Overland Park | thya | Industry | UTC-6 |
Alshafie | Walaa | Ashburn | Janelia research campus | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Ammer | Amanda | Morgantown | West Virginia University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Armstrong | Brian | Duarte | City of Hope | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Asmar | Anthony | Gaithersburg | National Institute of Standards and Technology | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Bain | Virginia | Danvers | Cell Signaling Technology | Industry | UTC-5 |
Bajcsy | Peter | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Banerjee | Priyam | New York | Rockefeller University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Barbu-Stevanovic | Mihaela | New York | New York Blood Center | Industry | UTC-6 |
Barroso | Margarida | Albany | Albany Medical College | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Beavers | Nick | Rockville | Media Cybernetics | Industry | UTC-4 |
Bellve | Karl | Worcester | University of Massachusetts Medical School | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Bergles | Eric | San Jose | Pavilion Integration Corporation | Industry | UTC-8 |
Bernard-Cook | Marie | Worcester | UMass Medical School | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Bialy | Nikki | Madison | BioImaging North America, Morgridge Institute for Research | Org | UTC-5 |
Blute | Todd | Boston | Boston University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Borensztejn | Antoine | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC-7 |
Bowman | Vanessa | Boise | Boise State University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Brinkman | Brendan | Evident | Industry | UTC-4 | |
Brown | Mary | Saint Paul | University of Minnesota - Twin Cities | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Brunt | Peter | Fairport | AVR Optics | Industry | UTC-5 |
Calvert | Meredith | South San Francisco | Denali Therapeutics | Industry | UTC-7 |
Cameron | Lisa | Durham | Duke University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Cammer | Michael | New Rochelle | NYU Langone Medical | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Campbell | George | Memphis | St. Jude Children's Research Hospital | Private lab | UTC-6 |
Catrina | Irina | New York | Yeshiva University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Chacko | Jenu | Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Chalfoun | Joe | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Chambers | James | Boston | BINA | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Chen | Lily | Hayward | Eikon Therapeutics | Industry | UTC-8 |
Chiritescu | Catalin | Champaign | Phi Optics, Inc. | Industry | UTC-6 |
Cialowicz | Katarzyna | New York | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Cimini | Beth | Cambridge | Broad Institute | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Cole | Richard | Albany | New York State Dept of Health, Wadsworth Center | Gov. | UTC-7 |
Consani | Angela | Olathe | Bioscience Core Skills Institute | Private lab | UTC-6 |
Davis | Andy | Nikon | Industry | UTC-4 | |
De Niz | Mariana | Chicago | Northwestern University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Dobbie | Ian | Baltimore | Johns Hopkins University | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Doherty | Glen | New York | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Donnelly | Katelynne | Fort Collins | Biotect Services | Industry | UTC+7 |
Elliott | John | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Esquibel | Corinne | Grand Rapids | Van Andel Institute | Private lab | UTC-4 |
Fitzpatrick | James | Saint Louis | Washington University School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Gandhi | Shivam | Pleasanton | Eikon Therapeutics | Industry | UTC-8 |
Gaudreault | Nathalie | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC-7 |
Georgakoudi | Irene | Hanover | Dartmouth College | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Ghukasyan | Vladimir | Boston | Chan Zuckerberg Initiative | Industry | UTC-5 |
Giang | William | Hershey | Penn State University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Gibbs | Holly | College Station | Texas A&M University | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Grunwald | David | Worcester | University of Massachusetts | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Gu | Tingting | Norman | University of Oklahoma | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Gupta | Shravan | Rochester | The Institute of Optics, University of Rochester | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Halter | Michael | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Hammer | Mathias | Worcester | University of Massachusetts Medical School | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Hammond | Luke | New York | Columbia University | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Hao | Sijie | Charlottesville | University of Virginia, School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Herrington | Kari | San Francisco | university of California San Francisco | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Hockberger | Philip | Chicago | Waymaker Group | Industry | UTC+7 |
Ibarra | Humberto | New York | Zuckerman Institute - University of Columbia | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Itano | Michelle | Chapel Hill | University of North Carolina | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Jaffe | Claudia | Beaverton | Lumencor, Inc. | Industry | UTC-7 |
Kaiza | Medard | Pittsburgh | University of Pittsburgh | Gov. | UTC+4 |
Keller-Peck | Cindy | Boise | Boise State University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Kirchenbüchler | David | Chicago | Northwestern | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Knobel | Karla | Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Koksoy | Ayse | Houston | MD Anderson CC | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Kuo | Scot | Baltimore | Johns Hopkins University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Kwee | Edward | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Landua | Kalika | Houston | Nikon Instruments | Industry | UTC-5 |
Larsen | DeLaine | Hayward | Eikon Therapeutics | Industry | UTC-8 |
Leavesley | Silas | Mobile | University of South Alabama | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Lee | James | Houston | Baylor College of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Lee | Kitty | Stanford | Stanford University | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Lewis | Krista | Worcester | UMass Chan Medical School | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Lin | Sean | Williston | 89 North, Inc. | Industry | UTC-4 |
Liu | Tristan | New York | Columbia University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Machovina | Tyler | Sewickley | Okolab | Industry | UTC+5 |
Manning | Lane | Fairport | AVR Optics | Industry | UTC-5 |
Mast | Fred | Seattle | Seattle Children’s Hospital | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Mezzano | Valeria | New York | NYU School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Mikulski | Zbigniew | La Jolla | La Jolla Institute for Immunology | Private lab | UTC-8 |
Miller | Caroline | Vallejo | Histology, Imaging, and Image Analysis consultancy | Private lab | UTC-8 |
Mohindra | Rachit | Tucson | Teledyne Photometrics | Industry | UTC-7 |
Montero-Llopis | Paula | Boston | Harvard Med. School | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Mulholland | Jonathan | Stanford | Stanford University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Narasimhan | Arun | New York | Icahn School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Nelson | Michael | Madison | University of Wisconsin | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Ng | Emery | Blacksburg | Virginia Tech | Univ. | UTC-4 |
North | Alison | New York | Rockefeller University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Northan | Brian | Guilderland | True North Intelligent Algorithms | Industry | UTC+5 |
ODonnell | Rob | New York | Rockefeller University Press | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Ogama | Takeo | Waltham | Evident | Industry | UTC-4 |
Orlova | Natalia | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC-7 |
Orr | Vanessa | Madison | BioImaging North America, Morgridge Institute for Research | Org | UTC-6 |
Paulucci | Adriana | Houston | MD Anderson CC | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Pengo | Thomas | Minneapolis | University of Minnesota | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Peterka | Darcy | New York | Columbia University | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Peterson | Alexander | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Peterson | John | Cleveland | Cleveland Clinic Foundation | Private lab | UTC-5 |
Pihan | German | Boston | BIDMC/HARVARD | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Powell | Rhonda | Clemson | Clemson University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Price | Meridith | Chapel Hill | Oxford Inst. Bitplane | Industry | UTC-4 |
Reiche | Michael | Ashburn | Howard Hughes Medical Institute | Private lab | UTC+5 |
Relich | Peter | Torrance | Intellisense Systems, Inc. | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Repula | Andrii | Beaverton | Lumencor, Inc. | Industry | UTC+7 |
Rigano | Alessandro | Worcester | UMass Chan Medical School | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Roker | LaToya | Baltimore | Johns Hopkins University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Rosa Molinar | Eduardo | Saint Louis | Washington University in Saint Louis School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Ross-Elliott | Timothy | Boston | Andor | Industry | UTC-5 |
Saltekoff | Stephen | Eugene | Applied Scientific Instrumentation | Industry | UTC+7 |
Sanders | Mark | Minneapolis | University of Minnesota | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Sauer | Ryan | Williston | 89 North, Inc. | Industry | UTC-4 |
Schreiner | Ryan | New York | Weill Cornell Medicine | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Schwartz | Stanley | Austin | Nikon | Industry | UTC-5 |
Scott | Ryan | Moffett Field | KBR/NASA Ames | Gov. | UTC-8 |
Sharma | Ved | New York | Rockefeller University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Smith | Laura | New York | Rockefeller University Press | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Srinivasan | Sathya | Beaverton | ONPRC | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Stats | Sam | Williston | 89 North, Inc. | Industry | UTC-5 |
Staurovsky | Susan | Farmington | UConn Health | EU-Org | UTC-4 |
Strambio De Castillia | Caterina | Worcester | University of Massachusetts Medical School, Program in Molecular Medicine; Chan Zuckerberg Initiative; BINA Quality Control and Data Management Working Group | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Sudar | Damir | Oakland | Quant.Ima. Systems | Industry | UTC-7 |
Swanson | Sarah | Madison | University of Wisconsin | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Ta | Adam | Seattle | Sage Bionetworks | Private lab | UTC+-0 |
Taatjes | Douglas | Burlington | University of Vermont | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Tapia | Pablo | Bethesda | National Institutes of Health (NIH) | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Thirstrup | Derek | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC+7 |
Thornton | Staci | Storrs | University of Connecticut, Department of Kinesiology | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Titus | Steve | Rising SUn | ThermoFisher | Industry | UTC-5 |
Tourtellotte | Jocelyn | Brimfield | UMassChan | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Tsuchida | Mark | Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Tu | Haohua | Urbana | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Tzavaras | Nikos | New York | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Ulbrich | Russell | Worcester | ScientiaLux LLC | Industry | UTC-4 |
Vallmitjana | Alexander | Irvine | University of California, Irvine | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Van Howe | Thomas | Westmont | McCrone Associates, Inc. | Private lab | UTC-5 |
Vetter | Tatyana | Columbus | Nationwide Children's Hospital | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Vitha | Stanislav | College Station | Texas A&M University | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Wee | Erika | Cold Spring Harbor | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Weiss | Kurt | Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Univ. | UTC-6 |
West | Mary | Berkeley | UC Berkeley | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Wilson | Helen | Madison | University of Wisconsin Madison | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Woods | Kali | Boise | Boise State University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Yao | Jie | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC-7 |
Zalavadia | Ajay | Cleveland | Cleveland Clinic | Private lab | UTC-5 |
Zeiss | Erich | Beaverton | Lumencor, Inc. | Industry | UTC-5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Falomir Lockhart | Lisandro | La Plata | INIBIOLP (CONICET-UNLP) | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Guaimas | Francisco | San Martin | CONICET-UNSAM | Gov. | UTC-3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bottomley | Amy | Ultimo | University of Technology Sydney | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Chang | Jinny | Parkville | The University of Melbourne | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Cho | Ellie | Carlton | The University of Melbourne | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Cole | Louise | Sydney | University of Technology | Univ. | UTC+11 |
Condon | Nicholas | Brisbane | University of Queensland | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Dervish | Suat | Westmead | Westmead Institute for Medical Research | Gov. | UTC+10 |
Geoghegan | Niall | Coburg North | WEHI | Univ. | UTC+11 |
Hibbs | Ben | Silvan | Klein Australia Pty Ltd | Industry | UTC+10 |
Hirvonen | Liisa | Perth | The University of Western Australia | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Lee | Woei Ming Steve | Canberra | John Curtin School of Medical Research, The Australian National University | Univ. | UTC+10 |
McMillan | Paul | Parkville | University of Melbourne | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Parslow | Adam | Melbourne | Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute | Private lab | UTC+10 |
Rad | Dorsa | Sydney | ANZAC Research Instittue | Univ. | UTC+11 |
Rajasekhar | Pradeep | Parkville | Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research | Univ. | UTC+11 |
Rogers | Kelly | Parkville | Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Segal | Gabriela | Melbourne | University of Melbourne | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Sibbons | Jane | Adelaide | University of Adelaide | Univ. | UTC+9 |
Springfield | James | Brisbane | University of Queensland | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Su | Yingying | Riverwood | The University of Sydney | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Aumayr | Karin | Vienna | IMP | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Belinova | Tereza | Klosterneuburg | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Cesbron | Yann | Klosterneuburg | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Darwish | Nasser | Klosterneuburg | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Ecker | Rupert | Vienna | TissueGnostics GmbH | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Gharagozlou | Shadi | Klosterneuburg | Institute of science and technology Austria | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Holub | Petr | Graz | BBMRI-ERIC | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Krainer | Lukas | Dornbirn | Prospective Instruments | Industry | UTC+1 |
Krens | Gabriel | Klosterneuburg | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
De Keersmaecker | Herlinde | Ghent | UGent | Univ. | UTC+1 |
De Vos | Winnok | Antwerp | University of Antwerp | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Dmitriev | Ruslan | Ghent | Ghent University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Duwé | Sam | Diepenbeek | Universiteit Hasselt | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Hendrix | Jelle | Diepenbeek | Hasselt University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Martens | Tobie | Leuven | Cell Imaging Core KU Leuven | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Munck | Sebastian | Leuven | University of Leuven | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Okkelman | Irina | Ghent | Ghent University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Vanderwinden | Jean-Marie | Brussels | Université Libre de Bruxelles, Faculté de Médecine, Light Microscopy Facility | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Verschuuren | Marlies | Antwerp | University of Antwerp | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Zhou | Hang | Ghent | Ghent University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Gomes | Andre | Rio de Janeiro | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Lopes | Jose | Ribeirao Preto | USP/Brazil | Univ. | UTC-3 |
S. Teófilo | Francisco | Campinas | University of Campinas | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Ahmadpour | Noushin | Winnipeg | University of Manitoba | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Brideau | Craig | Calgary | University of Calgary | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Bronze de Firmino | Joao Pedro | Hamilton | Centre for Advanced Light Microscopy at McMaster University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Brown | Claire | Montreal | BINA, Canada BioImaging | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Cleret-Buhot | Aurélie | Montreal | Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CRCHUM) | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Colarusso | Pina | Calgary | University of Calgary | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Ertugrul | Efe | Montreal | McGill University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Fillion | Marie-Lyne | Montreal | Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Forbes | Ashli | Vancouver | University of British Columbia | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Gauthier | Pascal | Jonquiere | RioTinto | Private lab | UTC+5 |
Holland | Ian | Ottawa | Teledyne Lumenera | Industry | UTC-8 |
Joyal | Mathieu | Ottawa | University of Ottawa | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Keerthisinghe | Sandra | Burnaby | Simon Fraser University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Key | Jillian | Ottawa | University of Ottawa | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Kuester-Schoeck | Elke | Montreal | CHU Ste-Justine | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Lacoste | Judith | Montreal | MIA Cellavie Inc. | Industry | UTC-4 |
Laferriere | Pascal | Nepean | Teledyne Lumenera | Industry | UTC-5 |
LeDue | Jeffrey | Vancouver | University of British Columbia | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Oreopoulos | John | Toronto | Oxford Inst. Andor | Industry | UTC-5 |
Pavel | Catalin | Montreal | Azure Biosystems Canada Inc. | Industry | UTC+5 |
Plummer | Greg | Edmonton | University of Alberta | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Stifani | Nicolas | Montréal | Université de Montréal | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Teo | Wulin | Calgary | Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary | Univ. | UTC+7 |
Vaahtokari | Anne | Calgary | University of Calgary | Univ. | UTC-7 |
van Oostende-Triplet | Chloë | Ottawa | University of Ottawa | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Wagner | Darcy | Montreal | McGill University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Wang | Liyuan | Ottawa | Cell Biology and Image Acquisition Core Facility, University of Ottawa | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Watson | Kemp | Georgetown, Ontario | Objective Pathology Services Limited | Industry | UTC-4 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bertocchi | Cristina | Santiago de Chile | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Fuentealba Pérez | Luz | Santiago | Universidad Mayor | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Fuhrhop | Carlos | Valdivia | Universidad Austral de Chile | Univ. | UTC+4 |
Parot | Vicente | Santiago de Chile | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Ravasio | Andrea | Macul | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Valiente-EcheverrÃa | Fernando | Santiago | Universidad de Chile | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Hao | Xiang | Hangzhou | Zhejiang University | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Li | Xiaoming | Shanghaitech | Shanghaitech University | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Liu | Penghuan | Hangzhou | China Jiliang University | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Zhao | Yibing | Shanghai | Carl Zeiss | Industry | UTC+8 |
Zhou | Chunyuan | Pudong New Area | Nikon Instruments (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd | Industry | UTC+8 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Blazikova | Michaela | Prague | Light Microscopy Core Facility, IMG CAS | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Capek | Martin | Prague | Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Cebecauer | Marek | Prague | J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Dostál | Zbyněk | Brno | Brno University of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Esner | Milan | Brno | Ceitec Masaryk University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Hatto | Mao | Prague | Nikon | Industry | UTC+2 |
Horvath | Ondrej | Praha | Institute of Molecular Genetics AS CR | Gov. | UTC-1 |
Jesionek | Wojciech | Brno | CELLIM CEITEC Masaryk University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Sanetrnik | Vojtech | Brno | Telight | Industry | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Braunstein | Thomas | København N | Kbh. Uni. CFIM | Univ. | UTC-1 |
Christensen | Nynne | Copenhagen | University of Copenhagen, Center for Advanced Bioimaging | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Harizanova | Jana | Copenhagen | CFIM/University of Copenhagen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Novak | Ivana | Copenhagen | University of Copenhagen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Tosi | Sebastien | Copenhagen | UCPH / DBI-INFRA | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Narvaez | William | Lastenia Toral | NGSI | Private lab | UTC-5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Erikson | John | Turku | Euro-BioImaging | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Fazeli | Elnaz | Helsinki | University of Turku / University of Helsinki | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Guzman | Camilo | Turku | Ã…bo Akademi University | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Liljeström | Mikko | Helsinki | University of Helsinki | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Pylvänäinen | Joanna | Turku | Åbo Akademi University | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Ronkainen | Veli-Pekka | Oulu | University of Oulu | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Tanhuanpää | Kimmo | Helsinki | University of Helsinki | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Vainio | Susanne | Turku | Euro-BioImaging ERIC | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Vonderstein | Kirstin | Helsinki | University of Helsinki | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Acher | Olivier | Palaiseau | HORIBA France | Industry | UTC+1 |
Ameisen | David | Paris | imginIT & European Society of Digital and Integrative Pathology | Industry | UTC+2 |
Aulner | Nathalie | Paris | Institut Pasteur | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Bourg | Nicolas | Cachan | Abbelight | Industry | UTC+1 |
Boyce | Aidan | Cours-de-Monségur | Oxford Inst. Andor | Industry | UTC+1 |
Casse | Alhassan | Vitry-sur-Seine | SANOFI | Industry | UTC+2 |
Clément | Jean-Emmanuel | Villeneuve d’Ascq cedex | University of lille | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Contremoulins | Vincent | Paris | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Converset | Noel | Lay-Saint-Christophe | Lordil | Industry | UTC+1 |
Cordelières | Fabrice | Bordeaux | University of Bordeaux | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Dauphin | Aurelien | Paris | RTmfm | Univ. | UTC+2 |
DELNERY | Elaine | Paris | Global-BioImaging | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Dhmine | Oumou | Monpellier | CNRS | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Egron | Audrey | Pessac | Argolight | Industry | UTC+1 |
Faklaris | Orestis | Montpellier | RTmfm | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Fallet | Mathieu | Marseille | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Gay | Guillaume | Marseille | France BioImaging, BioCampus, Université de Montpellier | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Girard | Philippe | Paris | Institut Jacques Monod - Université de Paris | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Guilbert | Thomas | Cesson-Sévigné | INSCOPER | Industry | UTC+2 |
Guiot | Elvire | Illkirch | IGBMC | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Kapoor | Varun | Paris | Kapoorlabs | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Lahlou | Aliénor | PARIS | Sony CSL - Paris | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Luccardini | Camilla | Lyon | CIQLE Centre d'Imagerie Quantitative Lyon Est | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Madi | Mehdi | Cachan | Abbelight | Industry | UTC+1 |
Mahou | Pierre | Palaiseau | Laboratory for Optics and Biosciences, Ecole Polytechnique | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mateos Langerak | Julio | Montpellier | MRI | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Matthews | Cedric | Marseille | University of Aix-Marseille | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Monterroso | Baptiste | Nice | University of Nice | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Oheim | Martin | Paris | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Papadiamantis | Sotirios | Marseille | University of Aix-Marseille | Univ. | UTC-2 |
Paul-Gilloteaux | Perrine | Nantes | CNRS Univ-Nantes | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Peron-Cane | Caroline | PARIS | TELIGHT | Industry | UTC+1 |
Petithory | Tatiana | Mulhouse | IS2M CNRS UMR 7361 | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Rexhepaj | Elton | Paris | Sanofi | Industry | UTC+1 |
Royon | Arnaud | Bordeaux | Argolight | Industry | UTC+2 |
Saint-Hilaire | Cadisha | Paris | Curie Institute | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Salles | Audrey | Paris | Institut Pasteur | Private lab | UTC+1 |
Sarron | Florian | TOULOUSE | IRIT - CBI/MCD - Université Toulouse III | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Schapman | Damien | Rouen | Normandy University | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Schroeder | Alexandra | Paris | Telight - BioAxial | Industry | UTC+1 |
Shorte | Spencer | Paris | Institut Pasteur | Private lab | UTC+9 |
Soubies | Emmanuel | Toulouse | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+2 |
ster | Ciaran | Marseille | Aix-Marseille Université | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Stringari | Chiara | Palaiseau | CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Teillon | Jérémie | Bordeaux | University of Bordeaux | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Weiss | Pierre | Toulouse | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Yunling | XU | Paris | Parcc, U970, Inserm | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Alexopoulos | Ioannis | Giessen | ILH/CIGL Multiscale Imaging Platform | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Avilov | Sergiy | Freiburg | Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics | MPG | UTC+2 |
Barachati | Fábio | Berlin | PicoQuant GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Beckert | Hannes | Bonn | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Beer | Sebastian | Hersching | Hamamatsu | Industry | UTC+2 |
Belyaev | Ivan | Jena | Friedrich Schiller University Jena | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Benton | Matthew | Heidelberg | EMBL | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Bierwagen | Jakob | Tuebingen | AHF | Industry | UTC+2 |
Birngruber | Konstantin | Munich | Toptica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Bischof | Johanna | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Block | Stephan | Berlin | Freie Universität Berlin | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Boehm | Ulrike | Oberkochen | Carl Zeiss AG | Industry | UTC-4 |
Boissonnet | Tom | Düsseldorf | Heinrich Heine Universität - Center for Advanced imaging | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Breitlow | Juergen | Berlin | PicoQuant GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Brocher | Jan | Ludwigshafen | BioVoxxel | Industry | UTC+1 |
Broeking | Kai | Goettingen | MPI | MPG | UTC+2 |
Budde | Kai | Rostock | University of Rostock | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Calandra | Ivan | Neuwied | IMPALA, Leibniz-Zentrum für Archäologie (LEIZA) | Leibniz | UTC+1 |
Cappellaro | Markus | München | Carl Zeiss Microscopy | Industry | UTC+1 |
Christopher | Jana | Heidelberg | FEBS Press/Uni Heidelberg/Image-Integrity | Univ. | UTC+1 |
D'Este | Elisa | Heidelberg | Max Planck Institute for Medical Research | MPG | UTC-1 |
Deutsch | Manuel | Munich | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Diekhoff | Dagmar | Freiburg | Max-Planck-Institut für Immunbiologie und Epigenetik | MPG | UTC+1 |
Dietzel | Ralf | Rodgau | Omicron | Industry | UTC+2 |
Dietzel | Steffen | Munich | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Ditengou | Franck | Freiburg | University of Clinic Freiburg, IMITATE | Univ. | UTC+1 |
dos Santos | Daniela | Ulm | Ulm University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Drillet | Eric | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Duong | Cao Nguyen | Saarbrücken | Leibniz Institute for New Materials | Leibniz | UTC+1 |
Eich | Florian | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Eismann | Frank | Jena | Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Ewers | Helge | Berlin | Freie Universität Berlin | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Fallisch | Arne | Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Life Imaging Center | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Felscher | Andreas | Luebeck | Coherent | Industry | UTC+2 |
Franke | Christian | Jena | Institute of Applied Optics and Biophysics of the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Fried | Hans | Bonn | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Helmholtz | UTC+2 |
Fu | Yangting | Bonn | Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen e. V. (DZNE) | Helmholtz | UTC+1 |
Gheisari | Ali | Bergkirchen | Thorlabs GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Gonnert | Manfred | Bergkirchen | Thorlabs GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Grebnev | Gleb | Heidelberg | Global BioImaging | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Gunkel | Manuel | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Gütay | Levent | Oldenburg | University of Oldenburg | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Halavatyi | Aliaksandr | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Hartmann | Hella | Dresden | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Haxelmans | Sabine | Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Life Imaging Center | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Heintzmann | Rainer | Jena | Friedrich Schiller University Jena | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Hemmerich | Peter | Jena | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Leibniz | UTC+2 |
Hoffmann | Birgit | Jena | UKJ | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Hoischen | Christian | Jena | Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute | Leibniz | UTC+1 |
Holst | Gerhard | Kehlheim | PCO/Excelitas | Industry | UTC+2 |
Huerta | Daniela | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Huisken | Jan | Göttingen | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Icha | Jaroslav | Erlangen | Interherence GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Jambor | Helena | Dresden | TU Dresden | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Jevtic | Visnja | Freiburg | Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics | MPG | UTC+2 |
Jolmes | Fabian | Berlin | PicoQuant GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Kapsokalyvas | Dimitris | Aachen | University Hospital RWTH Aachen University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Karl | Christian | Bochum | University of Bochum | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Karpf | Sebastian | Luebeck | Universität zu Lübeck | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Kasper | Robert | Hamburg | Evident Europe GmbH | Industry | UTC-1 |
Kemmer | Isabel | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging ERIC | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Kemnitzer | Norbert | Siegen | ATTO-TEC GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Keppler | Antje | Heidelberg | GBI | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Kirchner | Marcel | Cologne | MPI | MPG | UTC+2 |
Köbele | Luis | Freiburg | opto biolabs GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Köning | Rainer | Braunschweig | PTB Braunschweig | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Kremer | Manuel | Mannheim | Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Krüger | Daniel | Münster | Evident | Industry | UTC+1 |
Krzic | Uros | Munich | Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Kukat | Christian | Cologne | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | MPG | UTC+2 |
Kunis | Susanne | Osnabrueck | GerBi-GMB WG 6 | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Laskey | Peter | Wetzlar | Leica Microsystems | Industry | UTC-2 |
Liu | Xiaomin | Mainz | Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research | MPG | UTC+2 |
Luethy | Kevin | Düsseldorf | Bielefeld University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Margineanu | Anca | Berlin | Max Delbrück Centrum Berlin | Helmholtz | UTC+2 |
Mathur | Aastha | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
McFadden | David | Jena | FSU Jena | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mitkovski | Miso | Göttingen | GerBi-GMB WG 1, MPI-NAT | MPG | UTC+2 |
Miura | Kota | Heidelberg | University of Heidleberg | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mülter | Andrea | Mannheim | Leica Microsystems | Industry | UTC+1 |
Neumann | Sophie | Jena | FSU Jena | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Nitschke | Roland | Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Life Imaging Center | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Ossato | Giulia | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+1 |
Oster | Markus | Munich | MPI of Biochemistry | MPG | UTC+2 |
Peng | Tingying | Neuherberg | Helmholtz Munich | Helmholtz | UTC+1 |
Pepperkok | Rainer | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Petrov | Eugene | Berlin | Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Pfander | Claudia | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging Industry Board @BioHub EMBL | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Politi | Antonio | Göttingen | Max Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry | MPG | UTC+1 |
Reis | Yara | Heidelberg | Global BioImaging - EMBL | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Resch-Genger | Ute | Berlin | BAM | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Reymann | Jürgen | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Rhode | Sebastian | Munich | Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Ritz | Sandra | Mainz | Institute of Molecular Biology - IMB | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Royeck | Michael | Bonn | DFG, guest observer | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Rühl | Arnd | Wetzlar | Maerzhaeuser | Industry | UTC+2 |
Schmied | Christopher | Berlin | Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP) | Leibniz | UTC+1 |
Schmied | Jürgen | Gräfelfing | GATTAquant GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Schmoranzer | Jan | Berlin | Charite | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Schroth-Diez | Britta | Dresden | MPI-CBG | MPG | UTC+2 |
Schuchardt | Chris | Jena | Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Schüler | Jutta | Berlin | Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Schulz | Christian | Wetzlar | Leica DIN/ISO | Industry | UTC+2 |
Schumann | Christian | Wetzlar | Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Schütz | Lucas | Heidelberg | AG | Industry | UTC+2 |
Selbach | Florian | Gräfelfing | GATTAquant GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Selchow | Olaf | Gera | Microscopy & BioImaging Consulting | Industry | UTC+2 |
Shakouri | Mahsa | Heidelberg | DKFZ | Industry | UTC+12 |
Sieber | Jochen | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Sisamakis | Evangelos | Berlin | PicoQuant GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Solovyeva | Vita | Oldenburg | University of Oldenburg | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Spitaler | Martin | Munich | MPI of Biochemistry | MPG | UTC+2 |
Sporbert | Anje | Berlin | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Helmholtz | UTC+2 |
Stauber | Christian | Mannheim | Leica Microsystems | Industry | UTC+2 |
Stöckl | Martin | Konstanz | Bioimaging Center / Universiät Konstanz | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Ströker | Dirk | Münster | Evident Technology Center Eurpoe GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Studier | Hauke | Berlin | Becker & Hickl GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Terjung | Stefan | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Tewinkel | Martin | Hamburg | Evident Europe GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Thirase | Jan | Göttingen | Technologie Manufaktur GmbH&Co. KG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Thuenauer | Roland | Hamburg | Heinrich Pette Institute | Leibniz | UTC+2 |
Tischer | Christian | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Tomikawa | Camila | Munich | Cognostics AG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Türschmann | Pierre | Erlangen | Interherence GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
van Zandvoort | Marc | Aachen | RWTH Aachen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Venus | Brüne | Göttingen | Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Vierdag | Wouter-Michiel | Heidelberg | European Molecular Biology Laboratory | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Vogl | Ulrich | Oberkochen | Carl Zeiss AG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Vogt | Michael | Aachen | IZKF Aachen RWTH University Hospital | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Volkmann, Von | Konrad | Berlin | APE Angewandte Physik & Elektronik GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Walther | Christa | Konstanz | German BioImaging-Gesellschaft für Mikroskopie und Bildanalyse e.V. | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Weidtkamp-Peters | Stefanie | Duesseldorf | Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Weis | Markus | Münster | Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Wernet | Tobias | Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Life Imaging Center | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Wetzker | Cornelia | Dresden | TU Dresden | Univ. | UTC+1 |
White | Silke | Dresden | DZNE - German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases | Helmholtz | UTC+2 |
Wiegraebe | Winfried | Seattle | Bruker | Industry | UTC+8 |
Wilms | Christian | Heidelberg | Cairn Research GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Zantl | Roman | Munich | ibidi | Industry | UTC+2 |
Zeug | Andre | Hannover | Hannover Medical School | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Zuschratter | Werner | Magdeburg | Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie - LIN | Leibniz | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Acton | Richard | Cambridge | Human Developmental Biology Initiative | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Ameer-Beg | Simon | London | King’s College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Auer | Julia | Edinburgh | IGC Advanged Imaging Facility, University of Edinburgh | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Bagley | Steve | Manchester | University of Manch. | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Bammann | Rodrigo | Uckfield | Scientifica | Industry | UTC+1 |
Banks | William | Manchester | Cancer research UK manchester institute | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Bennett | Sarah | Coventry | University of Warwick | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Betteridge | Kai | London | Institute of Cancer Research | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Boczonadi | Veronika | Newcastle | Newcastle University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Botchway | Stan | Oxford/Didcot | UKRI-STFC | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Bourn | Matthew | Leeds | National Measurement Laboratory | Industry | UTC+1 |
Bowman | Richard | Glasgow | University of Glasgow | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Boxall | Sally | Leeds | University of Leeds | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Bruckbauer | Andreas | Cambridge | University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Cadby | Ashley | Sheffield | University of Sheffield | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Clements | Darran | Cambridge | University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Corbett | Alex | Exeter | UK BioImaging | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Corcoran | David | Coventry | University of Warwick | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Culley | Siân | London | King's College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Dornblut | Carsten | Cambridge | Abcam | Industry | UTC+1 |
Dzelzainis | Thomas | Didcot | Rutherford Appleton Laboratory | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Eseola | Alice | Norwich | The Sainsbury Laboratory | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Esposito | Alessandro | Uxbridge | Brunel University London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Gaboriau | David | London | Imperial College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Garcia Gonzalez | Esther | Didcot | STFC, UKRI | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Gascoyne | Rebecca | Birmingham | University of Birmingham | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Giles | Patrick | Uckfield | Scientifica | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Goodhand | Isabel | Andover | CoolLED Ltd. | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Gramann | Alex | Andover | CoolLED Ltd. | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Greenwood | Harrison | London | The Francis Crick Institute | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Hadleigh | Roland | Uckfield | Scientifica | Industry | UTC+1 |
Hartley | Matthew | Cambridge | EMBL-EBI | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Hawkins | Tim | Durham | Durham University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Held | Marie | Liverpool | University of Liverpool | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Herzog | Dylan | London | Microscopy Innovation Centre, King's College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Ho | Kenneth | London | The Francis Crick Institute | Private lab | UTC+-0 |
Holter | Jennifer | Oxford | University of Oxford | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Inavalli | V V G | Southampton | University of Southampton | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Iremonger | James | Edinburgh | University of Edinburgh | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Jarman | Anneliese | Cambridge | The Babraham Institute | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Jarvis | Stuart | Cambridge | Prior | Industry | UTC+1 |
Jiang | Junqing | London | National Physical Laboratory | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Knapper | Joe | Glasgow | University of Glasgow | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Koth | Jana | Oxford | Oxford University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Kraev | Igor | Milton Keynes | Open University | Univ. | UTC-1 |
Kugler | Elisabeth | London | UCL | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Kumar | Purnima | CAMBRIDGE | Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Kupcu Yoldas | Aybuke | Hinxton | EMBL-EBI | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Lai | Pok Yui | Oxford | University of Oxford | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Laissue | Philippe | Colchester | University of Essex | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Laude | Alex | Newcastle | Newcastle University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Lawrence | Nicola | Cambridge | Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Lazenby | James | Norwich | Quadram Institute | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Leburn | Christopher | Edinburgh | Chromacity | Univ. | UTC-1 |
Lees | Robert | Didcot | Science and Technology Facilities Council | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Levitt | James | London | Nikon Imaging Centre, King's College London, UK | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Marcello | Marco | Liverpool | University of Liverpool | Univ. | UTC+1 |
McCarthy | Elizabeth | Uxbridge | Brunel University London | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Micu | Ileana | Belfast | Queen's University Belfast | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mitchell | Claire | Glasgow | The Beatson Institute for Cancer Research | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Moore | Josh | Dundee | University of Dundee | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mullan | Alan | Belfast | Andor | Industry | UTC+1 |
Naylor | Huw | Cambridge | CRUK Cambridge Institute | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Nechyporuk-Zloy | Volodymyr | London | Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Nelson | Glyn | Newcastle | UK BioImaging | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Parsons | Maddy | London | King's College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Pattison | Allister | Belfast | Andor | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Payne-Dwyer | Alex | York | University of York | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Peckham | Michelle | Leeds | University of Leeds | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Pichler | Bruno | Lewes | Independent NeuroScience Services INSS | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Poland | Simon | London | King's College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Porter | Iain | Dundee | University of Dundee | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Prakash | Kirti | London | National Physical Laboratory | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Rea | Chris | Belfast | Andor | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Reick | Christiane | Leicester | University of Leicester | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Robson | Joanne | Durham | Durham University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Schuster | Aminul | London | N/A | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Scrimgeour | Ross | London | Institute of Cancer Research | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Shaw | Elisabeth | Lancaster | Lancaster University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Shaw | Mike | London | National Physical Laboratory | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Sherwood | Francois | Hinxton | EMBL-EBI | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Simm | Alan | Liverpool | Liverpool John Moores University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Simms | Richard | Belfast | Oxford Inst. Andor | Industry | UTC+1 |
Stojiljkovic | Ana | London | The Institute of Cancer Research | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Sutcliffe | Ben | Cambridge | University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Swedlow | Jason | Dundee | University of Dundee | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Thomson | Darren | Exeter | University of Exeter | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Valiya Peedikakkal | Liyana | Oxford | Oxford Nanoimaging | Industry | UTC+1 |
Vanderpant | Leslie | Brighton | Microscope Heaters | Industry | UTC-1 |
West | Steven | London | Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, UCL | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Wetton | Paul | Oxford | Carl Zeiss Ltd | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Wilde | Geraint | Belfast | Oxford Inst. Andor | Industry | UTC+1 |
Zachariadis | Michael | Bath | University of Bath | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Zulueta-Coarasa | Teresa | Hinxton | EMBL-EBI | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Barna | Laszlo | Bloomington | Indiana University Bloomington | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Kumar | Gaurav | Chandigarh | CSIR IMTECH | Gov. | UTC-5 |
Podder | Santosh | Pune | IISER Pune | Gov. | UTC-8 |
Verma | Jitender | Sonepat | Ashoka University | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Heller | Janosch | Dublin | Dublin City University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Thompson | Kerry | Galway | University of Galway, Ireland | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Steinberger | Joseph | Rehovot | Weizmann Institute of Science | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bassi | Andrea | Milano | Politecnico di Milano | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Berno | Valeria | Milano | Ospedale San Raffaele- ALEMBIC | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Ceccarelli | Raino | Rome | CrestOptics S.p.A. | Industry | UTC+1 |
Filesi | Federico | Rome | CrestOptics S.p.A. | Industry | UTC+1 |
Perin | Paola | Pavia | University of Pavia | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Piazza | Simonluca | Genoa | Genoa Instruments | Industry | UTC+1 |
Roccia | Emanuele | Rome | CrestOptics S.p.A. | Industry | UTC+2 |
Rossetta | Alessandro | Rome | FLIM LABS | Industry | UTC+1 |
Vicidomini | Giuseppe | Genoa | Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Ferdous | Zannatul | Sapporo | Hokkaido University | Univ. | UTC+9 |
Fujimori | Toshihiko | Okazaki | JP BioImaging | Gov. | UTC+9 |
Kobayashi | Norio | Wako | Riken | Private lab | UTC+9 |
Kyoda | Koji | Kobe | RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research | Gov. | UTC+9 |
Onami | Shuichi | Kobe | Riken | Private lab | UTC+9 |
Sasaki | Akira | Tsukuba | AIST | Gov. | UTC+9 |
Tsuchiya | Takanori | Fujinomiya | TOKAI HIT | Industry | UTC+9 |
Yamada | Yohei | Chiyoda-Ku | Chuo Precision Industrial Co., Ltd. LIFE SCIENCE Dept. | Industry | UTC+9 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Gudavicius | Dominykas | Vilnius | Light Conversion | Industry | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Guerrero | Adan | Cuernavaca | National Autonomous University of Mexico | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Pimentel | Arturo | Mexico | Biotechnology Inst. | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bakker | Gert-Jan | Nijmegen | NVvM | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Barth | Anders | Delft | Delft University of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Brocks | Lenny | Amsterdam | Netherlands Cancer Institute | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Chinnaraj | Subash Bommu | Amstelveen | Nikon Europe B.V. | Industry | UTC+1 |
de Boer | Pascal | Groningen | University Medical Center Groningen | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Dick | Amalie | Amsterdam | Netherlands Cancer Institute | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Drent | Peter | Amsterdam | ONI | Industry | UTC+1 |
Giepmans | Ben | Groningen | Global-BioImaging | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Graaff | Anko | Utrecht | Hubrecht Institute | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Hassani | Ibrahim | Amsterdam | Nikon BV | Industry | UTC+2 |
Herz | Johan | Groningen | Lambert Instruments BV | Industry | UTC+1 |
Le Dévédec | Sylvia | Leiden | Leiden University | Gov. | UTC-2 |
Metcalf | Daniel | Amsterdam | Nikon Europe | Industry | UTC+1 |
Namink | Kevin | Hilversum | Scientific Volume Imaging BV | Industry | UTC+1 |
Oord | Kees | Amsterdam | Nikon | Industry | UTC+1 |
Schoonderwoert | Vincent | Hilversum | Scientific Volume Imaging BV | Industry | UTC+1 |
Shemesh | Michal | Delft | TUD | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Smith | Carlas | Delft | Delft University of technology | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Tassis | Kostas | Leiden | Leiden University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
van der Voort | Hans | Hilversum | Scientific Volume Imaging BV | Industry | UTC+1 |
Voort | Nicolaas | Hilversum | Scientific Volume Imaging BV | Industry | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Rebstock | Ria | Auckland | The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited | Gov. | UTC+12 |
Schmidt | Alfonso | Kelburn Parade | Malaghan Institute of Medical Reserach | Private lab | UTC+12 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Heyward | Catherine | Oslo | University of Oslo | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Kalaš | Matúš | Bergen | University of Bergen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Ludl | Adriaan-Alexander | Bergen | University of Bergen and ELIXIR Norway | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Szymanski | Jędrzej | Warsaw | Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej im. M. Nenckiego PAN | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Węgierski | Tomasz | Warsaw | International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Azevedo | Andreia | Porto | Faculty of Engineering – University of Porto | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Azevedo | Maria | Porto | i3S/University of Porto | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Carvalho | Mariana | Braga | INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Conde-Sousa | Eduardo | Porto | INEB/i3S | Univ. | UTC+0 |
Cortes | Luisa | Coimbra | Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology | Univ. | UTC+0 |
Lopes | Alexandre | Oeiras | IGC | Private lab | UTC+-0 |
Martins | Gabriel | Oeiras | Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine | Private lab | UTC+0 |
Monteiro | Bruno | Porto | i3S | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Pereira | Telmo | Lisbon | CEDOC | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Sampaio | Paula | Porto | i3S | Univ. | UTC+0 |
Vasconcelos | Verónica | Coimbra | Polytechnic University of Coimbra | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Sathappan | Abbirami | Doha | Sidra Medicine | Gov. | UTC+3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Laktiushkin | Viktor | Sochi | Sirius | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Petrov | Maxim | Yekaterinburg | SIAMS Ltd | Industry | UTC+5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Ali | Rizwan | Riyadh | King Abdullah International Medical Research Center | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Hassan | Ahmed | Thuwal | King Abdullah University of Sccience & Technology | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Ogg | Stephen | Thuwal | King Abdullah University of Sccience & Technology | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Dencevski | Aleksa | Belgrade | Institute of physics Belgrade | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Goh | Wah Ing | Singapore | A*STAR Mic.Platform | Gov. | UTC+8 |
Lin | Yangchen | Singapore | National University of Singapore | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Ma | Xiaoxiao | Singapore | A*STAR Mic.Platform | Gov. | UTC+8 |
Siew | Ronian | Singapore | Venture Biotech Modules Business Private Limited | Industry | UTC-8 |
Tan | Lihao | Singapore | Venture Biotech Modules Business Private Limited | Industry | UTC+8 |
Wright | Graham | Singapore | A*STAR Mic.Platform | Gov. | UTC+8 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Kladnik | Aleš | Ljubljana | University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Jacobs | Caron | Cape Town | University of Cape Town | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bosch | Manel | Barcelona | University of Barcelona CCITUB | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Caiolfa | Valeria | Madrid | Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (F.S.P.) | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Calatayud | Eric | Castelldefels | ICFO | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Calvo | Maria | Barcelona | University of Barcelona | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Diez-Guerra | F. Javier | Madrid | CBMSO (CSIC-UAM) | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Dominguez | Paloma | Sevilla | CABIMER | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Escalada | Artur | Leioa | Instituto Biofisika (CSIC-UPV/EHU) | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Giakoumakis | Nikolaos | Barcelona | Institute for Research in Biomedicine Barcelona | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Halidi | Nadia | Barcelona | Centre for Genomic Regulation | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Marsal | Maria | Castelledefels | ICFO | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mateos | Nicolas | Castelldefels | ICFO | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Planagumà | Jesús | Barcelona | Fundació ClÃnic per a la Recerca Biomèdica | Univ. | UTC+1 |
RamÃrez Revilla | Diego | Leioa | Instituto Biofisika Insitutua (CSIC) | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Sahun | Alvaro | Madrid | Center for Molecular Biology | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Suckert | Theresa | Barcelona | IRB Barcelona | Private lab | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Camacho | Rafael | Gothenburg | University of Gothenburg | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Casas-Moreno | Xavier | Solna | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Chatterjee | Nabanita | Gothenburg | University of Gothenburg | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Corbat | Agustin | Uppsala | SciLifeLab BioImage Informatics/Uppsala Universitet/Sweden | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Fernandez-Rodriguez | Julia | Gothenburg | University of Gothenburg | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Garner | Oliver | Lyckeby | BergmanLabora AB | Industry | UTC+1 |
Guldbrand | Stina | Molndal | Thorlabs Sweden AB | Industry | UTC+1 |
Hu | Jianjiang | Huddinge | Karolinska Institutet | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Imreh | Gabriela | Stockholm | Karolinska Institutet | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Le Guyader | Sylvie | Huddinge | Karolinska Institutet | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Miranda | Gisele | Solna | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
norlin | nils | Lund | Lund University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Piguet | Joachim | Stockholm | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Record | Julien | Stockholm | Karolinska Institutet | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Zhang | Haijiang | Göteborg | Among | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bartoszek | Ewelina | Basel | University of Basel | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Batti | Laura | Geneva | Wyss Center | Private lab | UTC+1 |
Belyaev | Yury | Bern | University of Bern | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Bercowsky | Arianne | Zug | Dotphoton AG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Biehlmaier | Oliver | Basel | Imaging Core Facility, Biozentrum, Basel | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Cuny | Andreas | Basel | ETH Zurich | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Extermann | Jerome | Geneva | HEPIA / HESSO | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Ferrand | Alexia | Basel | Biozentrum, University of Basel | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Gelman | Laurent | Basel | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Lorentz | Pascal | Basel | Department of Biomedicine University of Basel | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Nørrelykke | Simon | Zurich | ETH Zurich | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Plantard | Laure | Basel | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Quintas Glasner de Medeiros | Gustavo | Basel | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research | Private lab | UTC+1 |
Reither | Sabine | Basel | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Roig | Sara | Basel | Biozentrum, University of Basel | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Sanguinetti | Bruno | Zug | Dotphoton AG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Seitz | Arne | Lausanne | EPFL | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Sokoloff | Tatiana | Lausanne | Unil | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Chu | Wei-Chen | Taipei | Academia Sinica | Gov. | UTC+8 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Lerksuthirat | Tassanee | Rachathewi | Mahidol Unive | Univ. | UTC+7 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Akçınar | Salim Can | Izmir | Ege University | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Rezgui | Rachid | Abu Dhabi | NYU Abu Dhabi | Univ. | UTC+4 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Malacrida | Leonel | Montevideo | Universidad de la Republica & Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Olivera | Andrés | Montevideo | Latin America Bioimaging | EU-Org | UTC-3 |
Pannunzio | Bruno | Montevideo | Universidad de la República & Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Aaron | Jesse | Ashburn | HHMI Janelia Research Campus | Private lab | UTC-4 |
Acevedo | Luis | Overland Park | thya | Industry | UTC-6 |
Alshafie | Walaa | Ashburn | Janelia research campus | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Ammer | Amanda | Morgantown | West Virginia University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Armstrong | Brian | Duarte | City of Hope | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Asmar | Anthony | Gaithersburg | National Institute of Standards and Technology | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Bain | Virginia | Danvers | Cell Signaling Technology | Industry | UTC-5 |
Bajcsy | Peter | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Banerjee | Priyam | New York | Rockefeller University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Barbu-Stevanovic | Mihaela | New York | New York Blood Center | Industry | UTC-6 |
Barroso | Margarida | Albany | Albany Medical College | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Beavers | Nick | Rockville | Media Cybernetics | Industry | UTC-4 |
Bellve | Karl | Worcester | University of Massachusetts Medical School | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Bergles | Eric | San Jose | Pavilion Integration Corporation | Industry | UTC-8 |
Bernard-Cook | Marie | Worcester | UMass Medical School | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Bialy | Nikki | Madison | BioImaging North America, Morgridge Institute for Research | Org | UTC-5 |
Blute | Todd | Boston | Boston University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Borensztejn | Antoine | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC-7 |
Bowman | Vanessa | Boise | Boise State University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Brinkman | Brendan | Evident | Industry | UTC-4 | |
Brown | Mary | Saint Paul | University of Minnesota - Twin Cities | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Brunt | Peter | Fairport | AVR Optics | Industry | UTC-5 |
Calvert | Meredith | South San Francisco | Denali Therapeutics | Industry | UTC-7 |
Cameron | Lisa | Durham | Duke University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Cammer | Michael | New Rochelle | NYU Langone Medical | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Campbell | George | Memphis | St. Jude Children's Research Hospital | Private lab | UTC-6 |
Catrina | Irina | New York | Yeshiva University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Chacko | Jenu | Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Chalfoun | Joe | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Chambers | James | Boston | BINA | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Chen | Lily | Hayward | Eikon Therapeutics | Industry | UTC-8 |
Chiritescu | Catalin | Champaign | Phi Optics, Inc. | Industry | UTC-6 |
Cialowicz | Katarzyna | New York | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Cimini | Beth | Cambridge | Broad Institute | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Cole | Richard | Albany | New York State Dept of Health, Wadsworth Center | Gov. | UTC-7 |
Consani | Angela | Olathe | Bioscience Core Skills Institute | Private lab | UTC-6 |
Davis | Andy | Nikon | Industry | UTC-4 | |
De Niz | Mariana | Chicago | Northwestern University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Dobbie | Ian | Baltimore | Johns Hopkins University | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Doherty | Glen | New York | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Donnelly | Katelynne | Fort Collins | Biotect Services | Industry | UTC+7 |
Elliott | John | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Esquibel | Corinne | Grand Rapids | Van Andel Institute | Private lab | UTC-4 |
Fitzpatrick | James | Saint Louis | Washington University School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Gandhi | Shivam | Pleasanton | Eikon Therapeutics | Industry | UTC-8 |
Gaudreault | Nathalie | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC-7 |
Georgakoudi | Irene | Hanover | Dartmouth College | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Ghukasyan | Vladimir | Boston | Chan Zuckerberg Initiative | Industry | UTC-5 |
Giang | William | Hershey | Penn State University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Gibbs | Holly | College Station | Texas A&M University | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Grunwald | David | Worcester | University of Massachusetts | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Gu | Tingting | Norman | University of Oklahoma | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Gupta | Shravan | Rochester | The Institute of Optics, University of Rochester | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Halter | Michael | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Hammer | Mathias | Worcester | University of Massachusetts Medical School | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Hammond | Luke | New York | Columbia University | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Hao | Sijie | Charlottesville | University of Virginia, School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Herrington | Kari | San Francisco | university of California San Francisco | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Hockberger | Philip | Chicago | Waymaker Group | Industry | UTC+7 |
Ibarra | Humberto | New York | Zuckerman Institute - University of Columbia | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Itano | Michelle | Chapel Hill | University of North Carolina | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Jaffe | Claudia | Beaverton | Lumencor, Inc. | Industry | UTC-7 |
Kaiza | Medard | Pittsburgh | University of Pittsburgh | Gov. | UTC+4 |
Keller-Peck | Cindy | Boise | Boise State University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Kirchenbüchler | David | Chicago | Northwestern | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Knobel | Karla | Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Koksoy | Ayse | Houston | MD Anderson CC | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Kuo | Scot | Baltimore | Johns Hopkins University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Kwee | Edward | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Landua | Kalika | Houston | Nikon Instruments | Industry | UTC-5 |
Larsen | DeLaine | Hayward | Eikon Therapeutics | Industry | UTC-8 |
Leavesley | Silas | Mobile | University of South Alabama | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Lee | James | Houston | Baylor College of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Lee | Kitty | Stanford | Stanford University | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Lewis | Krista | Worcester | UMass Chan Medical School | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Lin | Sean | Williston | 89 North, Inc. | Industry | UTC-4 |
Liu | Tristan | New York | Columbia University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Machovina | Tyler | Sewickley | Okolab | Industry | UTC+5 |
Manning | Lane | Fairport | AVR Optics | Industry | UTC-5 |
Mast | Fred | Seattle | Seattle Children’s Hospital | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Mezzano | Valeria | New York | NYU School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Mikulski | Zbigniew | La Jolla | La Jolla Institute for Immunology | Private lab | UTC-8 |
Miller | Caroline | Vallejo | Histology, Imaging, and Image Analysis consultancy | Private lab | UTC-8 |
Mohindra | Rachit | Tucson | Teledyne Photometrics | Industry | UTC-7 |
Montero-Llopis | Paula | Boston | Harvard Med. School | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Mulholland | Jonathan | Stanford | Stanford University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Narasimhan | Arun | New York | Icahn School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Nelson | Michael | Madison | University of Wisconsin | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Ng | Emery | Blacksburg | Virginia Tech | Univ. | UTC-4 |
North | Alison | New York | Rockefeller University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Northan | Brian | Guilderland | True North Intelligent Algorithms | Industry | UTC+5 |
ODonnell | Rob | New York | Rockefeller University Press | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Ogama | Takeo | Waltham | Evident | Industry | UTC-4 |
Orlova | Natalia | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC-7 |
Orr | Vanessa | Madison | BioImaging North America, Morgridge Institute for Research | Org | UTC-6 |
Paulucci | Adriana | Houston | MD Anderson CC | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Pengo | Thomas | Minneapolis | University of Minnesota | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Peterka | Darcy | New York | Columbia University | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Peterson | Alexander | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Peterson | John | Cleveland | Cleveland Clinic Foundation | Private lab | UTC-5 |
Pihan | German | Boston | BIDMC/HARVARD | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Powell | Rhonda | Clemson | Clemson University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Price | Meridith | Chapel Hill | Oxford Inst. Bitplane | Industry | UTC-4 |
Reiche | Michael | Ashburn | Howard Hughes Medical Institute | Private lab | UTC+5 |
Relich | Peter | Torrance | Intellisense Systems, Inc. | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Repula | Andrii | Beaverton | Lumencor, Inc. | Industry | UTC+7 |
Rigano | Alessandro | Worcester | UMass Chan Medical School | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Roker | LaToya | Baltimore | Johns Hopkins University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Rosa Molinar | Eduardo | Saint Louis | Washington University in Saint Louis School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Ross-Elliott | Timothy | Boston | Andor | Industry | UTC-5 |
Saltekoff | Stephen | Eugene | Applied Scientific Instrumentation | Industry | UTC+7 |
Sanders | Mark | Minneapolis | University of Minnesota | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Sauer | Ryan | Williston | 89 North, Inc. | Industry | UTC-4 |
Schreiner | Ryan | New York | Weill Cornell Medicine | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Schwartz | Stanley | Austin | Nikon | Industry | UTC-5 |
Scott | Ryan | Moffett Field | KBR/NASA Ames | Gov. | UTC-8 |
Sharma | Ved | New York | Rockefeller University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Smith | Laura | New York | Rockefeller University Press | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Srinivasan | Sathya | Beaverton | ONPRC | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Stats | Sam | Williston | 89 North, Inc. | Industry | UTC-5 |
Staurovsky | Susan | Farmington | UConn Health | EU-Org | UTC-4 |
Strambio De Castillia | Caterina | Worcester | University of Massachusetts Medical School, Program in Molecular Medicine; Chan Zuckerberg Initiative; BINA Quality Control and Data Management Working Group | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Sudar | Damir | Oakland | Quant.Ima. Systems | Industry | UTC-7 |
Swanson | Sarah | Madison | University of Wisconsin | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Ta | Adam | Seattle | Sage Bionetworks | Private lab | UTC+-0 |
Taatjes | Douglas | Burlington | University of Vermont | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Tapia | Pablo | Bethesda | National Institutes of Health (NIH) | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Thirstrup | Derek | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC+7 |
Thornton | Staci | Storrs | University of Connecticut, Department of Kinesiology | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Titus | Steve | Rising SUn | ThermoFisher | Industry | UTC-5 |
Tourtellotte | Jocelyn | Brimfield | UMassChan | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Tsuchida | Mark | Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Tu | Haohua | Urbana | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Tzavaras | Nikos | New York | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Ulbrich | Russell | Worcester | ScientiaLux LLC | Industry | UTC-4 |
Vallmitjana | Alexander | Irvine | University of California, Irvine | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Van Howe | Thomas | Westmont | McCrone Associates, Inc. | Private lab | UTC-5 |
Vetter | Tatyana | Columbus | Nationwide Children's Hospital | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Vitha | Stanislav | College Station | Texas A&M University | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Wee | Erika | Cold Spring Harbor | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Weiss | Kurt | Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Univ. | UTC-6 |
West | Mary | Berkeley | UC Berkeley | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Wilson | Helen | Madison | University of Wisconsin Madison | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Woods | Kali | Boise | Boise State University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Yao | Jie | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC-7 |
Zalavadia | Ajay | Cleveland | Cleveland Clinic | Private lab | UTC-5 |
Zeiss | Erich | Beaverton | Lumencor, Inc. | Industry | UTC-5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Falomir Lockhart | Lisandro | La Plata | INIBIOLP (CONICET-UNLP) | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Guaimas | Francisco | San Martin | CONICET-UNSAM | Gov. | UTC-3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bottomley | Amy | Ultimo | University of Technology Sydney | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Chang | Jinny | Parkville | The University of Melbourne | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Cho | Ellie | Carlton | The University of Melbourne | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Cole | Louise | Sydney | University of Technology | Univ. | UTC+11 |
Condon | Nicholas | Brisbane | University of Queensland | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Dervish | Suat | Westmead | Westmead Institute for Medical Research | Gov. | UTC+10 |
Geoghegan | Niall | Coburg North | WEHI | Univ. | UTC+11 |
Hibbs | Ben | Silvan | Klein Australia Pty Ltd | Industry | UTC+10 |
Hirvonen | Liisa | Perth | The University of Western Australia | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Lee | Woei Ming Steve | Canberra | John Curtin School of Medical Research, The Australian National University | Univ. | UTC+10 |
McMillan | Paul | Parkville | University of Melbourne | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Parslow | Adam | Melbourne | Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute | Private lab | UTC+10 |
Rad | Dorsa | Sydney | ANZAC Research Instittue | Univ. | UTC+11 |
Rajasekhar | Pradeep | Parkville | Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research | Univ. | UTC+11 |
Rogers | Kelly | Parkville | Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Segal | Gabriela | Melbourne | University of Melbourne | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Sibbons | Jane | Adelaide | University of Adelaide | Univ. | UTC+9 |
Springfield | James | Brisbane | University of Queensland | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Su | Yingying | Riverwood | The University of Sydney | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Aumayr | Karin | Vienna | IMP | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Belinova | Tereza | Klosterneuburg | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Cesbron | Yann | Klosterneuburg | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Darwish | Nasser | Klosterneuburg | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Ecker | Rupert | Vienna | TissueGnostics GmbH | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Gharagozlou | Shadi | Klosterneuburg | Institute of science and technology Austria | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Holub | Petr | Graz | BBMRI-ERIC | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Krainer | Lukas | Dornbirn | Prospective Instruments | Industry | UTC+1 |
Krens | Gabriel | Klosterneuburg | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
De Keersmaecker | Herlinde | Ghent | UGent | Univ. | UTC+1 |
De Vos | Winnok | Antwerp | University of Antwerp | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Dmitriev | Ruslan | Ghent | Ghent University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Duwé | Sam | Diepenbeek | Universiteit Hasselt | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Hendrix | Jelle | Diepenbeek | Hasselt University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Martens | Tobie | Leuven | Cell Imaging Core KU Leuven | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Munck | Sebastian | Leuven | University of Leuven | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Okkelman | Irina | Ghent | Ghent University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Vanderwinden | Jean-Marie | Brussels | Université Libre de Bruxelles, Faculté de Médecine, Light Microscopy Facility | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Verschuuren | Marlies | Antwerp | University of Antwerp | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Zhou | Hang | Ghent | Ghent University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Gomes | Andre | Rio de Janeiro | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Lopes | Jose | Ribeirao Preto | USP/Brazil | Univ. | UTC-3 |
S. Teófilo | Francisco | Campinas | University of Campinas | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Ahmadpour | Noushin | Winnipeg | University of Manitoba | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Brideau | Craig | Calgary | University of Calgary | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Bronze de Firmino | Joao Pedro | Hamilton | Centre for Advanced Light Microscopy at McMaster University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Brown | Claire | Montreal | BINA, Canada BioImaging | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Cleret-Buhot | Aurélie | Montreal | Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CRCHUM) | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Colarusso | Pina | Calgary | University of Calgary | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Ertugrul | Efe | Montreal | McGill University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Fillion | Marie-Lyne | Montreal | Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Forbes | Ashli | Vancouver | University of British Columbia | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Gauthier | Pascal | Jonquiere | RioTinto | Private lab | UTC+5 |
Holland | Ian | Ottawa | Teledyne Lumenera | Industry | UTC-8 |
Joyal | Mathieu | Ottawa | University of Ottawa | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Keerthisinghe | Sandra | Burnaby | Simon Fraser University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Key | Jillian | Ottawa | University of Ottawa | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Kuester-Schoeck | Elke | Montreal | CHU Ste-Justine | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Lacoste | Judith | Montreal | MIA Cellavie Inc. | Industry | UTC-4 |
Laferriere | Pascal | Nepean | Teledyne Lumenera | Industry | UTC-5 |
LeDue | Jeffrey | Vancouver | University of British Columbia | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Oreopoulos | John | Toronto | Oxford Inst. Andor | Industry | UTC-5 |
Pavel | Catalin | Montreal | Azure Biosystems Canada Inc. | Industry | UTC+5 |
Plummer | Greg | Edmonton | University of Alberta | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Stifani | Nicolas | Montréal | Université de Montréal | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Teo | Wulin | Calgary | Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary | Univ. | UTC+7 |
Vaahtokari | Anne | Calgary | University of Calgary | Univ. | UTC-7 |
van Oostende-Triplet | Chloë | Ottawa | University of Ottawa | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Wagner | Darcy | Montreal | McGill University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Wang | Liyuan | Ottawa | Cell Biology and Image Acquisition Core Facility, University of Ottawa | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Watson | Kemp | Georgetown, Ontario | Objective Pathology Services Limited | Industry | UTC-4 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bertocchi | Cristina | Santiago de Chile | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Fuentealba Pérez | Luz | Santiago | Universidad Mayor | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Fuhrhop | Carlos | Valdivia | Universidad Austral de Chile | Univ. | UTC+4 |
Parot | Vicente | Santiago de Chile | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Ravasio | Andrea | Macul | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Valiente-EcheverrÃa | Fernando | Santiago | Universidad de Chile | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Hao | Xiang | Hangzhou | Zhejiang University | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Li | Xiaoming | Shanghaitech | Shanghaitech University | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Liu | Penghuan | Hangzhou | China Jiliang University | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Zhao | Yibing | Shanghai | Carl Zeiss | Industry | UTC+8 |
Zhou | Chunyuan | Pudong New Area | Nikon Instruments (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd | Industry | UTC+8 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Blazikova | Michaela | Prague | Light Microscopy Core Facility, IMG CAS | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Capek | Martin | Prague | Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Cebecauer | Marek | Prague | J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Dostál | Zbyněk | Brno | Brno University of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Esner | Milan | Brno | Ceitec Masaryk University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Hatto | Mao | Prague | Nikon | Industry | UTC+2 |
Horvath | Ondrej | Praha | Institute of Molecular Genetics AS CR | Gov. | UTC-1 |
Jesionek | Wojciech | Brno | CELLIM CEITEC Masaryk University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Sanetrnik | Vojtech | Brno | Telight | Industry | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Braunstein | Thomas | København N | Kbh. Uni. CFIM | Univ. | UTC-1 |
Christensen | Nynne | Copenhagen | University of Copenhagen, Center for Advanced Bioimaging | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Harizanova | Jana | Copenhagen | CFIM/University of Copenhagen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Novak | Ivana | Copenhagen | University of Copenhagen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Tosi | Sebastien | Copenhagen | UCPH / DBI-INFRA | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Narvaez | William | Lastenia Toral | NGSI | Private lab | UTC-5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Erikson | John | Turku | Euro-BioImaging | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Fazeli | Elnaz | Helsinki | University of Turku / University of Helsinki | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Guzman | Camilo | Turku | Ã…bo Akademi University | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Liljeström | Mikko | Helsinki | University of Helsinki | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Pylvänäinen | Joanna | Turku | Åbo Akademi University | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Ronkainen | Veli-Pekka | Oulu | University of Oulu | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Tanhuanpää | Kimmo | Helsinki | University of Helsinki | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Vainio | Susanne | Turku | Euro-BioImaging ERIC | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Vonderstein | Kirstin | Helsinki | University of Helsinki | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Acher | Olivier | Palaiseau | HORIBA France | Industry | UTC+1 |
Ameisen | David | Paris | imginIT & European Society of Digital and Integrative Pathology | Industry | UTC+2 |
Aulner | Nathalie | Paris | Institut Pasteur | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Bourg | Nicolas | Cachan | Abbelight | Industry | UTC+1 |
Boyce | Aidan | Cours-de-Monségur | Oxford Inst. Andor | Industry | UTC+1 |
Casse | Alhassan | Vitry-sur-Seine | SANOFI | Industry | UTC+2 |
Clément | Jean-Emmanuel | Villeneuve d’Ascq cedex | University of lille | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Contremoulins | Vincent | Paris | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Converset | Noel | Lay-Saint-Christophe | Lordil | Industry | UTC+1 |
Cordelières | Fabrice | Bordeaux | University of Bordeaux | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Dauphin | Aurelien | Paris | RTmfm | Univ. | UTC+2 |
DELNERY | Elaine | Paris | Global-BioImaging | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Dhmine | Oumou | Monpellier | CNRS | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Egron | Audrey | Pessac | Argolight | Industry | UTC+1 |
Faklaris | Orestis | Montpellier | RTmfm | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Fallet | Mathieu | Marseille | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Gay | Guillaume | Marseille | France BioImaging, BioCampus, Université de Montpellier | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Girard | Philippe | Paris | Institut Jacques Monod - Université de Paris | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Guilbert | Thomas | Cesson-Sévigné | INSCOPER | Industry | UTC+2 |
Guiot | Elvire | Illkirch | IGBMC | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Kapoor | Varun | Paris | Kapoorlabs | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Lahlou | Aliénor | PARIS | Sony CSL - Paris | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Luccardini | Camilla | Lyon | CIQLE Centre d'Imagerie Quantitative Lyon Est | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Madi | Mehdi | Cachan | Abbelight | Industry | UTC+1 |
Mahou | Pierre | Palaiseau | Laboratory for Optics and Biosciences, Ecole Polytechnique | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mateos Langerak | Julio | Montpellier | MRI | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Matthews | Cedric | Marseille | University of Aix-Marseille | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Monterroso | Baptiste | Nice | University of Nice | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Oheim | Martin | Paris | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Papadiamantis | Sotirios | Marseille | University of Aix-Marseille | Univ. | UTC-2 |
Paul-Gilloteaux | Perrine | Nantes | CNRS Univ-Nantes | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Peron-Cane | Caroline | PARIS | TELIGHT | Industry | UTC+1 |
Petithory | Tatiana | Mulhouse | IS2M CNRS UMR 7361 | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Rexhepaj | Elton | Paris | Sanofi | Industry | UTC+1 |
Royon | Arnaud | Bordeaux | Argolight | Industry | UTC+2 |
Saint-Hilaire | Cadisha | Paris | Curie Institute | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Salles | Audrey | Paris | Institut Pasteur | Private lab | UTC+1 |
Sarron | Florian | TOULOUSE | IRIT - CBI/MCD - Université Toulouse III | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Schapman | Damien | Rouen | Normandy University | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Schroeder | Alexandra | Paris | Telight - BioAxial | Industry | UTC+1 |
Shorte | Spencer | Paris | Institut Pasteur | Private lab | UTC+9 |
Soubies | Emmanuel | Toulouse | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+2 |
ster | Ciaran | Marseille | Aix-Marseille Université | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Stringari | Chiara | Palaiseau | CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Teillon | Jérémie | Bordeaux | University of Bordeaux | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Weiss | Pierre | Toulouse | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Yunling | XU | Paris | Parcc, U970, Inserm | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Alexopoulos | Ioannis | Giessen | ILH/CIGL Multiscale Imaging Platform | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Avilov | Sergiy | Freiburg | Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics | MPG | UTC+2 |
Barachati | Fábio | Berlin | PicoQuant GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Beckert | Hannes | Bonn | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Beer | Sebastian | Hersching | Hamamatsu | Industry | UTC+2 |
Belyaev | Ivan | Jena | Friedrich Schiller University Jena | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Benton | Matthew | Heidelberg | EMBL | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Bierwagen | Jakob | Tuebingen | AHF | Industry | UTC+2 |
Birngruber | Konstantin | Munich | Toptica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Bischof | Johanna | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Block | Stephan | Berlin | Freie Universität Berlin | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Boehm | Ulrike | Oberkochen | Carl Zeiss AG | Industry | UTC-4 |
Boissonnet | Tom | Düsseldorf | Heinrich Heine Universität - Center for Advanced imaging | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Breitlow | Juergen | Berlin | PicoQuant GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Brocher | Jan | Ludwigshafen | BioVoxxel | Industry | UTC+1 |
Broeking | Kai | Goettingen | MPI | MPG | UTC+2 |
Budde | Kai | Rostock | University of Rostock | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Calandra | Ivan | Neuwied | IMPALA, Leibniz-Zentrum für Archäologie (LEIZA) | Leibniz | UTC+1 |
Cappellaro | Markus | München | Carl Zeiss Microscopy | Industry | UTC+1 |
Christopher | Jana | Heidelberg | FEBS Press/Uni Heidelberg/Image-Integrity | Univ. | UTC+1 |
D'Este | Elisa | Heidelberg | Max Planck Institute for Medical Research | MPG | UTC-1 |
Deutsch | Manuel | Munich | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Diekhoff | Dagmar | Freiburg | Max-Planck-Institut für Immunbiologie und Epigenetik | MPG | UTC+1 |
Dietzel | Ralf | Rodgau | Omicron | Industry | UTC+2 |
Dietzel | Steffen | Munich | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Ditengou | Franck | Freiburg | University of Clinic Freiburg, IMITATE | Univ. | UTC+1 |
dos Santos | Daniela | Ulm | Ulm University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Drillet | Eric | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Duong | Cao Nguyen | Saarbrücken | Leibniz Institute for New Materials | Leibniz | UTC+1 |
Eich | Florian | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Eismann | Frank | Jena | Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Ewers | Helge | Berlin | Freie Universität Berlin | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Fallisch | Arne | Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Life Imaging Center | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Felscher | Andreas | Luebeck | Coherent | Industry | UTC+2 |
Franke | Christian | Jena | Institute of Applied Optics and Biophysics of the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Fried | Hans | Bonn | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Helmholtz | UTC+2 |
Fu | Yangting | Bonn | Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen e. V. (DZNE) | Helmholtz | UTC+1 |
Gheisari | Ali | Bergkirchen | Thorlabs GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Gonnert | Manfred | Bergkirchen | Thorlabs GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Grebnev | Gleb | Heidelberg | Global BioImaging | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Gunkel | Manuel | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Gütay | Levent | Oldenburg | University of Oldenburg | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Halavatyi | Aliaksandr | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Hartmann | Hella | Dresden | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Haxelmans | Sabine | Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Life Imaging Center | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Heintzmann | Rainer | Jena | Friedrich Schiller University Jena | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Hemmerich | Peter | Jena | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Leibniz | UTC+2 |
Hoffmann | Birgit | Jena | UKJ | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Hoischen | Christian | Jena | Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute | Leibniz | UTC+1 |
Holst | Gerhard | Kehlheim | PCO/Excelitas | Industry | UTC+2 |
Huerta | Daniela | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Huisken | Jan | Göttingen | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Icha | Jaroslav | Erlangen | Interherence GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Jambor | Helena | Dresden | TU Dresden | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Jevtic | Visnja | Freiburg | Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics | MPG | UTC+2 |
Jolmes | Fabian | Berlin | PicoQuant GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Kapsokalyvas | Dimitris | Aachen | University Hospital RWTH Aachen University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Karl | Christian | Bochum | University of Bochum | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Karpf | Sebastian | Luebeck | Universität zu Lübeck | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Kasper | Robert | Hamburg | Evident Europe GmbH | Industry | UTC-1 |
Kemmer | Isabel | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging ERIC | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Kemnitzer | Norbert | Siegen | ATTO-TEC GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Keppler | Antje | Heidelberg | GBI | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Kirchner | Marcel | Cologne | MPI | MPG | UTC+2 |
Köbele | Luis | Freiburg | opto biolabs GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Köning | Rainer | Braunschweig | PTB Braunschweig | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Kremer | Manuel | Mannheim | Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Krüger | Daniel | Münster | Evident | Industry | UTC+1 |
Krzic | Uros | Munich | Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Kukat | Christian | Cologne | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | MPG | UTC+2 |
Kunis | Susanne | Osnabrueck | GerBi-GMB WG 6 | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Laskey | Peter | Wetzlar | Leica Microsystems | Industry | UTC-2 |
Liu | Xiaomin | Mainz | Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research | MPG | UTC+2 |
Luethy | Kevin | Düsseldorf | Bielefeld University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Margineanu | Anca | Berlin | Max Delbrück Centrum Berlin | Helmholtz | UTC+2 |
Mathur | Aastha | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
McFadden | David | Jena | FSU Jena | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mitkovski | Miso | Göttingen | GerBi-GMB WG 1, MPI-NAT | MPG | UTC+2 |
Miura | Kota | Heidelberg | University of Heidleberg | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mülter | Andrea | Mannheim | Leica Microsystems | Industry | UTC+1 |
Neumann | Sophie | Jena | FSU Jena | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Nitschke | Roland | Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Life Imaging Center | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Ossato | Giulia | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+1 |
Oster | Markus | Munich | MPI of Biochemistry | MPG | UTC+2 |
Peng | Tingying | Neuherberg | Helmholtz Munich | Helmholtz | UTC+1 |
Pepperkok | Rainer | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Petrov | Eugene | Berlin | Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Pfander | Claudia | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging Industry Board @BioHub EMBL | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Politi | Antonio | Göttingen | Max Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry | MPG | UTC+1 |
Reis | Yara | Heidelberg | Global BioImaging - EMBL | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Resch-Genger | Ute | Berlin | BAM | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Reymann | Jürgen | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Rhode | Sebastian | Munich | Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Ritz | Sandra | Mainz | Institute of Molecular Biology - IMB | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Royeck | Michael | Bonn | DFG, guest observer | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Rühl | Arnd | Wetzlar | Maerzhaeuser | Industry | UTC+2 |
Schmied | Christopher | Berlin | Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP) | Leibniz | UTC+1 |
Schmied | Jürgen | Gräfelfing | GATTAquant GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Schmoranzer | Jan | Berlin | Charite | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Schroth-Diez | Britta | Dresden | MPI-CBG | MPG | UTC+2 |
Schuchardt | Chris | Jena | Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Schüler | Jutta | Berlin | Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Schulz | Christian | Wetzlar | Leica DIN/ISO | Industry | UTC+2 |
Schumann | Christian | Wetzlar | Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Schütz | Lucas | Heidelberg | AG | Industry | UTC+2 |
Selbach | Florian | Gräfelfing | GATTAquant GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Selchow | Olaf | Gera | Microscopy & BioImaging Consulting | Industry | UTC+2 |
Shakouri | Mahsa | Heidelberg | DKFZ | Industry | UTC+12 |
Sieber | Jochen | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Sisamakis | Evangelos | Berlin | PicoQuant GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Solovyeva | Vita | Oldenburg | University of Oldenburg | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Spitaler | Martin | Munich | MPI of Biochemistry | MPG | UTC+2 |
Sporbert | Anje | Berlin | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Helmholtz | UTC+2 |
Stauber | Christian | Mannheim | Leica Microsystems | Industry | UTC+2 |
Stöckl | Martin | Konstanz | Bioimaging Center / Universiät Konstanz | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Ströker | Dirk | Münster | Evident Technology Center Eurpoe GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Studier | Hauke | Berlin | Becker & Hickl GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Terjung | Stefan | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Tewinkel | Martin | Hamburg | Evident Europe GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Thirase | Jan | Göttingen | Technologie Manufaktur GmbH&Co. KG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Thuenauer | Roland | Hamburg | Heinrich Pette Institute | Leibniz | UTC+2 |
Tischer | Christian | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Tomikawa | Camila | Munich | Cognostics AG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Türschmann | Pierre | Erlangen | Interherence GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
van Zandvoort | Marc | Aachen | RWTH Aachen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Venus | Brüne | Göttingen | Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Vierdag | Wouter-Michiel | Heidelberg | European Molecular Biology Laboratory | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Vogl | Ulrich | Oberkochen | Carl Zeiss AG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Vogt | Michael | Aachen | IZKF Aachen RWTH University Hospital | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Volkmann, Von | Konrad | Berlin | APE Angewandte Physik & Elektronik GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Walther | Christa | Konstanz | German BioImaging-Gesellschaft für Mikroskopie und Bildanalyse e.V. | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Weidtkamp-Peters | Stefanie | Duesseldorf | Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Weis | Markus | Münster | Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Wernet | Tobias | Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Life Imaging Center | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Wetzker | Cornelia | Dresden | TU Dresden | Univ. | UTC+1 |
White | Silke | Dresden | DZNE - German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases | Helmholtz | UTC+2 |
Wiegraebe | Winfried | Seattle | Bruker | Industry | UTC+8 |
Wilms | Christian | Heidelberg | Cairn Research GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Zantl | Roman | Munich | ibidi | Industry | UTC+2 |
Zeug | Andre | Hannover | Hannover Medical School | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Zuschratter | Werner | Magdeburg | Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie - LIN | Leibniz | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Acton | Richard | Cambridge | Human Developmental Biology Initiative | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Ameer-Beg | Simon | London | King’s College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Auer | Julia | Edinburgh | IGC Advanged Imaging Facility, University of Edinburgh | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Bagley | Steve | Manchester | University of Manch. | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Bammann | Rodrigo | Uckfield | Scientifica | Industry | UTC+1 |
Banks | William | Manchester | Cancer research UK manchester institute | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Bennett | Sarah | Coventry | University of Warwick | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Betteridge | Kai | London | Institute of Cancer Research | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Boczonadi | Veronika | Newcastle | Newcastle University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Botchway | Stan | Oxford/Didcot | UKRI-STFC | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Bourn | Matthew | Leeds | National Measurement Laboratory | Industry | UTC+1 |
Bowman | Richard | Glasgow | University of Glasgow | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Boxall | Sally | Leeds | University of Leeds | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Bruckbauer | Andreas | Cambridge | University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Cadby | Ashley | Sheffield | University of Sheffield | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Clements | Darran | Cambridge | University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Corbett | Alex | Exeter | UK BioImaging | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Corcoran | David | Coventry | University of Warwick | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Culley | Siân | London | King's College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Dornblut | Carsten | Cambridge | Abcam | Industry | UTC+1 |
Dzelzainis | Thomas | Didcot | Rutherford Appleton Laboratory | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Eseola | Alice | Norwich | The Sainsbury Laboratory | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Esposito | Alessandro | Uxbridge | Brunel University London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Gaboriau | David | London | Imperial College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Garcia Gonzalez | Esther | Didcot | STFC, UKRI | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Gascoyne | Rebecca | Birmingham | University of Birmingham | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Giles | Patrick | Uckfield | Scientifica | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Goodhand | Isabel | Andover | CoolLED Ltd. | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Gramann | Alex | Andover | CoolLED Ltd. | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Greenwood | Harrison | London | The Francis Crick Institute | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Hadleigh | Roland | Uckfield | Scientifica | Industry | UTC+1 |
Hartley | Matthew | Cambridge | EMBL-EBI | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Hawkins | Tim | Durham | Durham University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Held | Marie | Liverpool | University of Liverpool | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Herzog | Dylan | London | Microscopy Innovation Centre, King's College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Ho | Kenneth | London | The Francis Crick Institute | Private lab | UTC+-0 |
Holter | Jennifer | Oxford | University of Oxford | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Inavalli | V V G | Southampton | University of Southampton | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Iremonger | James | Edinburgh | University of Edinburgh | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Jarman | Anneliese | Cambridge | The Babraham Institute | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Jarvis | Stuart | Cambridge | Prior | Industry | UTC+1 |
Jiang | Junqing | London | National Physical Laboratory | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Knapper | Joe | Glasgow | University of Glasgow | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Koth | Jana | Oxford | Oxford University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Kraev | Igor | Milton Keynes | Open University | Univ. | UTC-1 |
Kugler | Elisabeth | London | UCL | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Kumar | Purnima | CAMBRIDGE | Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Kupcu Yoldas | Aybuke | Hinxton | EMBL-EBI | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Lai | Pok Yui | Oxford | University of Oxford | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Laissue | Philippe | Colchester | University of Essex | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Laude | Alex | Newcastle | Newcastle University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Lawrence | Nicola | Cambridge | Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Lazenby | James | Norwich | Quadram Institute | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Leburn | Christopher | Edinburgh | Chromacity | Univ. | UTC-1 |
Lees | Robert | Didcot | Science and Technology Facilities Council | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Levitt | James | London | Nikon Imaging Centre, King's College London, UK | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Marcello | Marco | Liverpool | University of Liverpool | Univ. | UTC+1 |
McCarthy | Elizabeth | Uxbridge | Brunel University London | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Micu | Ileana | Belfast | Queen's University Belfast | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mitchell | Claire | Glasgow | The Beatson Institute for Cancer Research | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Moore | Josh | Dundee | University of Dundee | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mullan | Alan | Belfast | Andor | Industry | UTC+1 |
Naylor | Huw | Cambridge | CRUK Cambridge Institute | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Nechyporuk-Zloy | Volodymyr | London | Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Nelson | Glyn | Newcastle | UK BioImaging | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Parsons | Maddy | London | King's College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Pattison | Allister | Belfast | Andor | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Payne-Dwyer | Alex | York | University of York | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Peckham | Michelle | Leeds | University of Leeds | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Pichler | Bruno | Lewes | Independent NeuroScience Services INSS | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Poland | Simon | London | King's College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Porter | Iain | Dundee | University of Dundee | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Prakash | Kirti | London | National Physical Laboratory | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Rea | Chris | Belfast | Andor | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Reick | Christiane | Leicester | University of Leicester | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Robson | Joanne | Durham | Durham University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Schuster | Aminul | London | N/A | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Scrimgeour | Ross | London | Institute of Cancer Research | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Shaw | Elisabeth | Lancaster | Lancaster University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Shaw | Mike | London | National Physical Laboratory | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Sherwood | Francois | Hinxton | EMBL-EBI | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Simm | Alan | Liverpool | Liverpool John Moores University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Simms | Richard | Belfast | Oxford Inst. Andor | Industry | UTC+1 |
Stojiljkovic | Ana | London | The Institute of Cancer Research | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Sutcliffe | Ben | Cambridge | University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Swedlow | Jason | Dundee | University of Dundee | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Thomson | Darren | Exeter | University of Exeter | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Valiya Peedikakkal | Liyana | Oxford | Oxford Nanoimaging | Industry | UTC+1 |
Vanderpant | Leslie | Brighton | Microscope Heaters | Industry | UTC-1 |
West | Steven | London | Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, UCL | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Wetton | Paul | Oxford | Carl Zeiss Ltd | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Wilde | Geraint | Belfast | Oxford Inst. Andor | Industry | UTC+1 |
Zachariadis | Michael | Bath | University of Bath | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Zulueta-Coarasa | Teresa | Hinxton | EMBL-EBI | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Barna | Laszlo | Bloomington | Indiana University Bloomington | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Kumar | Gaurav | Chandigarh | CSIR IMTECH | Gov. | UTC-5 |
Podder | Santosh | Pune | IISER Pune | Gov. | UTC-8 |
Verma | Jitender | Sonepat | Ashoka University | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Heller | Janosch | Dublin | Dublin City University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Thompson | Kerry | Galway | University of Galway, Ireland | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Steinberger | Joseph | Rehovot | Weizmann Institute of Science | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bassi | Andrea | Milano | Politecnico di Milano | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Berno | Valeria | Milano | Ospedale San Raffaele- ALEMBIC | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Ceccarelli | Raino | Rome | CrestOptics S.p.A. | Industry | UTC+1 |
Filesi | Federico | Rome | CrestOptics S.p.A. | Industry | UTC+1 |
Perin | Paola | Pavia | University of Pavia | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Piazza | Simonluca | Genoa | Genoa Instruments | Industry | UTC+1 |
Roccia | Emanuele | Rome | CrestOptics S.p.A. | Industry | UTC+2 |
Rossetta | Alessandro | Rome | FLIM LABS | Industry | UTC+1 |
Vicidomini | Giuseppe | Genoa | Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Ferdous | Zannatul | Sapporo | Hokkaido University | Univ. | UTC+9 |
Fujimori | Toshihiko | Okazaki | JP BioImaging | Gov. | UTC+9 |
Kobayashi | Norio | Wako | Riken | Private lab | UTC+9 |
Kyoda | Koji | Kobe | RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research | Gov. | UTC+9 |
Onami | Shuichi | Kobe | Riken | Private lab | UTC+9 |
Sasaki | Akira | Tsukuba | AIST | Gov. | UTC+9 |
Tsuchiya | Takanori | Fujinomiya | TOKAI HIT | Industry | UTC+9 |
Yamada | Yohei | Chiyoda-Ku | Chuo Precision Industrial Co., Ltd. LIFE SCIENCE Dept. | Industry | UTC+9 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Gudavicius | Dominykas | Vilnius | Light Conversion | Industry | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Guerrero | Adan | Cuernavaca | National Autonomous University of Mexico | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Pimentel | Arturo | Mexico | Biotechnology Inst. | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bakker | Gert-Jan | Nijmegen | NVvM | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Barth | Anders | Delft | Delft University of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Brocks | Lenny | Amsterdam | Netherlands Cancer Institute | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Chinnaraj | Subash Bommu | Amstelveen | Nikon Europe B.V. | Industry | UTC+1 |
de Boer | Pascal | Groningen | University Medical Center Groningen | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Dick | Amalie | Amsterdam | Netherlands Cancer Institute | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Drent | Peter | Amsterdam | ONI | Industry | UTC+1 |
Giepmans | Ben | Groningen | Global-BioImaging | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Graaff | Anko | Utrecht | Hubrecht Institute | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Hassani | Ibrahim | Amsterdam | Nikon BV | Industry | UTC+2 |
Herz | Johan | Groningen | Lambert Instruments BV | Industry | UTC+1 |
Le Dévédec | Sylvia | Leiden | Leiden University | Gov. | UTC-2 |
Metcalf | Daniel | Amsterdam | Nikon Europe | Industry | UTC+1 |
Namink | Kevin | Hilversum | Scientific Volume Imaging BV | Industry | UTC+1 |
Oord | Kees | Amsterdam | Nikon | Industry | UTC+1 |
Schoonderwoert | Vincent | Hilversum | Scientific Volume Imaging BV | Industry | UTC+1 |
Shemesh | Michal | Delft | TUD | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Smith | Carlas | Delft | Delft University of technology | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Tassis | Kostas | Leiden | Leiden University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
van der Voort | Hans | Hilversum | Scientific Volume Imaging BV | Industry | UTC+1 |
Voort | Nicolaas | Hilversum | Scientific Volume Imaging BV | Industry | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Rebstock | Ria | Auckland | The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited | Gov. | UTC+12 |
Schmidt | Alfonso | Kelburn Parade | Malaghan Institute of Medical Reserach | Private lab | UTC+12 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Heyward | Catherine | Oslo | University of Oslo | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Kalaš | Matúš | Bergen | University of Bergen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Ludl | Adriaan-Alexander | Bergen | University of Bergen and ELIXIR Norway | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Szymanski | Jędrzej | Warsaw | Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej im. M. Nenckiego PAN | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Węgierski | Tomasz | Warsaw | International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Azevedo | Andreia | Porto | Faculty of Engineering – University of Porto | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Azevedo | Maria | Porto | i3S/University of Porto | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Carvalho | Mariana | Braga | INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Conde-Sousa | Eduardo | Porto | INEB/i3S | Univ. | UTC+0 |
Cortes | Luisa | Coimbra | Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology | Univ. | UTC+0 |
Lopes | Alexandre | Oeiras | IGC | Private lab | UTC+-0 |
Martins | Gabriel | Oeiras | Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine | Private lab | UTC+0 |
Monteiro | Bruno | Porto | i3S | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Pereira | Telmo | Lisbon | CEDOC | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Sampaio | Paula | Porto | i3S | Univ. | UTC+0 |
Vasconcelos | Verónica | Coimbra | Polytechnic University of Coimbra | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Sathappan | Abbirami | Doha | Sidra Medicine | Gov. | UTC+3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Laktiushkin | Viktor | Sochi | Sirius | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Petrov | Maxim | Yekaterinburg | SIAMS Ltd | Industry | UTC+5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Ali | Rizwan | Riyadh | King Abdullah International Medical Research Center | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Hassan | Ahmed | Thuwal | King Abdullah University of Sccience & Technology | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Ogg | Stephen | Thuwal | King Abdullah University of Sccience & Technology | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Dencevski | Aleksa | Belgrade | Institute of physics Belgrade | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Goh | Wah Ing | Singapore | A*STAR Mic.Platform | Gov. | UTC+8 |
Lin | Yangchen | Singapore | National University of Singapore | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Ma | Xiaoxiao | Singapore | A*STAR Mic.Platform | Gov. | UTC+8 |
Siew | Ronian | Singapore | Venture Biotech Modules Business Private Limited | Industry | UTC-8 |
Tan | Lihao | Singapore | Venture Biotech Modules Business Private Limited | Industry | UTC+8 |
Wright | Graham | Singapore | A*STAR Mic.Platform | Gov. | UTC+8 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Kladnik | Aleš | Ljubljana | University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Jacobs | Caron | Cape Town | University of Cape Town | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bosch | Manel | Barcelona | University of Barcelona CCITUB | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Caiolfa | Valeria | Madrid | Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (F.S.P.) | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Calatayud | Eric | Castelldefels | ICFO | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Calvo | Maria | Barcelona | University of Barcelona | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Diez-Guerra | F. Javier | Madrid | CBMSO (CSIC-UAM) | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Dominguez | Paloma | Sevilla | CABIMER | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Escalada | Artur | Leioa | Instituto Biofisika (CSIC-UPV/EHU) | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Giakoumakis | Nikolaos | Barcelona | Institute for Research in Biomedicine Barcelona | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Halidi | Nadia | Barcelona | Centre for Genomic Regulation | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Marsal | Maria | Castelledefels | ICFO | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mateos | Nicolas | Castelldefels | ICFO | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Planagumà | Jesús | Barcelona | Fundació ClÃnic per a la Recerca Biomèdica | Univ. | UTC+1 |
RamÃrez Revilla | Diego | Leioa | Instituto Biofisika Insitutua (CSIC) | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Sahun | Alvaro | Madrid | Center for Molecular Biology | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Suckert | Theresa | Barcelona | IRB Barcelona | Private lab | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Camacho | Rafael | Gothenburg | University of Gothenburg | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Casas-Moreno | Xavier | Solna | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Chatterjee | Nabanita | Gothenburg | University of Gothenburg | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Corbat | Agustin | Uppsala | SciLifeLab BioImage Informatics/Uppsala Universitet/Sweden | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Fernandez-Rodriguez | Julia | Gothenburg | University of Gothenburg | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Garner | Oliver | Lyckeby | BergmanLabora AB | Industry | UTC+1 |
Guldbrand | Stina | Molndal | Thorlabs Sweden AB | Industry | UTC+1 |
Hu | Jianjiang | Huddinge | Karolinska Institutet | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Imreh | Gabriela | Stockholm | Karolinska Institutet | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Le Guyader | Sylvie | Huddinge | Karolinska Institutet | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Miranda | Gisele | Solna | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
norlin | nils | Lund | Lund University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Piguet | Joachim | Stockholm | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Record | Julien | Stockholm | Karolinska Institutet | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Zhang | Haijiang | Göteborg | Among | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bartoszek | Ewelina | Basel | University of Basel | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Batti | Laura | Geneva | Wyss Center | Private lab | UTC+1 |
Belyaev | Yury | Bern | University of Bern | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Bercowsky | Arianne | Zug | Dotphoton AG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Biehlmaier | Oliver | Basel | Imaging Core Facility, Biozentrum, Basel | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Cuny | Andreas | Basel | ETH Zurich | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Extermann | Jerome | Geneva | HEPIA / HESSO | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Ferrand | Alexia | Basel | Biozentrum, University of Basel | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Gelman | Laurent | Basel | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Lorentz | Pascal | Basel | Department of Biomedicine University of Basel | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Nørrelykke | Simon | Zurich | ETH Zurich | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Plantard | Laure | Basel | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Quintas Glasner de Medeiros | Gustavo | Basel | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research | Private lab | UTC+1 |
Reither | Sabine | Basel | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Roig | Sara | Basel | Biozentrum, University of Basel | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Sanguinetti | Bruno | Zug | Dotphoton AG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Seitz | Arne | Lausanne | EPFL | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Sokoloff | Tatiana | Lausanne | Unil | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Chu | Wei-Chen | Taipei | Academia Sinica | Gov. | UTC+8 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Lerksuthirat | Tassanee | Rachathewi | Mahidol Unive | Univ. | UTC+7 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Akçınar | Salim Can | Izmir | Ege University | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Rezgui | Rachid | Abu Dhabi | NYU Abu Dhabi | Univ. | UTC+4 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Malacrida | Leonel | Montevideo | Universidad de la Republica & Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Olivera | Andrés | Montevideo | Latin America Bioimaging | EU-Org | UTC-3 |
Pannunzio | Bruno | Montevideo | Universidad de la República & Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Aaron | Jesse | Ashburn | HHMI Janelia Research Campus | Private lab | UTC-4 |
Acevedo | Luis | Overland Park | thya | Industry | UTC-6 |
Alshafie | Walaa | Ashburn | Janelia research campus | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Ammer | Amanda | Morgantown | West Virginia University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Armstrong | Brian | Duarte | City of Hope | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Asmar | Anthony | Gaithersburg | National Institute of Standards and Technology | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Bain | Virginia | Danvers | Cell Signaling Technology | Industry | UTC-5 |
Bajcsy | Peter | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Banerjee | Priyam | New York | Rockefeller University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Barbu-Stevanovic | Mihaela | New York | New York Blood Center | Industry | UTC-6 |
Barroso | Margarida | Albany | Albany Medical College | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Beavers | Nick | Rockville | Media Cybernetics | Industry | UTC-4 |
Bellve | Karl | Worcester | University of Massachusetts Medical School | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Bergles | Eric | San Jose | Pavilion Integration Corporation | Industry | UTC-8 |
Bernard-Cook | Marie | Worcester | UMass Medical School | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Bialy | Nikki | Madison | BioImaging North America, Morgridge Institute for Research | Org | UTC-5 |
Blute | Todd | Boston | Boston University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Borensztejn | Antoine | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC-7 |
Bowman | Vanessa | Boise | Boise State University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Brinkman | Brendan | Evident | Industry | UTC-4 | |
Brown | Mary | Saint Paul | University of Minnesota - Twin Cities | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Brunt | Peter | Fairport | AVR Optics | Industry | UTC-5 |
Calvert | Meredith | South San Francisco | Denali Therapeutics | Industry | UTC-7 |
Cameron | Lisa | Durham | Duke University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Cammer | Michael | New Rochelle | NYU Langone Medical | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Campbell | George | Memphis | St. Jude Children's Research Hospital | Private lab | UTC-6 |
Catrina | Irina | New York | Yeshiva University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Chacko | Jenu | Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Chalfoun | Joe | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Chambers | James | Boston | BINA | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Chen | Lily | Hayward | Eikon Therapeutics | Industry | UTC-8 |
Chiritescu | Catalin | Champaign | Phi Optics, Inc. | Industry | UTC-6 |
Cialowicz | Katarzyna | New York | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Cimini | Beth | Cambridge | Broad Institute | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Cole | Richard | Albany | New York State Dept of Health, Wadsworth Center | Gov. | UTC-7 |
Consani | Angela | Olathe | Bioscience Core Skills Institute | Private lab | UTC-6 |
Davis | Andy | Nikon | Industry | UTC-4 | |
De Niz | Mariana | Chicago | Northwestern University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Dobbie | Ian | Baltimore | Johns Hopkins University | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Doherty | Glen | New York | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Donnelly | Katelynne | Fort Collins | Biotect Services | Industry | UTC+7 |
Elliott | John | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Esquibel | Corinne | Grand Rapids | Van Andel Institute | Private lab | UTC-4 |
Fitzpatrick | James | Saint Louis | Washington University School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Gandhi | Shivam | Pleasanton | Eikon Therapeutics | Industry | UTC-8 |
Gaudreault | Nathalie | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC-7 |
Georgakoudi | Irene | Hanover | Dartmouth College | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Ghukasyan | Vladimir | Boston | Chan Zuckerberg Initiative | Industry | UTC-5 |
Giang | William | Hershey | Penn State University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Gibbs | Holly | College Station | Texas A&M University | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Grunwald | David | Worcester | University of Massachusetts | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Gu | Tingting | Norman | University of Oklahoma | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Gupta | Shravan | Rochester | The Institute of Optics, University of Rochester | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Halter | Michael | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Hammer | Mathias | Worcester | University of Massachusetts Medical School | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Hammond | Luke | New York | Columbia University | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Hao | Sijie | Charlottesville | University of Virginia, School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Herrington | Kari | San Francisco | university of California San Francisco | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Hockberger | Philip | Chicago | Waymaker Group | Industry | UTC+7 |
Ibarra | Humberto | New York | Zuckerman Institute - University of Columbia | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Itano | Michelle | Chapel Hill | University of North Carolina | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Jaffe | Claudia | Beaverton | Lumencor, Inc. | Industry | UTC-7 |
Kaiza | Medard | Pittsburgh | University of Pittsburgh | Gov. | UTC+4 |
Keller-Peck | Cindy | Boise | Boise State University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Kirchenbüchler | David | Chicago | Northwestern | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Knobel | Karla | Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Koksoy | Ayse | Houston | MD Anderson CC | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Kuo | Scot | Baltimore | Johns Hopkins University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Kwee | Edward | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Landua | Kalika | Houston | Nikon Instruments | Industry | UTC-5 |
Larsen | DeLaine | Hayward | Eikon Therapeutics | Industry | UTC-8 |
Leavesley | Silas | Mobile | University of South Alabama | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Lee | James | Houston | Baylor College of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Lee | Kitty | Stanford | Stanford University | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Lewis | Krista | Worcester | UMass Chan Medical School | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Lin | Sean | Williston | 89 North, Inc. | Industry | UTC-4 |
Liu | Tristan | New York | Columbia University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Machovina | Tyler | Sewickley | Okolab | Industry | UTC+5 |
Manning | Lane | Fairport | AVR Optics | Industry | UTC-5 |
Mast | Fred | Seattle | Seattle Children’s Hospital | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Mezzano | Valeria | New York | NYU School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Mikulski | Zbigniew | La Jolla | La Jolla Institute for Immunology | Private lab | UTC-8 |
Miller | Caroline | Vallejo | Histology, Imaging, and Image Analysis consultancy | Private lab | UTC-8 |
Mohindra | Rachit | Tucson | Teledyne Photometrics | Industry | UTC-7 |
Montero-Llopis | Paula | Boston | Harvard Med. School | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Mulholland | Jonathan | Stanford | Stanford University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Narasimhan | Arun | New York | Icahn School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Nelson | Michael | Madison | University of Wisconsin | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Ng | Emery | Blacksburg | Virginia Tech | Univ. | UTC-4 |
North | Alison | New York | Rockefeller University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Northan | Brian | Guilderland | True North Intelligent Algorithms | Industry | UTC+5 |
ODonnell | Rob | New York | Rockefeller University Press | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Ogama | Takeo | Waltham | Evident | Industry | UTC-4 |
Orlova | Natalia | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC-7 |
Orr | Vanessa | Madison | BioImaging North America, Morgridge Institute for Research | Org | UTC-6 |
Paulucci | Adriana | Houston | MD Anderson CC | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Pengo | Thomas | Minneapolis | University of Minnesota | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Peterka | Darcy | New York | Columbia University | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Peterson | Alexander | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Peterson | John | Cleveland | Cleveland Clinic Foundation | Private lab | UTC-5 |
Pihan | German | Boston | BIDMC/HARVARD | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Powell | Rhonda | Clemson | Clemson University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Price | Meridith | Chapel Hill | Oxford Inst. Bitplane | Industry | UTC-4 |
Reiche | Michael | Ashburn | Howard Hughes Medical Institute | Private lab | UTC+5 |
Relich | Peter | Torrance | Intellisense Systems, Inc. | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Repula | Andrii | Beaverton | Lumencor, Inc. | Industry | UTC+7 |
Rigano | Alessandro | Worcester | UMass Chan Medical School | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Roker | LaToya | Baltimore | Johns Hopkins University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Rosa Molinar | Eduardo | Saint Louis | Washington University in Saint Louis School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Ross-Elliott | Timothy | Boston | Andor | Industry | UTC-5 |
Saltekoff | Stephen | Eugene | Applied Scientific Instrumentation | Industry | UTC+7 |
Sanders | Mark | Minneapolis | University of Minnesota | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Sauer | Ryan | Williston | 89 North, Inc. | Industry | UTC-4 |
Schreiner | Ryan | New York | Weill Cornell Medicine | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Schwartz | Stanley | Austin | Nikon | Industry | UTC-5 |
Scott | Ryan | Moffett Field | KBR/NASA Ames | Gov. | UTC-8 |
Sharma | Ved | New York | Rockefeller University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Smith | Laura | New York | Rockefeller University Press | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Srinivasan | Sathya | Beaverton | ONPRC | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Stats | Sam | Williston | 89 North, Inc. | Industry | UTC-5 |
Staurovsky | Susan | Farmington | UConn Health | EU-Org | UTC-4 |
Strambio De Castillia | Caterina | Worcester | University of Massachusetts Medical School, Program in Molecular Medicine; Chan Zuckerberg Initiative; BINA Quality Control and Data Management Working Group | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Sudar | Damir | Oakland | Quant.Ima. Systems | Industry | UTC-7 |
Swanson | Sarah | Madison | University of Wisconsin | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Ta | Adam | Seattle | Sage Bionetworks | Private lab | UTC+-0 |
Taatjes | Douglas | Burlington | University of Vermont | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Tapia | Pablo | Bethesda | National Institutes of Health (NIH) | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Thirstrup | Derek | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC+7 |
Thornton | Staci | Storrs | University of Connecticut, Department of Kinesiology | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Titus | Steve | Rising SUn | ThermoFisher | Industry | UTC-5 |
Tourtellotte | Jocelyn | Brimfield | UMassChan | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Tsuchida | Mark | Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Tu | Haohua | Urbana | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Tzavaras | Nikos | New York | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Ulbrich | Russell | Worcester | ScientiaLux LLC | Industry | UTC-4 |
Vallmitjana | Alexander | Irvine | University of California, Irvine | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Van Howe | Thomas | Westmont | McCrone Associates, Inc. | Private lab | UTC-5 |
Vetter | Tatyana | Columbus | Nationwide Children's Hospital | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Vitha | Stanislav | College Station | Texas A&M University | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Wee | Erika | Cold Spring Harbor | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Weiss | Kurt | Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Univ. | UTC-6 |
West | Mary | Berkeley | UC Berkeley | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Wilson | Helen | Madison | University of Wisconsin Madison | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Woods | Kali | Boise | Boise State University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Yao | Jie | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC-7 |
Zalavadia | Ajay | Cleveland | Cleveland Clinic | Private lab | UTC-5 |
Zeiss | Erich | Beaverton | Lumencor, Inc. | Industry | UTC-5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Falomir Lockhart | Lisandro | La Plata | INIBIOLP (CONICET-UNLP) | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Guaimas | Francisco | San Martin | CONICET-UNSAM | Gov. | UTC-3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bottomley | Amy | Ultimo | University of Technology Sydney | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Chang | Jinny | Parkville | The University of Melbourne | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Cho | Ellie | Carlton | The University of Melbourne | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Cole | Louise | Sydney | University of Technology | Univ. | UTC+11 |
Condon | Nicholas | Brisbane | University of Queensland | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Dervish | Suat | Westmead | Westmead Institute for Medical Research | Gov. | UTC+10 |
Geoghegan | Niall | Coburg North | WEHI | Univ. | UTC+11 |
Hibbs | Ben | Silvan | Klein Australia Pty Ltd | Industry | UTC+10 |
Hirvonen | Liisa | Perth | The University of Western Australia | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Lee | Woei Ming Steve | Canberra | John Curtin School of Medical Research, The Australian National University | Univ. | UTC+10 |
McMillan | Paul | Parkville | University of Melbourne | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Parslow | Adam | Melbourne | Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute | Private lab | UTC+10 |
Rad | Dorsa | Sydney | ANZAC Research Instittue | Univ. | UTC+11 |
Rajasekhar | Pradeep | Parkville | Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research | Univ. | UTC+11 |
Rogers | Kelly | Parkville | Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Segal | Gabriela | Melbourne | University of Melbourne | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Sibbons | Jane | Adelaide | University of Adelaide | Univ. | UTC+9 |
Springfield | James | Brisbane | University of Queensland | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Su | Yingying | Riverwood | The University of Sydney | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Aumayr | Karin | Vienna | IMP | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Belinova | Tereza | Klosterneuburg | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Cesbron | Yann | Klosterneuburg | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Darwish | Nasser | Klosterneuburg | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Ecker | Rupert | Vienna | TissueGnostics GmbH | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Gharagozlou | Shadi | Klosterneuburg | Institute of science and technology Austria | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Holub | Petr | Graz | BBMRI-ERIC | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Krainer | Lukas | Dornbirn | Prospective Instruments | Industry | UTC+1 |
Krens | Gabriel | Klosterneuburg | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
De Keersmaecker | Herlinde | Ghent | UGent | Univ. | UTC+1 |
De Vos | Winnok | Antwerp | University of Antwerp | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Dmitriev | Ruslan | Ghent | Ghent University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Duwé | Sam | Diepenbeek | Universiteit Hasselt | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Hendrix | Jelle | Diepenbeek | Hasselt University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Martens | Tobie | Leuven | Cell Imaging Core KU Leuven | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Munck | Sebastian | Leuven | University of Leuven | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Okkelman | Irina | Ghent | Ghent University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Vanderwinden | Jean-Marie | Brussels | Université Libre de Bruxelles, Faculté de Médecine, Light Microscopy Facility | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Verschuuren | Marlies | Antwerp | University of Antwerp | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Zhou | Hang | Ghent | Ghent University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Gomes | Andre | Rio de Janeiro | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Lopes | Jose | Ribeirao Preto | USP/Brazil | Univ. | UTC-3 |
S. Teófilo | Francisco | Campinas | University of Campinas | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Ahmadpour | Noushin | Winnipeg | University of Manitoba | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Brideau | Craig | Calgary | University of Calgary | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Bronze de Firmino | Joao Pedro | Hamilton | Centre for Advanced Light Microscopy at McMaster University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Brown | Claire | Montreal | BINA, Canada BioImaging | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Cleret-Buhot | Aurélie | Montreal | Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CRCHUM) | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Colarusso | Pina | Calgary | University of Calgary | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Ertugrul | Efe | Montreal | McGill University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Fillion | Marie-Lyne | Montreal | Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Forbes | Ashli | Vancouver | University of British Columbia | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Gauthier | Pascal | Jonquiere | RioTinto | Private lab | UTC+5 |
Holland | Ian | Ottawa | Teledyne Lumenera | Industry | UTC-8 |
Joyal | Mathieu | Ottawa | University of Ottawa | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Keerthisinghe | Sandra | Burnaby | Simon Fraser University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Key | Jillian | Ottawa | University of Ottawa | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Kuester-Schoeck | Elke | Montreal | CHU Ste-Justine | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Lacoste | Judith | Montreal | MIA Cellavie Inc. | Industry | UTC-4 |
Laferriere | Pascal | Nepean | Teledyne Lumenera | Industry | UTC-5 |
LeDue | Jeffrey | Vancouver | University of British Columbia | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Oreopoulos | John | Toronto | Oxford Inst. Andor | Industry | UTC-5 |
Pavel | Catalin | Montreal | Azure Biosystems Canada Inc. | Industry | UTC+5 |
Plummer | Greg | Edmonton | University of Alberta | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Stifani | Nicolas | Montréal | Université de Montréal | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Teo | Wulin | Calgary | Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary | Univ. | UTC+7 |
Vaahtokari | Anne | Calgary | University of Calgary | Univ. | UTC-7 |
van Oostende-Triplet | Chloë | Ottawa | University of Ottawa | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Wagner | Darcy | Montreal | McGill University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Wang | Liyuan | Ottawa | Cell Biology and Image Acquisition Core Facility, University of Ottawa | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Watson | Kemp | Georgetown, Ontario | Objective Pathology Services Limited | Industry | UTC-4 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bertocchi | Cristina | Santiago de Chile | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Fuentealba Pérez | Luz | Santiago | Universidad Mayor | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Fuhrhop | Carlos | Valdivia | Universidad Austral de Chile | Univ. | UTC+4 |
Parot | Vicente | Santiago de Chile | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Ravasio | Andrea | Macul | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Valiente-EcheverrÃa | Fernando | Santiago | Universidad de Chile | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Hao | Xiang | Hangzhou | Zhejiang University | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Li | Xiaoming | Shanghaitech | Shanghaitech University | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Liu | Penghuan | Hangzhou | China Jiliang University | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Zhao | Yibing | Shanghai | Carl Zeiss | Industry | UTC+8 |
Zhou | Chunyuan | Pudong New Area | Nikon Instruments (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd | Industry | UTC+8 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Blazikova | Michaela | Prague | Light Microscopy Core Facility, IMG CAS | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Capek | Martin | Prague | Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Cebecauer | Marek | Prague | J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Dostál | Zbyněk | Brno | Brno University of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Esner | Milan | Brno | Ceitec Masaryk University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Hatto | Mao | Prague | Nikon | Industry | UTC+2 |
Horvath | Ondrej | Praha | Institute of Molecular Genetics AS CR | Gov. | UTC-1 |
Jesionek | Wojciech | Brno | CELLIM CEITEC Masaryk University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Sanetrnik | Vojtech | Brno | Telight | Industry | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Braunstein | Thomas | København N | Kbh. Uni. CFIM | Univ. | UTC-1 |
Christensen | Nynne | Copenhagen | University of Copenhagen, Center for Advanced Bioimaging | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Harizanova | Jana | Copenhagen | CFIM/University of Copenhagen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Novak | Ivana | Copenhagen | University of Copenhagen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Tosi | Sebastien | Copenhagen | UCPH / DBI-INFRA | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Narvaez | William | Lastenia Toral | NGSI | Private lab | UTC-5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Erikson | John | Turku | Euro-BioImaging | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Fazeli | Elnaz | Helsinki | University of Turku / University of Helsinki | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Guzman | Camilo | Turku | Ã…bo Akademi University | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Liljeström | Mikko | Helsinki | University of Helsinki | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Pylvänäinen | Joanna | Turku | Åbo Akademi University | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Ronkainen | Veli-Pekka | Oulu | University of Oulu | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Tanhuanpää | Kimmo | Helsinki | University of Helsinki | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Vainio | Susanne | Turku | Euro-BioImaging ERIC | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Vonderstein | Kirstin | Helsinki | University of Helsinki | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Acher | Olivier | Palaiseau | HORIBA France | Industry | UTC+1 |
Ameisen | David | Paris | imginIT & European Society of Digital and Integrative Pathology | Industry | UTC+2 |
Aulner | Nathalie | Paris | Institut Pasteur | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Bourg | Nicolas | Cachan | Abbelight | Industry | UTC+1 |
Boyce | Aidan | Cours-de-Monségur | Oxford Inst. Andor | Industry | UTC+1 |
Casse | Alhassan | Vitry-sur-Seine | SANOFI | Industry | UTC+2 |
Clément | Jean-Emmanuel | Villeneuve d’Ascq cedex | University of lille | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Contremoulins | Vincent | Paris | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Converset | Noel | Lay-Saint-Christophe | Lordil | Industry | UTC+1 |
Cordelières | Fabrice | Bordeaux | University of Bordeaux | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Dauphin | Aurelien | Paris | RTmfm | Univ. | UTC+2 |
DELNERY | Elaine | Paris | Global-BioImaging | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Dhmine | Oumou | Monpellier | CNRS | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Egron | Audrey | Pessac | Argolight | Industry | UTC+1 |
Faklaris | Orestis | Montpellier | RTmfm | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Fallet | Mathieu | Marseille | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Gay | Guillaume | Marseille | France BioImaging, BioCampus, Université de Montpellier | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Girard | Philippe | Paris | Institut Jacques Monod - Université de Paris | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Guilbert | Thomas | Cesson-Sévigné | INSCOPER | Industry | UTC+2 |
Guiot | Elvire | Illkirch | IGBMC | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Kapoor | Varun | Paris | Kapoorlabs | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Lahlou | Aliénor | PARIS | Sony CSL - Paris | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Luccardini | Camilla | Lyon | CIQLE Centre d'Imagerie Quantitative Lyon Est | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Madi | Mehdi | Cachan | Abbelight | Industry | UTC+1 |
Mahou | Pierre | Palaiseau | Laboratory for Optics and Biosciences, Ecole Polytechnique | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mateos Langerak | Julio | Montpellier | MRI | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Matthews | Cedric | Marseille | University of Aix-Marseille | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Monterroso | Baptiste | Nice | University of Nice | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Oheim | Martin | Paris | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Papadiamantis | Sotirios | Marseille | University of Aix-Marseille | Univ. | UTC-2 |
Paul-Gilloteaux | Perrine | Nantes | CNRS Univ-Nantes | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Peron-Cane | Caroline | PARIS | TELIGHT | Industry | UTC+1 |
Petithory | Tatiana | Mulhouse | IS2M CNRS UMR 7361 | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Rexhepaj | Elton | Paris | Sanofi | Industry | UTC+1 |
Royon | Arnaud | Bordeaux | Argolight | Industry | UTC+2 |
Saint-Hilaire | Cadisha | Paris | Curie Institute | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Salles | Audrey | Paris | Institut Pasteur | Private lab | UTC+1 |
Sarron | Florian | TOULOUSE | IRIT - CBI/MCD - Université Toulouse III | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Schapman | Damien | Rouen | Normandy University | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Schroeder | Alexandra | Paris | Telight - BioAxial | Industry | UTC+1 |
Shorte | Spencer | Paris | Institut Pasteur | Private lab | UTC+9 |
Soubies | Emmanuel | Toulouse | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+2 |
ster | Ciaran | Marseille | Aix-Marseille Université | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Stringari | Chiara | Palaiseau | CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Teillon | Jérémie | Bordeaux | University of Bordeaux | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Weiss | Pierre | Toulouse | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Yunling | XU | Paris | Parcc, U970, Inserm | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Alexopoulos | Ioannis | Giessen | ILH/CIGL Multiscale Imaging Platform | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Avilov | Sergiy | Freiburg | Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics | MPG | UTC+2 |
Barachati | Fábio | Berlin | PicoQuant GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Beckert | Hannes | Bonn | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Beer | Sebastian | Hersching | Hamamatsu | Industry | UTC+2 |
Belyaev | Ivan | Jena | Friedrich Schiller University Jena | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Benton | Matthew | Heidelberg | EMBL | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Bierwagen | Jakob | Tuebingen | AHF | Industry | UTC+2 |
Birngruber | Konstantin | Munich | Toptica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Bischof | Johanna | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Block | Stephan | Berlin | Freie Universität Berlin | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Boehm | Ulrike | Oberkochen | Carl Zeiss AG | Industry | UTC-4 |
Boissonnet | Tom | Düsseldorf | Heinrich Heine Universität - Center for Advanced imaging | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Breitlow | Juergen | Berlin | PicoQuant GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Brocher | Jan | Ludwigshafen | BioVoxxel | Industry | UTC+1 |
Broeking | Kai | Goettingen | MPI | MPG | UTC+2 |
Budde | Kai | Rostock | University of Rostock | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Calandra | Ivan | Neuwied | IMPALA, Leibniz-Zentrum für Archäologie (LEIZA) | Leibniz | UTC+1 |
Cappellaro | Markus | München | Carl Zeiss Microscopy | Industry | UTC+1 |
Christopher | Jana | Heidelberg | FEBS Press/Uni Heidelberg/Image-Integrity | Univ. | UTC+1 |
D'Este | Elisa | Heidelberg | Max Planck Institute for Medical Research | MPG | UTC-1 |
Deutsch | Manuel | Munich | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Diekhoff | Dagmar | Freiburg | Max-Planck-Institut für Immunbiologie und Epigenetik | MPG | UTC+1 |
Dietzel | Ralf | Rodgau | Omicron | Industry | UTC+2 |
Dietzel | Steffen | Munich | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Ditengou | Franck | Freiburg | University of Clinic Freiburg, IMITATE | Univ. | UTC+1 |
dos Santos | Daniela | Ulm | Ulm University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Drillet | Eric | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Duong | Cao Nguyen | Saarbrücken | Leibniz Institute for New Materials | Leibniz | UTC+1 |
Eich | Florian | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Eismann | Frank | Jena | Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Ewers | Helge | Berlin | Freie Universität Berlin | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Fallisch | Arne | Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Life Imaging Center | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Felscher | Andreas | Luebeck | Coherent | Industry | UTC+2 |
Franke | Christian | Jena | Institute of Applied Optics and Biophysics of the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Fried | Hans | Bonn | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Helmholtz | UTC+2 |
Fu | Yangting | Bonn | Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen e. V. (DZNE) | Helmholtz | UTC+1 |
Gheisari | Ali | Bergkirchen | Thorlabs GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Gonnert | Manfred | Bergkirchen | Thorlabs GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Grebnev | Gleb | Heidelberg | Global BioImaging | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Gunkel | Manuel | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Gütay | Levent | Oldenburg | University of Oldenburg | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Halavatyi | Aliaksandr | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Hartmann | Hella | Dresden | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Haxelmans | Sabine | Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Life Imaging Center | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Heintzmann | Rainer | Jena | Friedrich Schiller University Jena | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Hemmerich | Peter | Jena | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Leibniz | UTC+2 |
Hoffmann | Birgit | Jena | UKJ | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Hoischen | Christian | Jena | Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute | Leibniz | UTC+1 |
Holst | Gerhard | Kehlheim | PCO/Excelitas | Industry | UTC+2 |
Huerta | Daniela | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Huisken | Jan | Göttingen | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Icha | Jaroslav | Erlangen | Interherence GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Jambor | Helena | Dresden | TU Dresden | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Jevtic | Visnja | Freiburg | Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics | MPG | UTC+2 |
Jolmes | Fabian | Berlin | PicoQuant GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Kapsokalyvas | Dimitris | Aachen | University Hospital RWTH Aachen University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Karl | Christian | Bochum | University of Bochum | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Karpf | Sebastian | Luebeck | Universität zu Lübeck | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Kasper | Robert | Hamburg | Evident Europe GmbH | Industry | UTC-1 |
Kemmer | Isabel | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging ERIC | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Kemnitzer | Norbert | Siegen | ATTO-TEC GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Keppler | Antje | Heidelberg | GBI | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Kirchner | Marcel | Cologne | MPI | MPG | UTC+2 |
Köbele | Luis | Freiburg | opto biolabs GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Köning | Rainer | Braunschweig | PTB Braunschweig | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Kremer | Manuel | Mannheim | Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Krüger | Daniel | Münster | Evident | Industry | UTC+1 |
Krzic | Uros | Munich | Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Kukat | Christian | Cologne | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | MPG | UTC+2 |
Kunis | Susanne | Osnabrueck | GerBi-GMB WG 6 | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Laskey | Peter | Wetzlar | Leica Microsystems | Industry | UTC-2 |
Liu | Xiaomin | Mainz | Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research | MPG | UTC+2 |
Luethy | Kevin | Düsseldorf | Bielefeld University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Margineanu | Anca | Berlin | Max Delbrück Centrum Berlin | Helmholtz | UTC+2 |
Mathur | Aastha | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
McFadden | David | Jena | FSU Jena | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mitkovski | Miso | Göttingen | GerBi-GMB WG 1, MPI-NAT | MPG | UTC+2 |
Miura | Kota | Heidelberg | University of Heidleberg | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mülter | Andrea | Mannheim | Leica Microsystems | Industry | UTC+1 |
Neumann | Sophie | Jena | FSU Jena | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Nitschke | Roland | Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Life Imaging Center | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Ossato | Giulia | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+1 |
Oster | Markus | Munich | MPI of Biochemistry | MPG | UTC+2 |
Peng | Tingying | Neuherberg | Helmholtz Munich | Helmholtz | UTC+1 |
Pepperkok | Rainer | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Petrov | Eugene | Berlin | Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Pfander | Claudia | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging Industry Board @BioHub EMBL | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Politi | Antonio | Göttingen | Max Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry | MPG | UTC+1 |
Reis | Yara | Heidelberg | Global BioImaging - EMBL | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Resch-Genger | Ute | Berlin | BAM | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Reymann | Jürgen | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Rhode | Sebastian | Munich | Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Ritz | Sandra | Mainz | Institute of Molecular Biology - IMB | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Royeck | Michael | Bonn | DFG, guest observer | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Rühl | Arnd | Wetzlar | Maerzhaeuser | Industry | UTC+2 |
Schmied | Christopher | Berlin | Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP) | Leibniz | UTC+1 |
Schmied | Jürgen | Gräfelfing | GATTAquant GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Schmoranzer | Jan | Berlin | Charite | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Schroth-Diez | Britta | Dresden | MPI-CBG | MPG | UTC+2 |
Schuchardt | Chris | Jena | Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Schüler | Jutta | Berlin | Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Schulz | Christian | Wetzlar | Leica DIN/ISO | Industry | UTC+2 |
Schumann | Christian | Wetzlar | Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Schütz | Lucas | Heidelberg | AG | Industry | UTC+2 |
Selbach | Florian | Gräfelfing | GATTAquant GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Selchow | Olaf | Gera | Microscopy & BioImaging Consulting | Industry | UTC+2 |
Shakouri | Mahsa | Heidelberg | DKFZ | Industry | UTC+12 |
Sieber | Jochen | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Sisamakis | Evangelos | Berlin | PicoQuant GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Solovyeva | Vita | Oldenburg | University of Oldenburg | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Spitaler | Martin | Munich | MPI of Biochemistry | MPG | UTC+2 |
Sporbert | Anje | Berlin | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Helmholtz | UTC+2 |
Stauber | Christian | Mannheim | Leica Microsystems | Industry | UTC+2 |
Stöckl | Martin | Konstanz | Bioimaging Center / Universiät Konstanz | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Ströker | Dirk | Münster | Evident Technology Center Eurpoe GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Studier | Hauke | Berlin | Becker & Hickl GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Terjung | Stefan | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Tewinkel | Martin | Hamburg | Evident Europe GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Thirase | Jan | Göttingen | Technologie Manufaktur GmbH&Co. KG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Thuenauer | Roland | Hamburg | Heinrich Pette Institute | Leibniz | UTC+2 |
Tischer | Christian | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Tomikawa | Camila | Munich | Cognostics AG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Türschmann | Pierre | Erlangen | Interherence GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
van Zandvoort | Marc | Aachen | RWTH Aachen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Venus | Brüne | Göttingen | Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Vierdag | Wouter-Michiel | Heidelberg | European Molecular Biology Laboratory | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Vogl | Ulrich | Oberkochen | Carl Zeiss AG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Vogt | Michael | Aachen | IZKF Aachen RWTH University Hospital | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Volkmann, Von | Konrad | Berlin | APE Angewandte Physik & Elektronik GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Walther | Christa | Konstanz | German BioImaging-Gesellschaft für Mikroskopie und Bildanalyse e.V. | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Weidtkamp-Peters | Stefanie | Duesseldorf | Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Weis | Markus | Münster | Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Wernet | Tobias | Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Life Imaging Center | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Wetzker | Cornelia | Dresden | TU Dresden | Univ. | UTC+1 |
White | Silke | Dresden | DZNE - German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases | Helmholtz | UTC+2 |
Wiegraebe | Winfried | Seattle | Bruker | Industry | UTC+8 |
Wilms | Christian | Heidelberg | Cairn Research GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Zantl | Roman | Munich | ibidi | Industry | UTC+2 |
Zeug | Andre | Hannover | Hannover Medical School | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Zuschratter | Werner | Magdeburg | Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie - LIN | Leibniz | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Acton | Richard | Cambridge | Human Developmental Biology Initiative | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Ameer-Beg | Simon | London | King’s College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Auer | Julia | Edinburgh | IGC Advanged Imaging Facility, University of Edinburgh | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Bagley | Steve | Manchester | University of Manch. | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Bammann | Rodrigo | Uckfield | Scientifica | Industry | UTC+1 |
Banks | William | Manchester | Cancer research UK manchester institute | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Bennett | Sarah | Coventry | University of Warwick | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Betteridge | Kai | London | Institute of Cancer Research | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Boczonadi | Veronika | Newcastle | Newcastle University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Botchway | Stan | Oxford/Didcot | UKRI-STFC | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Bourn | Matthew | Leeds | National Measurement Laboratory | Industry | UTC+1 |
Bowman | Richard | Glasgow | University of Glasgow | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Boxall | Sally | Leeds | University of Leeds | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Bruckbauer | Andreas | Cambridge | University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Cadby | Ashley | Sheffield | University of Sheffield | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Clements | Darran | Cambridge | University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Corbett | Alex | Exeter | UK BioImaging | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Corcoran | David | Coventry | University of Warwick | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Culley | Siân | London | King's College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Dornblut | Carsten | Cambridge | Abcam | Industry | UTC+1 |
Dzelzainis | Thomas | Didcot | Rutherford Appleton Laboratory | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Eseola | Alice | Norwich | The Sainsbury Laboratory | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Esposito | Alessandro | Uxbridge | Brunel University London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Gaboriau | David | London | Imperial College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Garcia Gonzalez | Esther | Didcot | STFC, UKRI | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Gascoyne | Rebecca | Birmingham | University of Birmingham | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Giles | Patrick | Uckfield | Scientifica | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Goodhand | Isabel | Andover | CoolLED Ltd. | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Gramann | Alex | Andover | CoolLED Ltd. | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Greenwood | Harrison | London | The Francis Crick Institute | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Hadleigh | Roland | Uckfield | Scientifica | Industry | UTC+1 |
Hartley | Matthew | Cambridge | EMBL-EBI | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Hawkins | Tim | Durham | Durham University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Held | Marie | Liverpool | University of Liverpool | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Herzog | Dylan | London | Microscopy Innovation Centre, King's College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Ho | Kenneth | London | The Francis Crick Institute | Private lab | UTC+-0 |
Holter | Jennifer | Oxford | University of Oxford | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Inavalli | V V G | Southampton | University of Southampton | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Iremonger | James | Edinburgh | University of Edinburgh | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Jarman | Anneliese | Cambridge | The Babraham Institute | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Jarvis | Stuart | Cambridge | Prior | Industry | UTC+1 |
Jiang | Junqing | London | National Physical Laboratory | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Knapper | Joe | Glasgow | University of Glasgow | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Koth | Jana | Oxford | Oxford University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Kraev | Igor | Milton Keynes | Open University | Univ. | UTC-1 |
Kugler | Elisabeth | London | UCL | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Kumar | Purnima | CAMBRIDGE | Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Kupcu Yoldas | Aybuke | Hinxton | EMBL-EBI | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Lai | Pok Yui | Oxford | University of Oxford | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Laissue | Philippe | Colchester | University of Essex | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Laude | Alex | Newcastle | Newcastle University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Lawrence | Nicola | Cambridge | Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Lazenby | James | Norwich | Quadram Institute | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Leburn | Christopher | Edinburgh | Chromacity | Univ. | UTC-1 |
Lees | Robert | Didcot | Science and Technology Facilities Council | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Levitt | James | London | Nikon Imaging Centre, King's College London, UK | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Marcello | Marco | Liverpool | University of Liverpool | Univ. | UTC+1 |
McCarthy | Elizabeth | Uxbridge | Brunel University London | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Micu | Ileana | Belfast | Queen's University Belfast | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mitchell | Claire | Glasgow | The Beatson Institute for Cancer Research | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Moore | Josh | Dundee | University of Dundee | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mullan | Alan | Belfast | Andor | Industry | UTC+1 |
Naylor | Huw | Cambridge | CRUK Cambridge Institute | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Nechyporuk-Zloy | Volodymyr | London | Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Nelson | Glyn | Newcastle | UK BioImaging | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Parsons | Maddy | London | King's College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Pattison | Allister | Belfast | Andor | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Payne-Dwyer | Alex | York | University of York | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Peckham | Michelle | Leeds | University of Leeds | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Pichler | Bruno | Lewes | Independent NeuroScience Services INSS | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Poland | Simon | London | King's College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Porter | Iain | Dundee | University of Dundee | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Prakash | Kirti | London | National Physical Laboratory | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Rea | Chris | Belfast | Andor | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Reick | Christiane | Leicester | University of Leicester | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Robson | Joanne | Durham | Durham University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Schuster | Aminul | London | N/A | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Scrimgeour | Ross | London | Institute of Cancer Research | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Shaw | Elisabeth | Lancaster | Lancaster University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Shaw | Mike | London | National Physical Laboratory | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Sherwood | Francois | Hinxton | EMBL-EBI | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Simm | Alan | Liverpool | Liverpool John Moores University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Simms | Richard | Belfast | Oxford Inst. Andor | Industry | UTC+1 |
Stojiljkovic | Ana | London | The Institute of Cancer Research | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Sutcliffe | Ben | Cambridge | University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Swedlow | Jason | Dundee | University of Dundee | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Thomson | Darren | Exeter | University of Exeter | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Valiya Peedikakkal | Liyana | Oxford | Oxford Nanoimaging | Industry | UTC+1 |
Vanderpant | Leslie | Brighton | Microscope Heaters | Industry | UTC-1 |
West | Steven | London | Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, UCL | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Wetton | Paul | Oxford | Carl Zeiss Ltd | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Wilde | Geraint | Belfast | Oxford Inst. Andor | Industry | UTC+1 |
Zachariadis | Michael | Bath | University of Bath | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Zulueta-Coarasa | Teresa | Hinxton | EMBL-EBI | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Barna | Laszlo | Bloomington | Indiana University Bloomington | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Kumar | Gaurav | Chandigarh | CSIR IMTECH | Gov. | UTC-5 |
Podder | Santosh | Pune | IISER Pune | Gov. | UTC-8 |
Verma | Jitender | Sonepat | Ashoka University | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Heller | Janosch | Dublin | Dublin City University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Thompson | Kerry | Galway | University of Galway, Ireland | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Steinberger | Joseph | Rehovot | Weizmann Institute of Science | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bassi | Andrea | Milano | Politecnico di Milano | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Berno | Valeria | Milano | Ospedale San Raffaele- ALEMBIC | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Ceccarelli | Raino | Rome | CrestOptics S.p.A. | Industry | UTC+1 |
Filesi | Federico | Rome | CrestOptics S.p.A. | Industry | UTC+1 |
Perin | Paola | Pavia | University of Pavia | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Piazza | Simonluca | Genoa | Genoa Instruments | Industry | UTC+1 |
Roccia | Emanuele | Rome | CrestOptics S.p.A. | Industry | UTC+2 |
Rossetta | Alessandro | Rome | FLIM LABS | Industry | UTC+1 |
Vicidomini | Giuseppe | Genoa | Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Ferdous | Zannatul | Sapporo | Hokkaido University | Univ. | UTC+9 |
Fujimori | Toshihiko | Okazaki | JP BioImaging | Gov. | UTC+9 |
Kobayashi | Norio | Wako | Riken | Private lab | UTC+9 |
Kyoda | Koji | Kobe | RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research | Gov. | UTC+9 |
Onami | Shuichi | Kobe | Riken | Private lab | UTC+9 |
Sasaki | Akira | Tsukuba | AIST | Gov. | UTC+9 |
Tsuchiya | Takanori | Fujinomiya | TOKAI HIT | Industry | UTC+9 |
Yamada | Yohei | Chiyoda-Ku | Chuo Precision Industrial Co., Ltd. LIFE SCIENCE Dept. | Industry | UTC+9 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Gudavicius | Dominykas | Vilnius | Light Conversion | Industry | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Guerrero | Adan | Cuernavaca | National Autonomous University of Mexico | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Pimentel | Arturo | Mexico | Biotechnology Inst. | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bakker | Gert-Jan | Nijmegen | NVvM | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Barth | Anders | Delft | Delft University of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Brocks | Lenny | Amsterdam | Netherlands Cancer Institute | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Chinnaraj | Subash Bommu | Amstelveen | Nikon Europe B.V. | Industry | UTC+1 |
de Boer | Pascal | Groningen | University Medical Center Groningen | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Dick | Amalie | Amsterdam | Netherlands Cancer Institute | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Drent | Peter | Amsterdam | ONI | Industry | UTC+1 |
Giepmans | Ben | Groningen | Global-BioImaging | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Graaff | Anko | Utrecht | Hubrecht Institute | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Hassani | Ibrahim | Amsterdam | Nikon BV | Industry | UTC+2 |
Herz | Johan | Groningen | Lambert Instruments BV | Industry | UTC+1 |
Le Dévédec | Sylvia | Leiden | Leiden University | Gov. | UTC-2 |
Metcalf | Daniel | Amsterdam | Nikon Europe | Industry | UTC+1 |
Namink | Kevin | Hilversum | Scientific Volume Imaging BV | Industry | UTC+1 |
Oord | Kees | Amsterdam | Nikon | Industry | UTC+1 |
Schoonderwoert | Vincent | Hilversum | Scientific Volume Imaging BV | Industry | UTC+1 |
Shemesh | Michal | Delft | TUD | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Smith | Carlas | Delft | Delft University of technology | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Tassis | Kostas | Leiden | Leiden University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
van der Voort | Hans | Hilversum | Scientific Volume Imaging BV | Industry | UTC+1 |
Voort | Nicolaas | Hilversum | Scientific Volume Imaging BV | Industry | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Rebstock | Ria | Auckland | The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited | Gov. | UTC+12 |
Schmidt | Alfonso | Kelburn Parade | Malaghan Institute of Medical Reserach | Private lab | UTC+12 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Heyward | Catherine | Oslo | University of Oslo | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Kalaš | Matúš | Bergen | University of Bergen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Ludl | Adriaan-Alexander | Bergen | University of Bergen and ELIXIR Norway | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Szymanski | Jędrzej | Warsaw | Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej im. M. Nenckiego PAN | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Węgierski | Tomasz | Warsaw | International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Azevedo | Andreia | Porto | Faculty of Engineering – University of Porto | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Azevedo | Maria | Porto | i3S/University of Porto | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Carvalho | Mariana | Braga | INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Conde-Sousa | Eduardo | Porto | INEB/i3S | Univ. | UTC+0 |
Cortes | Luisa | Coimbra | Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology | Univ. | UTC+0 |
Lopes | Alexandre | Oeiras | IGC | Private lab | UTC+-0 |
Martins | Gabriel | Oeiras | Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine | Private lab | UTC+0 |
Monteiro | Bruno | Porto | i3S | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Pereira | Telmo | Lisbon | CEDOC | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Sampaio | Paula | Porto | i3S | Univ. | UTC+0 |
Vasconcelos | Verónica | Coimbra | Polytechnic University of Coimbra | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Sathappan | Abbirami | Doha | Sidra Medicine | Gov. | UTC+3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Laktiushkin | Viktor | Sochi | Sirius | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Petrov | Maxim | Yekaterinburg | SIAMS Ltd | Industry | UTC+5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Ali | Rizwan | Riyadh | King Abdullah International Medical Research Center | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Hassan | Ahmed | Thuwal | King Abdullah University of Sccience & Technology | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Ogg | Stephen | Thuwal | King Abdullah University of Sccience & Technology | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Dencevski | Aleksa | Belgrade | Institute of physics Belgrade | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Goh | Wah Ing | Singapore | A*STAR Mic.Platform | Gov. | UTC+8 |
Lin | Yangchen | Singapore | National University of Singapore | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Ma | Xiaoxiao | Singapore | A*STAR Mic.Platform | Gov. | UTC+8 |
Siew | Ronian | Singapore | Venture Biotech Modules Business Private Limited | Industry | UTC-8 |
Tan | Lihao | Singapore | Venture Biotech Modules Business Private Limited | Industry | UTC+8 |
Wright | Graham | Singapore | A*STAR Mic.Platform | Gov. | UTC+8 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Kladnik | Aleš | Ljubljana | University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Jacobs | Caron | Cape Town | University of Cape Town | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bosch | Manel | Barcelona | University of Barcelona CCITUB | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Caiolfa | Valeria | Madrid | Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (F.S.P.) | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Calatayud | Eric | Castelldefels | ICFO | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Calvo | Maria | Barcelona | University of Barcelona | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Diez-Guerra | F. Javier | Madrid | CBMSO (CSIC-UAM) | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Dominguez | Paloma | Sevilla | CABIMER | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Escalada | Artur | Leioa | Instituto Biofisika (CSIC-UPV/EHU) | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Giakoumakis | Nikolaos | Barcelona | Institute for Research in Biomedicine Barcelona | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Halidi | Nadia | Barcelona | Centre for Genomic Regulation | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Marsal | Maria | Castelledefels | ICFO | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mateos | Nicolas | Castelldefels | ICFO | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Planagumà | Jesús | Barcelona | Fundació ClÃnic per a la Recerca Biomèdica | Univ. | UTC+1 |
RamÃrez Revilla | Diego | Leioa | Instituto Biofisika Insitutua (CSIC) | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Sahun | Alvaro | Madrid | Center for Molecular Biology | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Suckert | Theresa | Barcelona | IRB Barcelona | Private lab | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Camacho | Rafael | Gothenburg | University of Gothenburg | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Casas-Moreno | Xavier | Solna | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Chatterjee | Nabanita | Gothenburg | University of Gothenburg | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Corbat | Agustin | Uppsala | SciLifeLab BioImage Informatics/Uppsala Universitet/Sweden | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Fernandez-Rodriguez | Julia | Gothenburg | University of Gothenburg | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Garner | Oliver | Lyckeby | BergmanLabora AB | Industry | UTC+1 |
Guldbrand | Stina | Molndal | Thorlabs Sweden AB | Industry | UTC+1 |
Hu | Jianjiang | Huddinge | Karolinska Institutet | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Imreh | Gabriela | Stockholm | Karolinska Institutet | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Le Guyader | Sylvie | Huddinge | Karolinska Institutet | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Miranda | Gisele | Solna | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
norlin | nils | Lund | Lund University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Piguet | Joachim | Stockholm | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Record | Julien | Stockholm | Karolinska Institutet | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Zhang | Haijiang | Göteborg | Among | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bartoszek | Ewelina | Basel | University of Basel | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Batti | Laura | Geneva | Wyss Center | Private lab | UTC+1 |
Belyaev | Yury | Bern | University of Bern | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Bercowsky | Arianne | Zug | Dotphoton AG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Biehlmaier | Oliver | Basel | Imaging Core Facility, Biozentrum, Basel | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Cuny | Andreas | Basel | ETH Zurich | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Extermann | Jerome | Geneva | HEPIA / HESSO | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Ferrand | Alexia | Basel | Biozentrum, University of Basel | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Gelman | Laurent | Basel | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Lorentz | Pascal | Basel | Department of Biomedicine University of Basel | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Nørrelykke | Simon | Zurich | ETH Zurich | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Plantard | Laure | Basel | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Quintas Glasner de Medeiros | Gustavo | Basel | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research | Private lab | UTC+1 |
Reither | Sabine | Basel | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Roig | Sara | Basel | Biozentrum, University of Basel | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Sanguinetti | Bruno | Zug | Dotphoton AG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Seitz | Arne | Lausanne | EPFL | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Sokoloff | Tatiana | Lausanne | Unil | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Chu | Wei-Chen | Taipei | Academia Sinica | Gov. | UTC+8 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Lerksuthirat | Tassanee | Rachathewi | Mahidol Unive | Univ. | UTC+7 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Akçınar | Salim Can | Izmir | Ege University | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Rezgui | Rachid | Abu Dhabi | NYU Abu Dhabi | Univ. | UTC+4 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Malacrida | Leonel | Montevideo | Universidad de la Republica & Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Olivera | Andrés | Montevideo | Latin America Bioimaging | EU-Org | UTC-3 |
Pannunzio | Bruno | Montevideo | Universidad de la República & Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Aaron | Jesse | Ashburn | HHMI Janelia Research Campus | Private lab | UTC-4 |
Acevedo | Luis | Overland Park | thya | Industry | UTC-6 |
Alshafie | Walaa | Ashburn | Janelia research campus | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Ammer | Amanda | Morgantown | West Virginia University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Armstrong | Brian | Duarte | City of Hope | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Asmar | Anthony | Gaithersburg | National Institute of Standards and Technology | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Bain | Virginia | Danvers | Cell Signaling Technology | Industry | UTC-5 |
Bajcsy | Peter | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Banerjee | Priyam | New York | Rockefeller University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Barbu-Stevanovic | Mihaela | New York | New York Blood Center | Industry | UTC-6 |
Barroso | Margarida | Albany | Albany Medical College | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Beavers | Nick | Rockville | Media Cybernetics | Industry | UTC-4 |
Bellve | Karl | Worcester | University of Massachusetts Medical School | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Bergles | Eric | San Jose | Pavilion Integration Corporation | Industry | UTC-8 |
Bernard-Cook | Marie | Worcester | UMass Medical School | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Bialy | Nikki | Madison | BioImaging North America, Morgridge Institute for Research | Org | UTC-5 |
Blute | Todd | Boston | Boston University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Borensztejn | Antoine | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC-7 |
Bowman | Vanessa | Boise | Boise State University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Brinkman | Brendan | Evident | Industry | UTC-4 | |
Brown | Mary | Saint Paul | University of Minnesota - Twin Cities | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Brunt | Peter | Fairport | AVR Optics | Industry | UTC-5 |
Calvert | Meredith | South San Francisco | Denali Therapeutics | Industry | UTC-7 |
Cameron | Lisa | Durham | Duke University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Cammer | Michael | New Rochelle | NYU Langone Medical | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Campbell | George | Memphis | St. Jude Children's Research Hospital | Private lab | UTC-6 |
Catrina | Irina | New York | Yeshiva University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Chacko | Jenu | Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Chalfoun | Joe | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Chambers | James | Boston | BINA | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Chen | Lily | Hayward | Eikon Therapeutics | Industry | UTC-8 |
Chiritescu | Catalin | Champaign | Phi Optics, Inc. | Industry | UTC-6 |
Cialowicz | Katarzyna | New York | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Cimini | Beth | Cambridge | Broad Institute | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Cole | Richard | Albany | New York State Dept of Health, Wadsworth Center | Gov. | UTC-7 |
Consani | Angela | Olathe | Bioscience Core Skills Institute | Private lab | UTC-6 |
Davis | Andy | Nikon | Industry | UTC-4 | |
De Niz | Mariana | Chicago | Northwestern University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Dobbie | Ian | Baltimore | Johns Hopkins University | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Doherty | Glen | New York | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Donnelly | Katelynne | Fort Collins | Biotect Services | Industry | UTC+7 |
Elliott | John | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Esquibel | Corinne | Grand Rapids | Van Andel Institute | Private lab | UTC-4 |
Fitzpatrick | James | Saint Louis | Washington University School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Gandhi | Shivam | Pleasanton | Eikon Therapeutics | Industry | UTC-8 |
Gaudreault | Nathalie | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC-7 |
Georgakoudi | Irene | Hanover | Dartmouth College | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Ghukasyan | Vladimir | Boston | Chan Zuckerberg Initiative | Industry | UTC-5 |
Giang | William | Hershey | Penn State University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Gibbs | Holly | College Station | Texas A&M University | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Grunwald | David | Worcester | University of Massachusetts | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Gu | Tingting | Norman | University of Oklahoma | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Gupta | Shravan | Rochester | The Institute of Optics, University of Rochester | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Halter | Michael | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Hammer | Mathias | Worcester | University of Massachusetts Medical School | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Hammond | Luke | New York | Columbia University | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Hao | Sijie | Charlottesville | University of Virginia, School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Herrington | Kari | San Francisco | university of California San Francisco | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Hockberger | Philip | Chicago | Waymaker Group | Industry | UTC+7 |
Ibarra | Humberto | New York | Zuckerman Institute - University of Columbia | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Itano | Michelle | Chapel Hill | University of North Carolina | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Jaffe | Claudia | Beaverton | Lumencor, Inc. | Industry | UTC-7 |
Kaiza | Medard | Pittsburgh | University of Pittsburgh | Gov. | UTC+4 |
Keller-Peck | Cindy | Boise | Boise State University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Kirchenbüchler | David | Chicago | Northwestern | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Knobel | Karla | Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Koksoy | Ayse | Houston | MD Anderson CC | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Kuo | Scot | Baltimore | Johns Hopkins University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Kwee | Edward | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Landua | Kalika | Houston | Nikon Instruments | Industry | UTC-5 |
Larsen | DeLaine | Hayward | Eikon Therapeutics | Industry | UTC-8 |
Leavesley | Silas | Mobile | University of South Alabama | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Lee | James | Houston | Baylor College of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Lee | Kitty | Stanford | Stanford University | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Lewis | Krista | Worcester | UMass Chan Medical School | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Lin | Sean | Williston | 89 North, Inc. | Industry | UTC-4 |
Liu | Tristan | New York | Columbia University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Machovina | Tyler | Sewickley | Okolab | Industry | UTC+5 |
Manning | Lane | Fairport | AVR Optics | Industry | UTC-5 |
Mast | Fred | Seattle | Seattle Children’s Hospital | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Mezzano | Valeria | New York | NYU School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Mikulski | Zbigniew | La Jolla | La Jolla Institute for Immunology | Private lab | UTC-8 |
Miller | Caroline | Vallejo | Histology, Imaging, and Image Analysis consultancy | Private lab | UTC-8 |
Mohindra | Rachit | Tucson | Teledyne Photometrics | Industry | UTC-7 |
Montero-Llopis | Paula | Boston | Harvard Med. School | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Mulholland | Jonathan | Stanford | Stanford University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Narasimhan | Arun | New York | Icahn School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Nelson | Michael | Madison | University of Wisconsin | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Ng | Emery | Blacksburg | Virginia Tech | Univ. | UTC-4 |
North | Alison | New York | Rockefeller University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Northan | Brian | Guilderland | True North Intelligent Algorithms | Industry | UTC+5 |
ODonnell | Rob | New York | Rockefeller University Press | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Ogama | Takeo | Waltham | Evident | Industry | UTC-4 |
Orlova | Natalia | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC-7 |
Orr | Vanessa | Madison | BioImaging North America, Morgridge Institute for Research | Org | UTC-6 |
Paulucci | Adriana | Houston | MD Anderson CC | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Pengo | Thomas | Minneapolis | University of Minnesota | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Peterka | Darcy | New York | Columbia University | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Peterson | Alexander | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Peterson | John | Cleveland | Cleveland Clinic Foundation | Private lab | UTC-5 |
Pihan | German | Boston | BIDMC/HARVARD | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Powell | Rhonda | Clemson | Clemson University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Price | Meridith | Chapel Hill | Oxford Inst. Bitplane | Industry | UTC-4 |
Reiche | Michael | Ashburn | Howard Hughes Medical Institute | Private lab | UTC+5 |
Relich | Peter | Torrance | Intellisense Systems, Inc. | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Repula | Andrii | Beaverton | Lumencor, Inc. | Industry | UTC+7 |
Rigano | Alessandro | Worcester | UMass Chan Medical School | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Roker | LaToya | Baltimore | Johns Hopkins University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Rosa Molinar | Eduardo | Saint Louis | Washington University in Saint Louis School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Ross-Elliott | Timothy | Boston | Andor | Industry | UTC-5 |
Saltekoff | Stephen | Eugene | Applied Scientific Instrumentation | Industry | UTC+7 |
Sanders | Mark | Minneapolis | University of Minnesota | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Sauer | Ryan | Williston | 89 North, Inc. | Industry | UTC-4 |
Schreiner | Ryan | New York | Weill Cornell Medicine | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Schwartz | Stanley | Austin | Nikon | Industry | UTC-5 |
Scott | Ryan | Moffett Field | KBR/NASA Ames | Gov. | UTC-8 |
Sharma | Ved | New York | Rockefeller University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Smith | Laura | New York | Rockefeller University Press | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Srinivasan | Sathya | Beaverton | ONPRC | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Stats | Sam | Williston | 89 North, Inc. | Industry | UTC-5 |
Staurovsky | Susan | Farmington | UConn Health | EU-Org | UTC-4 |
Strambio De Castillia | Caterina | Worcester | University of Massachusetts Medical School, Program in Molecular Medicine; Chan Zuckerberg Initiative; BINA Quality Control and Data Management Working Group | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Sudar | Damir | Oakland | Quant.Ima. Systems | Industry | UTC-7 |
Swanson | Sarah | Madison | University of Wisconsin | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Ta | Adam | Seattle | Sage Bionetworks | Private lab | UTC+-0 |
Taatjes | Douglas | Burlington | University of Vermont | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Tapia | Pablo | Bethesda | National Institutes of Health (NIH) | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Thirstrup | Derek | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC+7 |
Thornton | Staci | Storrs | University of Connecticut, Department of Kinesiology | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Titus | Steve | Rising SUn | ThermoFisher | Industry | UTC-5 |
Tourtellotte | Jocelyn | Brimfield | UMassChan | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Tsuchida | Mark | Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Tu | Haohua | Urbana | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Tzavaras | Nikos | New York | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Ulbrich | Russell | Worcester | ScientiaLux LLC | Industry | UTC-4 |
Vallmitjana | Alexander | Irvine | University of California, Irvine | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Van Howe | Thomas | Westmont | McCrone Associates, Inc. | Private lab | UTC-5 |
Vetter | Tatyana | Columbus | Nationwide Children's Hospital | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Vitha | Stanislav | College Station | Texas A&M University | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Wee | Erika | Cold Spring Harbor | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Weiss | Kurt | Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Univ. | UTC-6 |
West | Mary | Berkeley | UC Berkeley | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Wilson | Helen | Madison | University of Wisconsin Madison | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Woods | Kali | Boise | Boise State University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Yao | Jie | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC-7 |
Zalavadia | Ajay | Cleveland | Cleveland Clinic | Private lab | UTC-5 |
Zeiss | Erich | Beaverton | Lumencor, Inc. | Industry | UTC-5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Falomir Lockhart | Lisandro | La Plata | INIBIOLP (CONICET-UNLP) | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Guaimas | Francisco | San Martin | CONICET-UNSAM | Gov. | UTC-3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bottomley | Amy | Ultimo | University of Technology Sydney | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Chang | Jinny | Parkville | The University of Melbourne | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Cho | Ellie | Carlton | The University of Melbourne | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Cole | Louise | Sydney | University of Technology | Univ. | UTC+11 |
Condon | Nicholas | Brisbane | University of Queensland | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Dervish | Suat | Westmead | Westmead Institute for Medical Research | Gov. | UTC+10 |
Geoghegan | Niall | Coburg North | WEHI | Univ. | UTC+11 |
Hibbs | Ben | Silvan | Klein Australia Pty Ltd | Industry | UTC+10 |
Hirvonen | Liisa | Perth | The University of Western Australia | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Lee | Woei Ming Steve | Canberra | John Curtin School of Medical Research, The Australian National University | Univ. | UTC+10 |
McMillan | Paul | Parkville | University of Melbourne | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Parslow | Adam | Melbourne | Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute | Private lab | UTC+10 |
Rad | Dorsa | Sydney | ANZAC Research Instittue | Univ. | UTC+11 |
Rajasekhar | Pradeep | Parkville | Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research | Univ. | UTC+11 |
Rogers | Kelly | Parkville | Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Segal | Gabriela | Melbourne | University of Melbourne | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Sibbons | Jane | Adelaide | University of Adelaide | Univ. | UTC+9 |
Springfield | James | Brisbane | University of Queensland | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Su | Yingying | Riverwood | The University of Sydney | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Aumayr | Karin | Vienna | IMP | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Belinova | Tereza | Klosterneuburg | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Cesbron | Yann | Klosterneuburg | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Darwish | Nasser | Klosterneuburg | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Ecker | Rupert | Vienna | TissueGnostics GmbH | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Gharagozlou | Shadi | Klosterneuburg | Institute of science and technology Austria | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Holub | Petr | Graz | BBMRI-ERIC | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Krainer | Lukas | Dornbirn | Prospective Instruments | Industry | UTC+1 |
Krens | Gabriel | Klosterneuburg | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
De Keersmaecker | Herlinde | Ghent | UGent | Univ. | UTC+1 |
De Vos | Winnok | Antwerp | University of Antwerp | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Dmitriev | Ruslan | Ghent | Ghent University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Duwé | Sam | Diepenbeek | Universiteit Hasselt | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Hendrix | Jelle | Diepenbeek | Hasselt University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Martens | Tobie | Leuven | Cell Imaging Core KU Leuven | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Munck | Sebastian | Leuven | University of Leuven | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Okkelman | Irina | Ghent | Ghent University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Vanderwinden | Jean-Marie | Brussels | Université Libre de Bruxelles, Faculté de Médecine, Light Microscopy Facility | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Verschuuren | Marlies | Antwerp | University of Antwerp | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Zhou | Hang | Ghent | Ghent University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Gomes | Andre | Rio de Janeiro | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Lopes | Jose | Ribeirao Preto | USP/Brazil | Univ. | UTC-3 |
S. Teófilo | Francisco | Campinas | University of Campinas | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Ahmadpour | Noushin | Winnipeg | University of Manitoba | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Brideau | Craig | Calgary | University of Calgary | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Bronze de Firmino | Joao Pedro | Hamilton | Centre for Advanced Light Microscopy at McMaster University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Brown | Claire | Montreal | BINA, Canada BioImaging | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Cleret-Buhot | Aurélie | Montreal | Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CRCHUM) | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Colarusso | Pina | Calgary | University of Calgary | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Ertugrul | Efe | Montreal | McGill University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Fillion | Marie-Lyne | Montreal | Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Forbes | Ashli | Vancouver | University of British Columbia | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Gauthier | Pascal | Jonquiere | RioTinto | Private lab | UTC+5 |
Holland | Ian | Ottawa | Teledyne Lumenera | Industry | UTC-8 |
Joyal | Mathieu | Ottawa | University of Ottawa | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Keerthisinghe | Sandra | Burnaby | Simon Fraser University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Key | Jillian | Ottawa | University of Ottawa | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Kuester-Schoeck | Elke | Montreal | CHU Ste-Justine | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Lacoste | Judith | Montreal | MIA Cellavie Inc. | Industry | UTC-4 |
Laferriere | Pascal | Nepean | Teledyne Lumenera | Industry | UTC-5 |
LeDue | Jeffrey | Vancouver | University of British Columbia | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Oreopoulos | John | Toronto | Oxford Inst. Andor | Industry | UTC-5 |
Pavel | Catalin | Montreal | Azure Biosystems Canada Inc. | Industry | UTC+5 |
Plummer | Greg | Edmonton | University of Alberta | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Stifani | Nicolas | Montréal | Université de Montréal | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Teo | Wulin | Calgary | Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary | Univ. | UTC+7 |
Vaahtokari | Anne | Calgary | University of Calgary | Univ. | UTC-7 |
van Oostende-Triplet | Chloë | Ottawa | University of Ottawa | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Wagner | Darcy | Montreal | McGill University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Wang | Liyuan | Ottawa | Cell Biology and Image Acquisition Core Facility, University of Ottawa | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Watson | Kemp | Georgetown, Ontario | Objective Pathology Services Limited | Industry | UTC-4 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bertocchi | Cristina | Santiago de Chile | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Fuentealba Pérez | Luz | Santiago | Universidad Mayor | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Fuhrhop | Carlos | Valdivia | Universidad Austral de Chile | Univ. | UTC+4 |
Parot | Vicente | Santiago de Chile | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Ravasio | Andrea | Macul | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Valiente-EcheverrÃa | Fernando | Santiago | Universidad de Chile | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Hao | Xiang | Hangzhou | Zhejiang University | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Li | Xiaoming | Shanghaitech | Shanghaitech University | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Liu | Penghuan | Hangzhou | China Jiliang University | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Zhao | Yibing | Shanghai | Carl Zeiss | Industry | UTC+8 |
Zhou | Chunyuan | Pudong New Area | Nikon Instruments (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd | Industry | UTC+8 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Blazikova | Michaela | Prague | Light Microscopy Core Facility, IMG CAS | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Capek | Martin | Prague | Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Cebecauer | Marek | Prague | J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Dostál | Zbyněk | Brno | Brno University of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Esner | Milan | Brno | Ceitec Masaryk University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Hatto | Mao | Prague | Nikon | Industry | UTC+2 |
Horvath | Ondrej | Praha | Institute of Molecular Genetics AS CR | Gov. | UTC-1 |
Jesionek | Wojciech | Brno | CELLIM CEITEC Masaryk University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Sanetrnik | Vojtech | Brno | Telight | Industry | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Braunstein | Thomas | København N | Kbh. Uni. CFIM | Univ. | UTC-1 |
Christensen | Nynne | Copenhagen | University of Copenhagen, Center for Advanced Bioimaging | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Harizanova | Jana | Copenhagen | CFIM/University of Copenhagen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Novak | Ivana | Copenhagen | University of Copenhagen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Tosi | Sebastien | Copenhagen | UCPH / DBI-INFRA | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Narvaez | William | Lastenia Toral | NGSI | Private lab | UTC-5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Erikson | John | Turku | Euro-BioImaging | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Fazeli | Elnaz | Helsinki | University of Turku / University of Helsinki | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Guzman | Camilo | Turku | Ã…bo Akademi University | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Liljeström | Mikko | Helsinki | University of Helsinki | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Pylvänäinen | Joanna | Turku | Åbo Akademi University | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Ronkainen | Veli-Pekka | Oulu | University of Oulu | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Tanhuanpää | Kimmo | Helsinki | University of Helsinki | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Vainio | Susanne | Turku | Euro-BioImaging ERIC | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Vonderstein | Kirstin | Helsinki | University of Helsinki | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Acher | Olivier | Palaiseau | HORIBA France | Industry | UTC+1 |
Ameisen | David | Paris | imginIT & European Society of Digital and Integrative Pathology | Industry | UTC+2 |
Aulner | Nathalie | Paris | Institut Pasteur | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Bourg | Nicolas | Cachan | Abbelight | Industry | UTC+1 |
Boyce | Aidan | Cours-de-Monségur | Oxford Inst. Andor | Industry | UTC+1 |
Casse | Alhassan | Vitry-sur-Seine | SANOFI | Industry | UTC+2 |
Clément | Jean-Emmanuel | Villeneuve d’Ascq cedex | University of lille | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Contremoulins | Vincent | Paris | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Converset | Noel | Lay-Saint-Christophe | Lordil | Industry | UTC+1 |
Cordelières | Fabrice | Bordeaux | University of Bordeaux | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Dauphin | Aurelien | Paris | RTmfm | Univ. | UTC+2 |
DELNERY | Elaine | Paris | Global-BioImaging | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Dhmine | Oumou | Monpellier | CNRS | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Egron | Audrey | Pessac | Argolight | Industry | UTC+1 |
Faklaris | Orestis | Montpellier | RTmfm | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Fallet | Mathieu | Marseille | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Gay | Guillaume | Marseille | France BioImaging, BioCampus, Université de Montpellier | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Girard | Philippe | Paris | Institut Jacques Monod - Université de Paris | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Guilbert | Thomas | Cesson-Sévigné | INSCOPER | Industry | UTC+2 |
Guiot | Elvire | Illkirch | IGBMC | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Kapoor | Varun | Paris | Kapoorlabs | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Lahlou | Aliénor | PARIS | Sony CSL - Paris | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Luccardini | Camilla | Lyon | CIQLE Centre d'Imagerie Quantitative Lyon Est | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Madi | Mehdi | Cachan | Abbelight | Industry | UTC+1 |
Mahou | Pierre | Palaiseau | Laboratory for Optics and Biosciences, Ecole Polytechnique | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mateos Langerak | Julio | Montpellier | MRI | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Matthews | Cedric | Marseille | University of Aix-Marseille | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Monterroso | Baptiste | Nice | University of Nice | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Oheim | Martin | Paris | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Papadiamantis | Sotirios | Marseille | University of Aix-Marseille | Univ. | UTC-2 |
Paul-Gilloteaux | Perrine | Nantes | CNRS Univ-Nantes | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Peron-Cane | Caroline | PARIS | TELIGHT | Industry | UTC+1 |
Petithory | Tatiana | Mulhouse | IS2M CNRS UMR 7361 | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Rexhepaj | Elton | Paris | Sanofi | Industry | UTC+1 |
Royon | Arnaud | Bordeaux | Argolight | Industry | UTC+2 |
Saint-Hilaire | Cadisha | Paris | Curie Institute | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Salles | Audrey | Paris | Institut Pasteur | Private lab | UTC+1 |
Sarron | Florian | TOULOUSE | IRIT - CBI/MCD - Université Toulouse III | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Schapman | Damien | Rouen | Normandy University | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Schroeder | Alexandra | Paris | Telight - BioAxial | Industry | UTC+1 |
Shorte | Spencer | Paris | Institut Pasteur | Private lab | UTC+9 |
Soubies | Emmanuel | Toulouse | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+2 |
ster | Ciaran | Marseille | Aix-Marseille Université | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Stringari | Chiara | Palaiseau | CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Teillon | Jérémie | Bordeaux | University of Bordeaux | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Weiss | Pierre | Toulouse | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Yunling | XU | Paris | Parcc, U970, Inserm | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Alexopoulos | Ioannis | Giessen | ILH/CIGL Multiscale Imaging Platform | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Avilov | Sergiy | Freiburg | Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics | MPG | UTC+2 |
Barachati | Fábio | Berlin | PicoQuant GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Beckert | Hannes | Bonn | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Beer | Sebastian | Hersching | Hamamatsu | Industry | UTC+2 |
Belyaev | Ivan | Jena | Friedrich Schiller University Jena | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Benton | Matthew | Heidelberg | EMBL | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Bierwagen | Jakob | Tuebingen | AHF | Industry | UTC+2 |
Birngruber | Konstantin | Munich | Toptica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Bischof | Johanna | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Block | Stephan | Berlin | Freie Universität Berlin | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Boehm | Ulrike | Oberkochen | Carl Zeiss AG | Industry | UTC-4 |
Boissonnet | Tom | Düsseldorf | Heinrich Heine Universität - Center for Advanced imaging | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Breitlow | Juergen | Berlin | PicoQuant GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Brocher | Jan | Ludwigshafen | BioVoxxel | Industry | UTC+1 |
Broeking | Kai | Goettingen | MPI | MPG | UTC+2 |
Budde | Kai | Rostock | University of Rostock | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Calandra | Ivan | Neuwied | IMPALA, Leibniz-Zentrum für Archäologie (LEIZA) | Leibniz | UTC+1 |
Cappellaro | Markus | München | Carl Zeiss Microscopy | Industry | UTC+1 |
Christopher | Jana | Heidelberg | FEBS Press/Uni Heidelberg/Image-Integrity | Univ. | UTC+1 |
D'Este | Elisa | Heidelberg | Max Planck Institute for Medical Research | MPG | UTC-1 |
Deutsch | Manuel | Munich | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Diekhoff | Dagmar | Freiburg | Max-Planck-Institut für Immunbiologie und Epigenetik | MPG | UTC+1 |
Dietzel | Ralf | Rodgau | Omicron | Industry | UTC+2 |
Dietzel | Steffen | Munich | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Ditengou | Franck | Freiburg | University of Clinic Freiburg, IMITATE | Univ. | UTC+1 |
dos Santos | Daniela | Ulm | Ulm University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Drillet | Eric | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Duong | Cao Nguyen | Saarbrücken | Leibniz Institute for New Materials | Leibniz | UTC+1 |
Eich | Florian | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Eismann | Frank | Jena | Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Ewers | Helge | Berlin | Freie Universität Berlin | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Fallisch | Arne | Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Life Imaging Center | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Felscher | Andreas | Luebeck | Coherent | Industry | UTC+2 |
Franke | Christian | Jena | Institute of Applied Optics and Biophysics of the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Fried | Hans | Bonn | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Helmholtz | UTC+2 |
Fu | Yangting | Bonn | Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen e. V. (DZNE) | Helmholtz | UTC+1 |
Gheisari | Ali | Bergkirchen | Thorlabs GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Gonnert | Manfred | Bergkirchen | Thorlabs GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Grebnev | Gleb | Heidelberg | Global BioImaging | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Gunkel | Manuel | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Gütay | Levent | Oldenburg | University of Oldenburg | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Halavatyi | Aliaksandr | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Hartmann | Hella | Dresden | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Haxelmans | Sabine | Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Life Imaging Center | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Heintzmann | Rainer | Jena | Friedrich Schiller University Jena | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Hemmerich | Peter | Jena | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Leibniz | UTC+2 |
Hoffmann | Birgit | Jena | UKJ | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Hoischen | Christian | Jena | Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute | Leibniz | UTC+1 |
Holst | Gerhard | Kehlheim | PCO/Excelitas | Industry | UTC+2 |
Huerta | Daniela | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Huisken | Jan | Göttingen | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Icha | Jaroslav | Erlangen | Interherence GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Jambor | Helena | Dresden | TU Dresden | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Jevtic | Visnja | Freiburg | Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics | MPG | UTC+2 |
Jolmes | Fabian | Berlin | PicoQuant GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Kapsokalyvas | Dimitris | Aachen | University Hospital RWTH Aachen University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Karl | Christian | Bochum | University of Bochum | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Karpf | Sebastian | Luebeck | Universität zu Lübeck | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Kasper | Robert | Hamburg | Evident Europe GmbH | Industry | UTC-1 |
Kemmer | Isabel | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging ERIC | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Kemnitzer | Norbert | Siegen | ATTO-TEC GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Keppler | Antje | Heidelberg | GBI | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Kirchner | Marcel | Cologne | MPI | MPG | UTC+2 |
Köbele | Luis | Freiburg | opto biolabs GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Köning | Rainer | Braunschweig | PTB Braunschweig | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Kremer | Manuel | Mannheim | Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Krüger | Daniel | Münster | Evident | Industry | UTC+1 |
Krzic | Uros | Munich | Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Kukat | Christian | Cologne | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | MPG | UTC+2 |
Kunis | Susanne | Osnabrueck | GerBi-GMB WG 6 | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Laskey | Peter | Wetzlar | Leica Microsystems | Industry | UTC-2 |
Liu | Xiaomin | Mainz | Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research | MPG | UTC+2 |
Luethy | Kevin | Düsseldorf | Bielefeld University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Margineanu | Anca | Berlin | Max Delbrück Centrum Berlin | Helmholtz | UTC+2 |
Mathur | Aastha | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
McFadden | David | Jena | FSU Jena | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mitkovski | Miso | Göttingen | GerBi-GMB WG 1, MPI-NAT | MPG | UTC+2 |
Miura | Kota | Heidelberg | University of Heidleberg | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mülter | Andrea | Mannheim | Leica Microsystems | Industry | UTC+1 |
Neumann | Sophie | Jena | FSU Jena | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Nitschke | Roland | Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Life Imaging Center | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Ossato | Giulia | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+1 |
Oster | Markus | Munich | MPI of Biochemistry | MPG | UTC+2 |
Peng | Tingying | Neuherberg | Helmholtz Munich | Helmholtz | UTC+1 |
Pepperkok | Rainer | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Petrov | Eugene | Berlin | Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Pfander | Claudia | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging Industry Board @BioHub EMBL | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Politi | Antonio | Göttingen | Max Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry | MPG | UTC+1 |
Reis | Yara | Heidelberg | Global BioImaging - EMBL | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Resch-Genger | Ute | Berlin | BAM | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Reymann | Jürgen | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Rhode | Sebastian | Munich | Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Ritz | Sandra | Mainz | Institute of Molecular Biology - IMB | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Royeck | Michael | Bonn | DFG, guest observer | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Rühl | Arnd | Wetzlar | Maerzhaeuser | Industry | UTC+2 |
Schmied | Christopher | Berlin | Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP) | Leibniz | UTC+1 |
Schmied | Jürgen | Gräfelfing | GATTAquant GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Schmoranzer | Jan | Berlin | Charite | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Schroth-Diez | Britta | Dresden | MPI-CBG | MPG | UTC+2 |
Schuchardt | Chris | Jena | Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Schüler | Jutta | Berlin | Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Schulz | Christian | Wetzlar | Leica DIN/ISO | Industry | UTC+2 |
Schumann | Christian | Wetzlar | Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Schütz | Lucas | Heidelberg | AG | Industry | UTC+2 |
Selbach | Florian | Gräfelfing | GATTAquant GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Selchow | Olaf | Gera | Microscopy & BioImaging Consulting | Industry | UTC+2 |
Shakouri | Mahsa | Heidelberg | DKFZ | Industry | UTC+12 |
Sieber | Jochen | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Sisamakis | Evangelos | Berlin | PicoQuant GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Solovyeva | Vita | Oldenburg | University of Oldenburg | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Spitaler | Martin | Munich | MPI of Biochemistry | MPG | UTC+2 |
Sporbert | Anje | Berlin | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Helmholtz | UTC+2 |
Stauber | Christian | Mannheim | Leica Microsystems | Industry | UTC+2 |
Stöckl | Martin | Konstanz | Bioimaging Center / Universiät Konstanz | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Ströker | Dirk | Münster | Evident Technology Center Eurpoe GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Studier | Hauke | Berlin | Becker & Hickl GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Terjung | Stefan | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Tewinkel | Martin | Hamburg | Evident Europe GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Thirase | Jan | Göttingen | Technologie Manufaktur GmbH&Co. KG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Thuenauer | Roland | Hamburg | Heinrich Pette Institute | Leibniz | UTC+2 |
Tischer | Christian | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Tomikawa | Camila | Munich | Cognostics AG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Türschmann | Pierre | Erlangen | Interherence GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
van Zandvoort | Marc | Aachen | RWTH Aachen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Venus | Brüne | Göttingen | Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Vierdag | Wouter-Michiel | Heidelberg | European Molecular Biology Laboratory | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Vogl | Ulrich | Oberkochen | Carl Zeiss AG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Vogt | Michael | Aachen | IZKF Aachen RWTH University Hospital | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Volkmann, Von | Konrad | Berlin | APE Angewandte Physik & Elektronik GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Walther | Christa | Konstanz | German BioImaging-Gesellschaft für Mikroskopie und Bildanalyse e.V. | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Weidtkamp-Peters | Stefanie | Duesseldorf | Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Weis | Markus | Münster | Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Wernet | Tobias | Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Life Imaging Center | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Wetzker | Cornelia | Dresden | TU Dresden | Univ. | UTC+1 |
White | Silke | Dresden | DZNE - German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases | Helmholtz | UTC+2 |
Wiegraebe | Winfried | Seattle | Bruker | Industry | UTC+8 |
Wilms | Christian | Heidelberg | Cairn Research GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Zantl | Roman | Munich | ibidi | Industry | UTC+2 |
Zeug | Andre | Hannover | Hannover Medical School | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Zuschratter | Werner | Magdeburg | Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie - LIN | Leibniz | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Acton | Richard | Cambridge | Human Developmental Biology Initiative | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Ameer-Beg | Simon | London | King’s College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Auer | Julia | Edinburgh | IGC Advanged Imaging Facility, University of Edinburgh | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Bagley | Steve | Manchester | University of Manch. | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Bammann | Rodrigo | Uckfield | Scientifica | Industry | UTC+1 |
Banks | William | Manchester | Cancer research UK manchester institute | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Bennett | Sarah | Coventry | University of Warwick | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Betteridge | Kai | London | Institute of Cancer Research | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Boczonadi | Veronika | Newcastle | Newcastle University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Botchway | Stan | Oxford/Didcot | UKRI-STFC | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Bourn | Matthew | Leeds | National Measurement Laboratory | Industry | UTC+1 |
Bowman | Richard | Glasgow | University of Glasgow | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Boxall | Sally | Leeds | University of Leeds | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Bruckbauer | Andreas | Cambridge | University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Cadby | Ashley | Sheffield | University of Sheffield | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Clements | Darran | Cambridge | University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Corbett | Alex | Exeter | UK BioImaging | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Corcoran | David | Coventry | University of Warwick | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Culley | Siân | London | King's College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Dornblut | Carsten | Cambridge | Abcam | Industry | UTC+1 |
Dzelzainis | Thomas | Didcot | Rutherford Appleton Laboratory | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Eseola | Alice | Norwich | The Sainsbury Laboratory | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Esposito | Alessandro | Uxbridge | Brunel University London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Gaboriau | David | London | Imperial College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Garcia Gonzalez | Esther | Didcot | STFC, UKRI | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Gascoyne | Rebecca | Birmingham | University of Birmingham | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Giles | Patrick | Uckfield | Scientifica | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Goodhand | Isabel | Andover | CoolLED Ltd. | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Gramann | Alex | Andover | CoolLED Ltd. | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Greenwood | Harrison | London | The Francis Crick Institute | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Hadleigh | Roland | Uckfield | Scientifica | Industry | UTC+1 |
Hartley | Matthew | Cambridge | EMBL-EBI | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Hawkins | Tim | Durham | Durham University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Held | Marie | Liverpool | University of Liverpool | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Herzog | Dylan | London | Microscopy Innovation Centre, King's College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Ho | Kenneth | London | The Francis Crick Institute | Private lab | UTC+-0 |
Holter | Jennifer | Oxford | University of Oxford | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Inavalli | V V G | Southampton | University of Southampton | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Iremonger | James | Edinburgh | University of Edinburgh | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Jarman | Anneliese | Cambridge | The Babraham Institute | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Jarvis | Stuart | Cambridge | Prior | Industry | UTC+1 |
Jiang | Junqing | London | National Physical Laboratory | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Knapper | Joe | Glasgow | University of Glasgow | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Koth | Jana | Oxford | Oxford University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Kraev | Igor | Milton Keynes | Open University | Univ. | UTC-1 |
Kugler | Elisabeth | London | UCL | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Kumar | Purnima | CAMBRIDGE | Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Kupcu Yoldas | Aybuke | Hinxton | EMBL-EBI | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Lai | Pok Yui | Oxford | University of Oxford | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Laissue | Philippe | Colchester | University of Essex | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Laude | Alex | Newcastle | Newcastle University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Lawrence | Nicola | Cambridge | Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Lazenby | James | Norwich | Quadram Institute | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Leburn | Christopher | Edinburgh | Chromacity | Univ. | UTC-1 |
Lees | Robert | Didcot | Science and Technology Facilities Council | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Levitt | James | London | Nikon Imaging Centre, King's College London, UK | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Marcello | Marco | Liverpool | University of Liverpool | Univ. | UTC+1 |
McCarthy | Elizabeth | Uxbridge | Brunel University London | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Micu | Ileana | Belfast | Queen's University Belfast | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mitchell | Claire | Glasgow | The Beatson Institute for Cancer Research | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Moore | Josh | Dundee | University of Dundee | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mullan | Alan | Belfast | Andor | Industry | UTC+1 |
Naylor | Huw | Cambridge | CRUK Cambridge Institute | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Nechyporuk-Zloy | Volodymyr | London | Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Nelson | Glyn | Newcastle | UK BioImaging | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Parsons | Maddy | London | King's College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Pattison | Allister | Belfast | Andor | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Payne-Dwyer | Alex | York | University of York | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Peckham | Michelle | Leeds | University of Leeds | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Pichler | Bruno | Lewes | Independent NeuroScience Services INSS | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Poland | Simon | London | King's College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Porter | Iain | Dundee | University of Dundee | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Prakash | Kirti | London | National Physical Laboratory | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Rea | Chris | Belfast | Andor | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Reick | Christiane | Leicester | University of Leicester | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Robson | Joanne | Durham | Durham University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Schuster | Aminul | London | N/A | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Scrimgeour | Ross | London | Institute of Cancer Research | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Shaw | Elisabeth | Lancaster | Lancaster University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Shaw | Mike | London | National Physical Laboratory | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Sherwood | Francois | Hinxton | EMBL-EBI | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Simm | Alan | Liverpool | Liverpool John Moores University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Simms | Richard | Belfast | Oxford Inst. Andor | Industry | UTC+1 |
Stojiljkovic | Ana | London | The Institute of Cancer Research | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Sutcliffe | Ben | Cambridge | University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Swedlow | Jason | Dundee | University of Dundee | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Thomson | Darren | Exeter | University of Exeter | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Valiya Peedikakkal | Liyana | Oxford | Oxford Nanoimaging | Industry | UTC+1 |
Vanderpant | Leslie | Brighton | Microscope Heaters | Industry | UTC-1 |
West | Steven | London | Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, UCL | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Wetton | Paul | Oxford | Carl Zeiss Ltd | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Wilde | Geraint | Belfast | Oxford Inst. Andor | Industry | UTC+1 |
Zachariadis | Michael | Bath | University of Bath | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Zulueta-Coarasa | Teresa | Hinxton | EMBL-EBI | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Barna | Laszlo | Bloomington | Indiana University Bloomington | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Kumar | Gaurav | Chandigarh | CSIR IMTECH | Gov. | UTC-5 |
Podder | Santosh | Pune | IISER Pune | Gov. | UTC-8 |
Verma | Jitender | Sonepat | Ashoka University | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Heller | Janosch | Dublin | Dublin City University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Thompson | Kerry | Galway | University of Galway, Ireland | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Steinberger | Joseph | Rehovot | Weizmann Institute of Science | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bassi | Andrea | Milano | Politecnico di Milano | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Berno | Valeria | Milano | Ospedale San Raffaele- ALEMBIC | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Ceccarelli | Raino | Rome | CrestOptics S.p.A. | Industry | UTC+1 |
Filesi | Federico | Rome | CrestOptics S.p.A. | Industry | UTC+1 |
Perin | Paola | Pavia | University of Pavia | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Piazza | Simonluca | Genoa | Genoa Instruments | Industry | UTC+1 |
Roccia | Emanuele | Rome | CrestOptics S.p.A. | Industry | UTC+2 |
Rossetta | Alessandro | Rome | FLIM LABS | Industry | UTC+1 |
Vicidomini | Giuseppe | Genoa | Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Ferdous | Zannatul | Sapporo | Hokkaido University | Univ. | UTC+9 |
Fujimori | Toshihiko | Okazaki | JP BioImaging | Gov. | UTC+9 |
Kobayashi | Norio | Wako | Riken | Private lab | UTC+9 |
Kyoda | Koji | Kobe | RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research | Gov. | UTC+9 |
Onami | Shuichi | Kobe | Riken | Private lab | UTC+9 |
Sasaki | Akira | Tsukuba | AIST | Gov. | UTC+9 |
Tsuchiya | Takanori | Fujinomiya | TOKAI HIT | Industry | UTC+9 |
Yamada | Yohei | Chiyoda-Ku | Chuo Precision Industrial Co., Ltd. LIFE SCIENCE Dept. | Industry | UTC+9 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Gudavicius | Dominykas | Vilnius | Light Conversion | Industry | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Guerrero | Adan | Cuernavaca | National Autonomous University of Mexico | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Pimentel | Arturo | Mexico | Biotechnology Inst. | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bakker | Gert-Jan | Nijmegen | NVvM | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Barth | Anders | Delft | Delft University of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Brocks | Lenny | Amsterdam | Netherlands Cancer Institute | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Chinnaraj | Subash Bommu | Amstelveen | Nikon Europe B.V. | Industry | UTC+1 |
de Boer | Pascal | Groningen | University Medical Center Groningen | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Dick | Amalie | Amsterdam | Netherlands Cancer Institute | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Drent | Peter | Amsterdam | ONI | Industry | UTC+1 |
Giepmans | Ben | Groningen | Global-BioImaging | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Graaff | Anko | Utrecht | Hubrecht Institute | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Hassani | Ibrahim | Amsterdam | Nikon BV | Industry | UTC+2 |
Herz | Johan | Groningen | Lambert Instruments BV | Industry | UTC+1 |
Le Dévédec | Sylvia | Leiden | Leiden University | Gov. | UTC-2 |
Metcalf | Daniel | Amsterdam | Nikon Europe | Industry | UTC+1 |
Namink | Kevin | Hilversum | Scientific Volume Imaging BV | Industry | UTC+1 |
Oord | Kees | Amsterdam | Nikon | Industry | UTC+1 |
Schoonderwoert | Vincent | Hilversum | Scientific Volume Imaging BV | Industry | UTC+1 |
Shemesh | Michal | Delft | TUD | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Smith | Carlas | Delft | Delft University of technology | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Tassis | Kostas | Leiden | Leiden University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
van der Voort | Hans | Hilversum | Scientific Volume Imaging BV | Industry | UTC+1 |
Voort | Nicolaas | Hilversum | Scientific Volume Imaging BV | Industry | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Rebstock | Ria | Auckland | The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited | Gov. | UTC+12 |
Schmidt | Alfonso | Kelburn Parade | Malaghan Institute of Medical Reserach | Private lab | UTC+12 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Heyward | Catherine | Oslo | University of Oslo | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Kalaš | Matúš | Bergen | University of Bergen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Ludl | Adriaan-Alexander | Bergen | University of Bergen and ELIXIR Norway | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Szymanski | Jędrzej | Warsaw | Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej im. M. Nenckiego PAN | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Węgierski | Tomasz | Warsaw | International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Azevedo | Andreia | Porto | Faculty of Engineering – University of Porto | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Azevedo | Maria | Porto | i3S/University of Porto | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Carvalho | Mariana | Braga | INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Conde-Sousa | Eduardo | Porto | INEB/i3S | Univ. | UTC+0 |
Cortes | Luisa | Coimbra | Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology | Univ. | UTC+0 |
Lopes | Alexandre | Oeiras | IGC | Private lab | UTC+-0 |
Martins | Gabriel | Oeiras | Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine | Private lab | UTC+0 |
Monteiro | Bruno | Porto | i3S | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Pereira | Telmo | Lisbon | CEDOC | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Sampaio | Paula | Porto | i3S | Univ. | UTC+0 |
Vasconcelos | Verónica | Coimbra | Polytechnic University of Coimbra | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Sathappan | Abbirami | Doha | Sidra Medicine | Gov. | UTC+3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Laktiushkin | Viktor | Sochi | Sirius | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Petrov | Maxim | Yekaterinburg | SIAMS Ltd | Industry | UTC+5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Ali | Rizwan | Riyadh | King Abdullah International Medical Research Center | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Hassan | Ahmed | Thuwal | King Abdullah University of Sccience & Technology | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Ogg | Stephen | Thuwal | King Abdullah University of Sccience & Technology | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Dencevski | Aleksa | Belgrade | Institute of physics Belgrade | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Goh | Wah Ing | Singapore | A*STAR Mic.Platform | Gov. | UTC+8 |
Lin | Yangchen | Singapore | National University of Singapore | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Ma | Xiaoxiao | Singapore | A*STAR Mic.Platform | Gov. | UTC+8 |
Siew | Ronian | Singapore | Venture Biotech Modules Business Private Limited | Industry | UTC-8 |
Tan | Lihao | Singapore | Venture Biotech Modules Business Private Limited | Industry | UTC+8 |
Wright | Graham | Singapore | A*STAR Mic.Platform | Gov. | UTC+8 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Kladnik | Aleš | Ljubljana | University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Jacobs | Caron | Cape Town | University of Cape Town | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bosch | Manel | Barcelona | University of Barcelona CCITUB | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Caiolfa | Valeria | Madrid | Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (F.S.P.) | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Calatayud | Eric | Castelldefels | ICFO | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Calvo | Maria | Barcelona | University of Barcelona | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Diez-Guerra | F. Javier | Madrid | CBMSO (CSIC-UAM) | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Dominguez | Paloma | Sevilla | CABIMER | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Escalada | Artur | Leioa | Instituto Biofisika (CSIC-UPV/EHU) | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Giakoumakis | Nikolaos | Barcelona | Institute for Research in Biomedicine Barcelona | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Halidi | Nadia | Barcelona | Centre for Genomic Regulation | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Marsal | Maria | Castelledefels | ICFO | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mateos | Nicolas | Castelldefels | ICFO | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Planagumà | Jesús | Barcelona | Fundació ClÃnic per a la Recerca Biomèdica | Univ. | UTC+1 |
RamÃrez Revilla | Diego | Leioa | Instituto Biofisika Insitutua (CSIC) | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Sahun | Alvaro | Madrid | Center for Molecular Biology | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Suckert | Theresa | Barcelona | IRB Barcelona | Private lab | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Camacho | Rafael | Gothenburg | University of Gothenburg | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Casas-Moreno | Xavier | Solna | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Chatterjee | Nabanita | Gothenburg | University of Gothenburg | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Corbat | Agustin | Uppsala | SciLifeLab BioImage Informatics/Uppsala Universitet/Sweden | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Fernandez-Rodriguez | Julia | Gothenburg | University of Gothenburg | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Garner | Oliver | Lyckeby | BergmanLabora AB | Industry | UTC+1 |
Guldbrand | Stina | Molndal | Thorlabs Sweden AB | Industry | UTC+1 |
Hu | Jianjiang | Huddinge | Karolinska Institutet | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Imreh | Gabriela | Stockholm | Karolinska Institutet | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Le Guyader | Sylvie | Huddinge | Karolinska Institutet | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Miranda | Gisele | Solna | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
norlin | nils | Lund | Lund University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Piguet | Joachim | Stockholm | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Record | Julien | Stockholm | Karolinska Institutet | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Zhang | Haijiang | Göteborg | Among | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bartoszek | Ewelina | Basel | University of Basel | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Batti | Laura | Geneva | Wyss Center | Private lab | UTC+1 |
Belyaev | Yury | Bern | University of Bern | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Bercowsky | Arianne | Zug | Dotphoton AG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Biehlmaier | Oliver | Basel | Imaging Core Facility, Biozentrum, Basel | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Cuny | Andreas | Basel | ETH Zurich | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Extermann | Jerome | Geneva | HEPIA / HESSO | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Ferrand | Alexia | Basel | Biozentrum, University of Basel | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Gelman | Laurent | Basel | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Lorentz | Pascal | Basel | Department of Biomedicine University of Basel | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Nørrelykke | Simon | Zurich | ETH Zurich | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Plantard | Laure | Basel | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Quintas Glasner de Medeiros | Gustavo | Basel | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research | Private lab | UTC+1 |
Reither | Sabine | Basel | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Roig | Sara | Basel | Biozentrum, University of Basel | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Sanguinetti | Bruno | Zug | Dotphoton AG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Seitz | Arne | Lausanne | EPFL | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Sokoloff | Tatiana | Lausanne | Unil | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Chu | Wei-Chen | Taipei | Academia Sinica | Gov. | UTC+8 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Lerksuthirat | Tassanee | Rachathewi | Mahidol Unive | Univ. | UTC+7 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Akçınar | Salim Can | Izmir | Ege University | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Rezgui | Rachid | Abu Dhabi | NYU Abu Dhabi | Univ. | UTC+4 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Malacrida | Leonel | Montevideo | Universidad de la Republica & Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Olivera | Andrés | Montevideo | Latin America Bioimaging | EU-Org | UTC-3 |
Pannunzio | Bruno | Montevideo | Universidad de la República & Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Aaron | Jesse | Ashburn | HHMI Janelia Research Campus | Private lab | UTC-4 |
Acevedo | Luis | Overland Park | thya | Industry | UTC-6 |
Alshafie | Walaa | Ashburn | Janelia research campus | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Ammer | Amanda | Morgantown | West Virginia University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Armstrong | Brian | Duarte | City of Hope | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Asmar | Anthony | Gaithersburg | National Institute of Standards and Technology | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Bain | Virginia | Danvers | Cell Signaling Technology | Industry | UTC-5 |
Bajcsy | Peter | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Banerjee | Priyam | New York | Rockefeller University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Barbu-Stevanovic | Mihaela | New York | New York Blood Center | Industry | UTC-6 |
Barroso | Margarida | Albany | Albany Medical College | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Beavers | Nick | Rockville | Media Cybernetics | Industry | UTC-4 |
Bellve | Karl | Worcester | University of Massachusetts Medical School | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Bergles | Eric | San Jose | Pavilion Integration Corporation | Industry | UTC-8 |
Bernard-Cook | Marie | Worcester | UMass Medical School | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Bialy | Nikki | Madison | BioImaging North America, Morgridge Institute for Research | Org | UTC-5 |
Blute | Todd | Boston | Boston University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Borensztejn | Antoine | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC-7 |
Bowman | Vanessa | Boise | Boise State University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Brinkman | Brendan | Evident | Industry | UTC-4 | |
Brown | Mary | Saint Paul | University of Minnesota - Twin Cities | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Brunt | Peter | Fairport | AVR Optics | Industry | UTC-5 |
Calvert | Meredith | South San Francisco | Denali Therapeutics | Industry | UTC-7 |
Cameron | Lisa | Durham | Duke University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Cammer | Michael | New Rochelle | NYU Langone Medical | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Campbell | George | Memphis | St. Jude Children's Research Hospital | Private lab | UTC-6 |
Catrina | Irina | New York | Yeshiva University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Chacko | Jenu | Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Chalfoun | Joe | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Chambers | James | Boston | BINA | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Chen | Lily | Hayward | Eikon Therapeutics | Industry | UTC-8 |
Chiritescu | Catalin | Champaign | Phi Optics, Inc. | Industry | UTC-6 |
Cialowicz | Katarzyna | New York | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Cimini | Beth | Cambridge | Broad Institute | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Cole | Richard | Albany | New York State Dept of Health, Wadsworth Center | Gov. | UTC-7 |
Consani | Angela | Olathe | Bioscience Core Skills Institute | Private lab | UTC-6 |
Davis | Andy | Nikon | Industry | UTC-4 | |
De Niz | Mariana | Chicago | Northwestern University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Dobbie | Ian | Baltimore | Johns Hopkins University | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Doherty | Glen | New York | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Donnelly | Katelynne | Fort Collins | Biotect Services | Industry | UTC+7 |
Elliott | John | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Esquibel | Corinne | Grand Rapids | Van Andel Institute | Private lab | UTC-4 |
Fitzpatrick | James | Saint Louis | Washington University School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Gandhi | Shivam | Pleasanton | Eikon Therapeutics | Industry | UTC-8 |
Gaudreault | Nathalie | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC-7 |
Georgakoudi | Irene | Hanover | Dartmouth College | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Ghukasyan | Vladimir | Boston | Chan Zuckerberg Initiative | Industry | UTC-5 |
Giang | William | Hershey | Penn State University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Gibbs | Holly | College Station | Texas A&M University | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Grunwald | David | Worcester | University of Massachusetts | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Gu | Tingting | Norman | University of Oklahoma | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Gupta | Shravan | Rochester | The Institute of Optics, University of Rochester | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Halter | Michael | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Hammer | Mathias | Worcester | University of Massachusetts Medical School | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Hammond | Luke | New York | Columbia University | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Hao | Sijie | Charlottesville | University of Virginia, School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Herrington | Kari | San Francisco | university of California San Francisco | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Hockberger | Philip | Chicago | Waymaker Group | Industry | UTC+7 |
Ibarra | Humberto | New York | Zuckerman Institute - University of Columbia | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Itano | Michelle | Chapel Hill | University of North Carolina | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Jaffe | Claudia | Beaverton | Lumencor, Inc. | Industry | UTC-7 |
Kaiza | Medard | Pittsburgh | University of Pittsburgh | Gov. | UTC+4 |
Keller-Peck | Cindy | Boise | Boise State University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Kirchenbüchler | David | Chicago | Northwestern | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Knobel | Karla | Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Koksoy | Ayse | Houston | MD Anderson CC | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Kuo | Scot | Baltimore | Johns Hopkins University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Kwee | Edward | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Landua | Kalika | Houston | Nikon Instruments | Industry | UTC-5 |
Larsen | DeLaine | Hayward | Eikon Therapeutics | Industry | UTC-8 |
Leavesley | Silas | Mobile | University of South Alabama | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Lee | James | Houston | Baylor College of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Lee | Kitty | Stanford | Stanford University | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Lewis | Krista | Worcester | UMass Chan Medical School | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Lin | Sean | Williston | 89 North, Inc. | Industry | UTC-4 |
Liu | Tristan | New York | Columbia University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Machovina | Tyler | Sewickley | Okolab | Industry | UTC+5 |
Manning | Lane | Fairport | AVR Optics | Industry | UTC-5 |
Mast | Fred | Seattle | Seattle Children’s Hospital | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Mezzano | Valeria | New York | NYU School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Mikulski | Zbigniew | La Jolla | La Jolla Institute for Immunology | Private lab | UTC-8 |
Miller | Caroline | Vallejo | Histology, Imaging, and Image Analysis consultancy | Private lab | UTC-8 |
Mohindra | Rachit | Tucson | Teledyne Photometrics | Industry | UTC-7 |
Montero-Llopis | Paula | Boston | Harvard Med. School | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Mulholland | Jonathan | Stanford | Stanford University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Narasimhan | Arun | New York | Icahn School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Nelson | Michael | Madison | University of Wisconsin | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Ng | Emery | Blacksburg | Virginia Tech | Univ. | UTC-4 |
North | Alison | New York | Rockefeller University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Northan | Brian | Guilderland | True North Intelligent Algorithms | Industry | UTC+5 |
ODonnell | Rob | New York | Rockefeller University Press | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Ogama | Takeo | Waltham | Evident | Industry | UTC-4 |
Orlova | Natalia | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC-7 |
Orr | Vanessa | Madison | BioImaging North America, Morgridge Institute for Research | Org | UTC-6 |
Paulucci | Adriana | Houston | MD Anderson CC | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Pengo | Thomas | Minneapolis | University of Minnesota | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Peterka | Darcy | New York | Columbia University | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Peterson | Alexander | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Peterson | John | Cleveland | Cleveland Clinic Foundation | Private lab | UTC-5 |
Pihan | German | Boston | BIDMC/HARVARD | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Powell | Rhonda | Clemson | Clemson University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Price | Meridith | Chapel Hill | Oxford Inst. Bitplane | Industry | UTC-4 |
Reiche | Michael | Ashburn | Howard Hughes Medical Institute | Private lab | UTC+5 |
Relich | Peter | Torrance | Intellisense Systems, Inc. | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Repula | Andrii | Beaverton | Lumencor, Inc. | Industry | UTC+7 |
Rigano | Alessandro | Worcester | UMass Chan Medical School | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Roker | LaToya | Baltimore | Johns Hopkins University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Rosa Molinar | Eduardo | Saint Louis | Washington University in Saint Louis School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Ross-Elliott | Timothy | Boston | Andor | Industry | UTC-5 |
Saltekoff | Stephen | Eugene | Applied Scientific Instrumentation | Industry | UTC+7 |
Sanders | Mark | Minneapolis | University of Minnesota | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Sauer | Ryan | Williston | 89 North, Inc. | Industry | UTC-4 |
Schreiner | Ryan | New York | Weill Cornell Medicine | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Schwartz | Stanley | Austin | Nikon | Industry | UTC-5 |
Scott | Ryan | Moffett Field | KBR/NASA Ames | Gov. | UTC-8 |
Sharma | Ved | New York | Rockefeller University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Smith | Laura | New York | Rockefeller University Press | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Srinivasan | Sathya | Beaverton | ONPRC | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Stats | Sam | Williston | 89 North, Inc. | Industry | UTC-5 |
Staurovsky | Susan | Farmington | UConn Health | EU-Org | UTC-4 |
Strambio De Castillia | Caterina | Worcester | University of Massachusetts Medical School, Program in Molecular Medicine; Chan Zuckerberg Initiative; BINA Quality Control and Data Management Working Group | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Sudar | Damir | Oakland | Quant.Ima. Systems | Industry | UTC-7 |
Swanson | Sarah | Madison | University of Wisconsin | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Ta | Adam | Seattle | Sage Bionetworks | Private lab | UTC+-0 |
Taatjes | Douglas | Burlington | University of Vermont | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Tapia | Pablo | Bethesda | National Institutes of Health (NIH) | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Thirstrup | Derek | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC+7 |
Thornton | Staci | Storrs | University of Connecticut, Department of Kinesiology | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Titus | Steve | Rising SUn | ThermoFisher | Industry | UTC-5 |
Tourtellotte | Jocelyn | Brimfield | UMassChan | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Tsuchida | Mark | Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Tu | Haohua | Urbana | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Tzavaras | Nikos | New York | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Ulbrich | Russell | Worcester | ScientiaLux LLC | Industry | UTC-4 |
Vallmitjana | Alexander | Irvine | University of California, Irvine | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Van Howe | Thomas | Westmont | McCrone Associates, Inc. | Private lab | UTC-5 |
Vetter | Tatyana | Columbus | Nationwide Children's Hospital | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Vitha | Stanislav | College Station | Texas A&M University | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Wee | Erika | Cold Spring Harbor | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Weiss | Kurt | Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Univ. | UTC-6 |
West | Mary | Berkeley | UC Berkeley | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Wilson | Helen | Madison | University of Wisconsin Madison | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Woods | Kali | Boise | Boise State University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Yao | Jie | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC-7 |
Zalavadia | Ajay | Cleveland | Cleveland Clinic | Private lab | UTC-5 |
Zeiss | Erich | Beaverton | Lumencor, Inc. | Industry | UTC-5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Falomir Lockhart | Lisandro | La Plata | INIBIOLP (CONICET-UNLP) | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Guaimas | Francisco | San Martin | CONICET-UNSAM | Gov. | UTC-3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bottomley | Amy | Ultimo | University of Technology Sydney | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Chang | Jinny | Parkville | The University of Melbourne | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Cho | Ellie | Carlton | The University of Melbourne | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Cole | Louise | Sydney | University of Technology | Univ. | UTC+11 |
Condon | Nicholas | Brisbane | University of Queensland | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Dervish | Suat | Westmead | Westmead Institute for Medical Research | Gov. | UTC+10 |
Geoghegan | Niall | Coburg North | WEHI | Univ. | UTC+11 |
Hibbs | Ben | Silvan | Klein Australia Pty Ltd | Industry | UTC+10 |
Hirvonen | Liisa | Perth | The University of Western Australia | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Lee | Woei Ming Steve | Canberra | John Curtin School of Medical Research, The Australian National University | Univ. | UTC+10 |
McMillan | Paul | Parkville | University of Melbourne | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Parslow | Adam | Melbourne | Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute | Private lab | UTC+10 |
Rad | Dorsa | Sydney | ANZAC Research Instittue | Univ. | UTC+11 |
Rajasekhar | Pradeep | Parkville | Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research | Univ. | UTC+11 |
Rogers | Kelly | Parkville | Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Segal | Gabriela | Melbourne | University of Melbourne | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Sibbons | Jane | Adelaide | University of Adelaide | Univ. | UTC+9 |
Springfield | James | Brisbane | University of Queensland | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Su | Yingying | Riverwood | The University of Sydney | Univ. | UTC+10 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Aumayr | Karin | Vienna | IMP | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Belinova | Tereza | Klosterneuburg | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Cesbron | Yann | Klosterneuburg | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Darwish | Nasser | Klosterneuburg | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Ecker | Rupert | Vienna | TissueGnostics GmbH | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Gharagozlou | Shadi | Klosterneuburg | Institute of science and technology Austria | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Holub | Petr | Graz | BBMRI-ERIC | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Krainer | Lukas | Dornbirn | Prospective Instruments | Industry | UTC+1 |
Krens | Gabriel | Klosterneuburg | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
De Keersmaecker | Herlinde | Ghent | UGent | Univ. | UTC+1 |
De Vos | Winnok | Antwerp | University of Antwerp | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Dmitriev | Ruslan | Ghent | Ghent University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Duwé | Sam | Diepenbeek | Universiteit Hasselt | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Hendrix | Jelle | Diepenbeek | Hasselt University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Martens | Tobie | Leuven | Cell Imaging Core KU Leuven | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Munck | Sebastian | Leuven | University of Leuven | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Okkelman | Irina | Ghent | Ghent University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Vanderwinden | Jean-Marie | Brussels | Université Libre de Bruxelles, Faculté de Médecine, Light Microscopy Facility | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Verschuuren | Marlies | Antwerp | University of Antwerp | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Zhou | Hang | Ghent | Ghent University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Gomes | Andre | Rio de Janeiro | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Lopes | Jose | Ribeirao Preto | USP/Brazil | Univ. | UTC-3 |
S. Teófilo | Francisco | Campinas | University of Campinas | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Ahmadpour | Noushin | Winnipeg | University of Manitoba | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Brideau | Craig | Calgary | University of Calgary | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Bronze de Firmino | Joao Pedro | Hamilton | Centre for Advanced Light Microscopy at McMaster University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Brown | Claire | Montreal | BINA, Canada BioImaging | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Cleret-Buhot | Aurélie | Montreal | Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CRCHUM) | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Colarusso | Pina | Calgary | University of Calgary | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Ertugrul | Efe | Montreal | McGill University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Fillion | Marie-Lyne | Montreal | Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Forbes | Ashli | Vancouver | University of British Columbia | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Gauthier | Pascal | Jonquiere | RioTinto | Private lab | UTC+5 |
Holland | Ian | Ottawa | Teledyne Lumenera | Industry | UTC-8 |
Joyal | Mathieu | Ottawa | University of Ottawa | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Keerthisinghe | Sandra | Burnaby | Simon Fraser University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Key | Jillian | Ottawa | University of Ottawa | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Kuester-Schoeck | Elke | Montreal | CHU Ste-Justine | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Lacoste | Judith | Montreal | MIA Cellavie Inc. | Industry | UTC-4 |
Laferriere | Pascal | Nepean | Teledyne Lumenera | Industry | UTC-5 |
LeDue | Jeffrey | Vancouver | University of British Columbia | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Oreopoulos | John | Toronto | Oxford Inst. Andor | Industry | UTC-5 |
Pavel | Catalin | Montreal | Azure Biosystems Canada Inc. | Industry | UTC+5 |
Plummer | Greg | Edmonton | University of Alberta | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Stifani | Nicolas | Montréal | Université de Montréal | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Teo | Wulin | Calgary | Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary | Univ. | UTC+7 |
Vaahtokari | Anne | Calgary | University of Calgary | Univ. | UTC-7 |
van Oostende-Triplet | Chloë | Ottawa | University of Ottawa | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Wagner | Darcy | Montreal | McGill University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Wang | Liyuan | Ottawa | Cell Biology and Image Acquisition Core Facility, University of Ottawa | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Watson | Kemp | Georgetown, Ontario | Objective Pathology Services Limited | Industry | UTC-4 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bertocchi | Cristina | Santiago de Chile | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Fuentealba Pérez | Luz | Santiago | Universidad Mayor | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Fuhrhop | Carlos | Valdivia | Universidad Austral de Chile | Univ. | UTC+4 |
Parot | Vicente | Santiago de Chile | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Ravasio | Andrea | Macul | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Valiente-EcheverrÃa | Fernando | Santiago | Universidad de Chile | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Hao | Xiang | Hangzhou | Zhejiang University | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Li | Xiaoming | Shanghaitech | Shanghaitech University | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Liu | Penghuan | Hangzhou | China Jiliang University | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Zhao | Yibing | Shanghai | Carl Zeiss | Industry | UTC+8 |
Zhou | Chunyuan | Pudong New Area | Nikon Instruments (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd | Industry | UTC+8 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Blazikova | Michaela | Prague | Light Microscopy Core Facility, IMG CAS | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Capek | Martin | Prague | Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Cebecauer | Marek | Prague | J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Dostál | Zbyněk | Brno | Brno University of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Esner | Milan | Brno | Ceitec Masaryk University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Hatto | Mao | Prague | Nikon | Industry | UTC+2 |
Horvath | Ondrej | Praha | Institute of Molecular Genetics AS CR | Gov. | UTC-1 |
Jesionek | Wojciech | Brno | CELLIM CEITEC Masaryk University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Sanetrnik | Vojtech | Brno | Telight | Industry | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Braunstein | Thomas | København N | Kbh. Uni. CFIM | Univ. | UTC-1 |
Christensen | Nynne | Copenhagen | University of Copenhagen, Center for Advanced Bioimaging | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Harizanova | Jana | Copenhagen | CFIM/University of Copenhagen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Novak | Ivana | Copenhagen | University of Copenhagen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Tosi | Sebastien | Copenhagen | UCPH / DBI-INFRA | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Narvaez | William | Lastenia Toral | NGSI | Private lab | UTC-5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Erikson | John | Turku | Euro-BioImaging | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Fazeli | Elnaz | Helsinki | University of Turku / University of Helsinki | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Guzman | Camilo | Turku | Ã…bo Akademi University | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Liljeström | Mikko | Helsinki | University of Helsinki | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Pylvänäinen | Joanna | Turku | Åbo Akademi University | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Ronkainen | Veli-Pekka | Oulu | University of Oulu | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Tanhuanpää | Kimmo | Helsinki | University of Helsinki | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Vainio | Susanne | Turku | Euro-BioImaging ERIC | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Vonderstein | Kirstin | Helsinki | University of Helsinki | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Acher | Olivier | Palaiseau | HORIBA France | Industry | UTC+1 |
Ameisen | David | Paris | imginIT & European Society of Digital and Integrative Pathology | Industry | UTC+2 |
Aulner | Nathalie | Paris | Institut Pasteur | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Bourg | Nicolas | Cachan | Abbelight | Industry | UTC+1 |
Boyce | Aidan | Cours-de-Monségur | Oxford Inst. Andor | Industry | UTC+1 |
Casse | Alhassan | Vitry-sur-Seine | SANOFI | Industry | UTC+2 |
Clément | Jean-Emmanuel | Villeneuve d’Ascq cedex | University of lille | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Contremoulins | Vincent | Paris | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Converset | Noel | Lay-Saint-Christophe | Lordil | Industry | UTC+1 |
Cordelières | Fabrice | Bordeaux | University of Bordeaux | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Dauphin | Aurelien | Paris | RTmfm | Univ. | UTC+2 |
DELNERY | Elaine | Paris | Global-BioImaging | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Dhmine | Oumou | Monpellier | CNRS | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Egron | Audrey | Pessac | Argolight | Industry | UTC+1 |
Faklaris | Orestis | Montpellier | RTmfm | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Fallet | Mathieu | Marseille | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Gay | Guillaume | Marseille | France BioImaging, BioCampus, Université de Montpellier | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Girard | Philippe | Paris | Institut Jacques Monod - Université de Paris | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Guilbert | Thomas | Cesson-Sévigné | INSCOPER | Industry | UTC+2 |
Guiot | Elvire | Illkirch | IGBMC | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Kapoor | Varun | Paris | Kapoorlabs | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Lahlou | Aliénor | PARIS | Sony CSL - Paris | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Luccardini | Camilla | Lyon | CIQLE Centre d'Imagerie Quantitative Lyon Est | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Madi | Mehdi | Cachan | Abbelight | Industry | UTC+1 |
Mahou | Pierre | Palaiseau | Laboratory for Optics and Biosciences, Ecole Polytechnique | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mateos Langerak | Julio | Montpellier | MRI | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Matthews | Cedric | Marseille | University of Aix-Marseille | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Monterroso | Baptiste | Nice | University of Nice | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Oheim | Martin | Paris | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Papadiamantis | Sotirios | Marseille | University of Aix-Marseille | Univ. | UTC-2 |
Paul-Gilloteaux | Perrine | Nantes | CNRS Univ-Nantes | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Peron-Cane | Caroline | PARIS | TELIGHT | Industry | UTC+1 |
Petithory | Tatiana | Mulhouse | IS2M CNRS UMR 7361 | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Rexhepaj | Elton | Paris | Sanofi | Industry | UTC+1 |
Royon | Arnaud | Bordeaux | Argolight | Industry | UTC+2 |
Saint-Hilaire | Cadisha | Paris | Curie Institute | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Salles | Audrey | Paris | Institut Pasteur | Private lab | UTC+1 |
Sarron | Florian | TOULOUSE | IRIT - CBI/MCD - Université Toulouse III | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Schapman | Damien | Rouen | Normandy University | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Schroeder | Alexandra | Paris | Telight - BioAxial | Industry | UTC+1 |
Shorte | Spencer | Paris | Institut Pasteur | Private lab | UTC+9 |
Soubies | Emmanuel | Toulouse | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+2 |
ster | Ciaran | Marseille | Aix-Marseille Université | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Stringari | Chiara | Palaiseau | CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Teillon | Jérémie | Bordeaux | University of Bordeaux | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Weiss | Pierre | Toulouse | CNRS | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Yunling | XU | Paris | Parcc, U970, Inserm | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Alexopoulos | Ioannis | Giessen | ILH/CIGL Multiscale Imaging Platform | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Avilov | Sergiy | Freiburg | Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics | MPG | UTC+2 |
Barachati | Fábio | Berlin | PicoQuant GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Beckert | Hannes | Bonn | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Beer | Sebastian | Hersching | Hamamatsu | Industry | UTC+2 |
Belyaev | Ivan | Jena | Friedrich Schiller University Jena | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Benton | Matthew | Heidelberg | EMBL | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Bierwagen | Jakob | Tuebingen | AHF | Industry | UTC+2 |
Birngruber | Konstantin | Munich | Toptica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Bischof | Johanna | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Block | Stephan | Berlin | Freie Universität Berlin | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Boehm | Ulrike | Oberkochen | Carl Zeiss AG | Industry | UTC-4 |
Boissonnet | Tom | Düsseldorf | Heinrich Heine Universität - Center for Advanced imaging | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Breitlow | Juergen | Berlin | PicoQuant GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Brocher | Jan | Ludwigshafen | BioVoxxel | Industry | UTC+1 |
Broeking | Kai | Goettingen | MPI | MPG | UTC+2 |
Budde | Kai | Rostock | University of Rostock | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Calandra | Ivan | Neuwied | IMPALA, Leibniz-Zentrum für Archäologie (LEIZA) | Leibniz | UTC+1 |
Cappellaro | Markus | München | Carl Zeiss Microscopy | Industry | UTC+1 |
Christopher | Jana | Heidelberg | FEBS Press/Uni Heidelberg/Image-Integrity | Univ. | UTC+1 |
D'Este | Elisa | Heidelberg | Max Planck Institute for Medical Research | MPG | UTC-1 |
Deutsch | Manuel | Munich | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Diekhoff | Dagmar | Freiburg | Max-Planck-Institut für Immunbiologie und Epigenetik | MPG | UTC+1 |
Dietzel | Ralf | Rodgau | Omicron | Industry | UTC+2 |
Dietzel | Steffen | Munich | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Ditengou | Franck | Freiburg | University of Clinic Freiburg, IMITATE | Univ. | UTC+1 |
dos Santos | Daniela | Ulm | Ulm University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Drillet | Eric | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Duong | Cao Nguyen | Saarbrücken | Leibniz Institute for New Materials | Leibniz | UTC+1 |
Eich | Florian | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Eismann | Frank | Jena | Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Ewers | Helge | Berlin | Freie Universität Berlin | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Fallisch | Arne | Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Life Imaging Center | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Felscher | Andreas | Luebeck | Coherent | Industry | UTC+2 |
Franke | Christian | Jena | Institute of Applied Optics and Biophysics of the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Fried | Hans | Bonn | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Helmholtz | UTC+2 |
Fu | Yangting | Bonn | Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen e. V. (DZNE) | Helmholtz | UTC+1 |
Gheisari | Ali | Bergkirchen | Thorlabs GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Gonnert | Manfred | Bergkirchen | Thorlabs GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Grebnev | Gleb | Heidelberg | Global BioImaging | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Gunkel | Manuel | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Gütay | Levent | Oldenburg | University of Oldenburg | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Halavatyi | Aliaksandr | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Hartmann | Hella | Dresden | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Haxelmans | Sabine | Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Life Imaging Center | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Heintzmann | Rainer | Jena | Friedrich Schiller University Jena | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Hemmerich | Peter | Jena | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Leibniz | UTC+2 |
Hoffmann | Birgit | Jena | UKJ | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Hoischen | Christian | Jena | Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute | Leibniz | UTC+1 |
Holst | Gerhard | Kehlheim | PCO/Excelitas | Industry | UTC+2 |
Huerta | Daniela | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Huisken | Jan | Göttingen | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Icha | Jaroslav | Erlangen | Interherence GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Jambor | Helena | Dresden | TU Dresden | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Jevtic | Visnja | Freiburg | Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics | MPG | UTC+2 |
Jolmes | Fabian | Berlin | PicoQuant GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Kapsokalyvas | Dimitris | Aachen | University Hospital RWTH Aachen University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Karl | Christian | Bochum | University of Bochum | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Karpf | Sebastian | Luebeck | Universität zu Lübeck | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Kasper | Robert | Hamburg | Evident Europe GmbH | Industry | UTC-1 |
Kemmer | Isabel | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging ERIC | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Kemnitzer | Norbert | Siegen | ATTO-TEC GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Keppler | Antje | Heidelberg | GBI | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Kirchner | Marcel | Cologne | MPI | MPG | UTC+2 |
Köbele | Luis | Freiburg | opto biolabs GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Köning | Rainer | Braunschweig | PTB Braunschweig | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Kremer | Manuel | Mannheim | Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Krüger | Daniel | Münster | Evident | Industry | UTC+1 |
Krzic | Uros | Munich | Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Kukat | Christian | Cologne | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | MPG | UTC+2 |
Kunis | Susanne | Osnabrueck | GerBi-GMB WG 6 | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Laskey | Peter | Wetzlar | Leica Microsystems | Industry | UTC-2 |
Liu | Xiaomin | Mainz | Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research | MPG | UTC+2 |
Luethy | Kevin | Düsseldorf | Bielefeld University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Margineanu | Anca | Berlin | Max Delbrück Centrum Berlin | Helmholtz | UTC+2 |
Mathur | Aastha | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
McFadden | David | Jena | FSU Jena | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mitkovski | Miso | Göttingen | GerBi-GMB WG 1, MPI-NAT | MPG | UTC+2 |
Miura | Kota | Heidelberg | University of Heidleberg | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mülter | Andrea | Mannheim | Leica Microsystems | Industry | UTC+1 |
Neumann | Sophie | Jena | FSU Jena | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Nitschke | Roland | Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Life Imaging Center | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Ossato | Giulia | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+1 |
Oster | Markus | Munich | MPI of Biochemistry | MPG | UTC+2 |
Peng | Tingying | Neuherberg | Helmholtz Munich | Helmholtz | UTC+1 |
Pepperkok | Rainer | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Petrov | Eugene | Berlin | Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Pfander | Claudia | Heidelberg | Euro-BioImaging Industry Board @BioHub EMBL | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Politi | Antonio | Göttingen | Max Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry | MPG | UTC+1 |
Reis | Yara | Heidelberg | Global BioImaging - EMBL | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Resch-Genger | Ute | Berlin | BAM | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Reymann | Jürgen | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Rhode | Sebastian | Munich | Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Ritz | Sandra | Mainz | Institute of Molecular Biology - IMB | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Royeck | Michael | Bonn | DFG, guest observer | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Rühl | Arnd | Wetzlar | Maerzhaeuser | Industry | UTC+2 |
Schmied | Christopher | Berlin | Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP) | Leibniz | UTC+1 |
Schmied | Jürgen | Gräfelfing | GATTAquant GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Schmoranzer | Jan | Berlin | Charite | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Schroth-Diez | Britta | Dresden | MPI-CBG | MPG | UTC+2 |
Schuchardt | Chris | Jena | Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Schüler | Jutta | Berlin | Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Schulz | Christian | Wetzlar | Leica DIN/ISO | Industry | UTC+2 |
Schumann | Christian | Wetzlar | Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Schütz | Lucas | Heidelberg | AG | Industry | UTC+2 |
Selbach | Florian | Gräfelfing | GATTAquant GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Selchow | Olaf | Gera | Microscopy & BioImaging Consulting | Industry | UTC+2 |
Shakouri | Mahsa | Heidelberg | DKFZ | Industry | UTC+12 |
Sieber | Jochen | Mannheim | Leica | Industry | UTC+2 |
Sisamakis | Evangelos | Berlin | PicoQuant GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Solovyeva | Vita | Oldenburg | University of Oldenburg | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Spitaler | Martin | Munich | MPI of Biochemistry | MPG | UTC+2 |
Sporbert | Anje | Berlin | GerBi-GMB WG 1 | Helmholtz | UTC+2 |
Stauber | Christian | Mannheim | Leica Microsystems | Industry | UTC+2 |
Stöckl | Martin | Konstanz | Bioimaging Center / Universiät Konstanz | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Ströker | Dirk | Münster | Evident Technology Center Eurpoe GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Studier | Hauke | Berlin | Becker & Hickl GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Terjung | Stefan | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Tewinkel | Martin | Hamburg | Evident Europe GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Thirase | Jan | Göttingen | Technologie Manufaktur GmbH&Co. KG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Thuenauer | Roland | Hamburg | Heinrich Pette Institute | Leibniz | UTC+2 |
Tischer | Christian | Heidelberg | EMBL Heidelberg | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Tomikawa | Camila | Munich | Cognostics AG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Türschmann | Pierre | Erlangen | Interherence GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
van Zandvoort | Marc | Aachen | RWTH Aachen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Venus | Brüne | Göttingen | Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Vierdag | Wouter-Michiel | Heidelberg | European Molecular Biology Laboratory | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Vogl | Ulrich | Oberkochen | Carl Zeiss AG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Vogt | Michael | Aachen | IZKF Aachen RWTH University Hospital | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Volkmann, Von | Konrad | Berlin | APE Angewandte Physik & Elektronik GmbH | Industry | UTC+2 |
Walther | Christa | Konstanz | German BioImaging-Gesellschaft für Mikroskopie und Bildanalyse e.V. | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Weidtkamp-Peters | Stefanie | Duesseldorf | Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Weis | Markus | Münster | Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Wernet | Tobias | Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Life Imaging Center | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Wetzker | Cornelia | Dresden | TU Dresden | Univ. | UTC+1 |
White | Silke | Dresden | DZNE - German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases | Helmholtz | UTC+2 |
Wiegraebe | Winfried | Seattle | Bruker | Industry | UTC+8 |
Wilms | Christian | Heidelberg | Cairn Research GmbH | Industry | UTC+1 |
Zantl | Roman | Munich | ibidi | Industry | UTC+2 |
Zeug | Andre | Hannover | Hannover Medical School | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Zuschratter | Werner | Magdeburg | Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie - LIN | Leibniz | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Acton | Richard | Cambridge | Human Developmental Biology Initiative | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Ameer-Beg | Simon | London | King’s College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Auer | Julia | Edinburgh | IGC Advanged Imaging Facility, University of Edinburgh | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Bagley | Steve | Manchester | University of Manch. | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Bammann | Rodrigo | Uckfield | Scientifica | Industry | UTC+1 |
Banks | William | Manchester | Cancer research UK manchester institute | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Bennett | Sarah | Coventry | University of Warwick | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Betteridge | Kai | London | Institute of Cancer Research | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Boczonadi | Veronika | Newcastle | Newcastle University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Botchway | Stan | Oxford/Didcot | UKRI-STFC | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Bourn | Matthew | Leeds | National Measurement Laboratory | Industry | UTC+1 |
Bowman | Richard | Glasgow | University of Glasgow | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Boxall | Sally | Leeds | University of Leeds | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Bruckbauer | Andreas | Cambridge | University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Cadby | Ashley | Sheffield | University of Sheffield | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Clements | Darran | Cambridge | University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Corbett | Alex | Exeter | UK BioImaging | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Corcoran | David | Coventry | University of Warwick | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Culley | Siân | London | King's College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Dornblut | Carsten | Cambridge | Abcam | Industry | UTC+1 |
Dzelzainis | Thomas | Didcot | Rutherford Appleton Laboratory | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Eseola | Alice | Norwich | The Sainsbury Laboratory | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Esposito | Alessandro | Uxbridge | Brunel University London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Gaboriau | David | London | Imperial College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Garcia Gonzalez | Esther | Didcot | STFC, UKRI | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Gascoyne | Rebecca | Birmingham | University of Birmingham | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Giles | Patrick | Uckfield | Scientifica | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Goodhand | Isabel | Andover | CoolLED Ltd. | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Gramann | Alex | Andover | CoolLED Ltd. | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Greenwood | Harrison | London | The Francis Crick Institute | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Hadleigh | Roland | Uckfield | Scientifica | Industry | UTC+1 |
Hartley | Matthew | Cambridge | EMBL-EBI | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Hawkins | Tim | Durham | Durham University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Held | Marie | Liverpool | University of Liverpool | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Herzog | Dylan | London | Microscopy Innovation Centre, King's College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Ho | Kenneth | London | The Francis Crick Institute | Private lab | UTC+-0 |
Holter | Jennifer | Oxford | University of Oxford | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Inavalli | V V G | Southampton | University of Southampton | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Iremonger | James | Edinburgh | University of Edinburgh | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Jarman | Anneliese | Cambridge | The Babraham Institute | EU-Org | UTC+1 |
Jarvis | Stuart | Cambridge | Prior | Industry | UTC+1 |
Jiang | Junqing | London | National Physical Laboratory | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Knapper | Joe | Glasgow | University of Glasgow | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Koth | Jana | Oxford | Oxford University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Kraev | Igor | Milton Keynes | Open University | Univ. | UTC-1 |
Kugler | Elisabeth | London | UCL | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Kumar | Purnima | CAMBRIDGE | Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Kupcu Yoldas | Aybuke | Hinxton | EMBL-EBI | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Lai | Pok Yui | Oxford | University of Oxford | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Laissue | Philippe | Colchester | University of Essex | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Laude | Alex | Newcastle | Newcastle University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Lawrence | Nicola | Cambridge | Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Lazenby | James | Norwich | Quadram Institute | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Leburn | Christopher | Edinburgh | Chromacity | Univ. | UTC-1 |
Lees | Robert | Didcot | Science and Technology Facilities Council | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Levitt | James | London | Nikon Imaging Centre, King's College London, UK | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Marcello | Marco | Liverpool | University of Liverpool | Univ. | UTC+1 |
McCarthy | Elizabeth | Uxbridge | Brunel University London | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Micu | Ileana | Belfast | Queen's University Belfast | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mitchell | Claire | Glasgow | The Beatson Institute for Cancer Research | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Moore | Josh | Dundee | University of Dundee | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mullan | Alan | Belfast | Andor | Industry | UTC+1 |
Naylor | Huw | Cambridge | CRUK Cambridge Institute | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Nechyporuk-Zloy | Volodymyr | London | Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Nelson | Glyn | Newcastle | UK BioImaging | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Parsons | Maddy | London | King's College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Pattison | Allister | Belfast | Andor | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Payne-Dwyer | Alex | York | University of York | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Peckham | Michelle | Leeds | University of Leeds | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Pichler | Bruno | Lewes | Independent NeuroScience Services INSS | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Poland | Simon | London | King's College London | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Porter | Iain | Dundee | University of Dundee | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Prakash | Kirti | London | National Physical Laboratory | Gov. | UTC+-0 |
Rea | Chris | Belfast | Andor | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Reick | Christiane | Leicester | University of Leicester | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Robson | Joanne | Durham | Durham University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Schuster | Aminul | London | N/A | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Scrimgeour | Ross | London | Institute of Cancer Research | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Shaw | Elisabeth | Lancaster | Lancaster University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Shaw | Mike | London | National Physical Laboratory | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Sherwood | Francois | Hinxton | EMBL-EBI | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Simm | Alan | Liverpool | Liverpool John Moores University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Simms | Richard | Belfast | Oxford Inst. Andor | Industry | UTC+1 |
Stojiljkovic | Ana | London | The Institute of Cancer Research | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Sutcliffe | Ben | Cambridge | University of Cambridge | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Swedlow | Jason | Dundee | University of Dundee | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Thomson | Darren | Exeter | University of Exeter | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Valiya Peedikakkal | Liyana | Oxford | Oxford Nanoimaging | Industry | UTC+1 |
Vanderpant | Leslie | Brighton | Microscope Heaters | Industry | UTC-1 |
West | Steven | London | Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, UCL | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Wetton | Paul | Oxford | Carl Zeiss Ltd | Industry | UTC+-0 |
Wilde | Geraint | Belfast | Oxford Inst. Andor | Industry | UTC+1 |
Zachariadis | Michael | Bath | University of Bath | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Zulueta-Coarasa | Teresa | Hinxton | EMBL-EBI | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Barna | Laszlo | Bloomington | Indiana University Bloomington | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Kumar | Gaurav | Chandigarh | CSIR IMTECH | Gov. | UTC-5 |
Podder | Santosh | Pune | IISER Pune | Gov. | UTC-8 |
Verma | Jitender | Sonepat | Ashoka University | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Heller | Janosch | Dublin | Dublin City University | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Thompson | Kerry | Galway | University of Galway, Ireland | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Steinberger | Joseph | Rehovot | Weizmann Institute of Science | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bassi | Andrea | Milano | Politecnico di Milano | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Berno | Valeria | Milano | Ospedale San Raffaele- ALEMBIC | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Ceccarelli | Raino | Rome | CrestOptics S.p.A. | Industry | UTC+1 |
Filesi | Federico | Rome | CrestOptics S.p.A. | Industry | UTC+1 |
Perin | Paola | Pavia | University of Pavia | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Piazza | Simonluca | Genoa | Genoa Instruments | Industry | UTC+1 |
Roccia | Emanuele | Rome | CrestOptics S.p.A. | Industry | UTC+2 |
Rossetta | Alessandro | Rome | FLIM LABS | Industry | UTC+1 |
Vicidomini | Giuseppe | Genoa | Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Ferdous | Zannatul | Sapporo | Hokkaido University | Univ. | UTC+9 |
Fujimori | Toshihiko | Okazaki | JP BioImaging | Gov. | UTC+9 |
Kobayashi | Norio | Wako | Riken | Private lab | UTC+9 |
Kyoda | Koji | Kobe | RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research | Gov. | UTC+9 |
Onami | Shuichi | Kobe | Riken | Private lab | UTC+9 |
Sasaki | Akira | Tsukuba | AIST | Gov. | UTC+9 |
Tsuchiya | Takanori | Fujinomiya | TOKAI HIT | Industry | UTC+9 |
Yamada | Yohei | Chiyoda-Ku | Chuo Precision Industrial Co., Ltd. LIFE SCIENCE Dept. | Industry | UTC+9 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Gudavicius | Dominykas | Vilnius | Light Conversion | Industry | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Guerrero | Adan | Cuernavaca | National Autonomous University of Mexico | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Pimentel | Arturo | Mexico | Biotechnology Inst. | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bakker | Gert-Jan | Nijmegen | NVvM | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Barth | Anders | Delft | Delft University of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Brocks | Lenny | Amsterdam | Netherlands Cancer Institute | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Chinnaraj | Subash Bommu | Amstelveen | Nikon Europe B.V. | Industry | UTC+1 |
de Boer | Pascal | Groningen | University Medical Center Groningen | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Dick | Amalie | Amsterdam | Netherlands Cancer Institute | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Drent | Peter | Amsterdam | ONI | Industry | UTC+1 |
Giepmans | Ben | Groningen | Global-BioImaging | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Graaff | Anko | Utrecht | Hubrecht Institute | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Hassani | Ibrahim | Amsterdam | Nikon BV | Industry | UTC+2 |
Herz | Johan | Groningen | Lambert Instruments BV | Industry | UTC+1 |
Le Dévédec | Sylvia | Leiden | Leiden University | Gov. | UTC-2 |
Metcalf | Daniel | Amsterdam | Nikon Europe | Industry | UTC+1 |
Namink | Kevin | Hilversum | Scientific Volume Imaging BV | Industry | UTC+1 |
Oord | Kees | Amsterdam | Nikon | Industry | UTC+1 |
Schoonderwoert | Vincent | Hilversum | Scientific Volume Imaging BV | Industry | UTC+1 |
Shemesh | Michal | Delft | TUD | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Smith | Carlas | Delft | Delft University of technology | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Tassis | Kostas | Leiden | Leiden University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
van der Voort | Hans | Hilversum | Scientific Volume Imaging BV | Industry | UTC+1 |
Voort | Nicolaas | Hilversum | Scientific Volume Imaging BV | Industry | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Rebstock | Ria | Auckland | The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited | Gov. | UTC+12 |
Schmidt | Alfonso | Kelburn Parade | Malaghan Institute of Medical Reserach | Private lab | UTC+12 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Heyward | Catherine | Oslo | University of Oslo | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Kalaš | Matúš | Bergen | University of Bergen | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Ludl | Adriaan-Alexander | Bergen | University of Bergen and ELIXIR Norway | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Szymanski | Jędrzej | Warsaw | Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej im. M. Nenckiego PAN | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Węgierski | Tomasz | Warsaw | International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Azevedo | Andreia | Porto | Faculty of Engineering – University of Porto | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Azevedo | Maria | Porto | i3S/University of Porto | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Carvalho | Mariana | Braga | INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory | EU-Org | UTC+-0 |
Conde-Sousa | Eduardo | Porto | INEB/i3S | Univ. | UTC+0 |
Cortes | Luisa | Coimbra | Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology | Univ. | UTC+0 |
Lopes | Alexandre | Oeiras | IGC | Private lab | UTC+-0 |
Martins | Gabriel | Oeiras | Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine | Private lab | UTC+0 |
Monteiro | Bruno | Porto | i3S | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Pereira | Telmo | Lisbon | CEDOC | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Sampaio | Paula | Porto | i3S | Univ. | UTC+0 |
Vasconcelos | Verónica | Coimbra | Polytechnic University of Coimbra | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Sathappan | Abbirami | Doha | Sidra Medicine | Gov. | UTC+3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Laktiushkin | Viktor | Sochi | Sirius | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Petrov | Maxim | Yekaterinburg | SIAMS Ltd | Industry | UTC+5 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Ali | Rizwan | Riyadh | King Abdullah International Medical Research Center | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Hassan | Ahmed | Thuwal | King Abdullah University of Sccience & Technology | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Ogg | Stephen | Thuwal | King Abdullah University of Sccience & Technology | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Dencevski | Aleksa | Belgrade | Institute of physics Belgrade | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Goh | Wah Ing | Singapore | A*STAR Mic.Platform | Gov. | UTC+8 |
Lin | Yangchen | Singapore | National University of Singapore | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Ma | Xiaoxiao | Singapore | A*STAR Mic.Platform | Gov. | UTC+8 |
Siew | Ronian | Singapore | Venture Biotech Modules Business Private Limited | Industry | UTC-8 |
Tan | Lihao | Singapore | Venture Biotech Modules Business Private Limited | Industry | UTC+8 |
Wright | Graham | Singapore | A*STAR Mic.Platform | Gov. | UTC+8 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Kladnik | Aleš | Ljubljana | University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Jacobs | Caron | Cape Town | University of Cape Town | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bosch | Manel | Barcelona | University of Barcelona CCITUB | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Caiolfa | Valeria | Madrid | Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (F.S.P.) | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Calatayud | Eric | Castelldefels | ICFO | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Calvo | Maria | Barcelona | University of Barcelona | Univ. | UTC+-0 |
Diez-Guerra | F. Javier | Madrid | CBMSO (CSIC-UAM) | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Dominguez | Paloma | Sevilla | CABIMER | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Escalada | Artur | Leioa | Instituto Biofisika (CSIC-UPV/EHU) | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Giakoumakis | Nikolaos | Barcelona | Institute for Research in Biomedicine Barcelona | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Halidi | Nadia | Barcelona | Centre for Genomic Regulation | Gov. | UTC+2 |
Marsal | Maria | Castelledefels | ICFO | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Mateos | Nicolas | Castelldefels | ICFO | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Planagumà | Jesús | Barcelona | Fundació ClÃnic per a la Recerca Biomèdica | Univ. | UTC+1 |
RamÃrez Revilla | Diego | Leioa | Instituto Biofisika Insitutua (CSIC) | Gov. | UTC+1 |
Sahun | Alvaro | Madrid | Center for Molecular Biology | EU-Org | UTC+2 |
Suckert | Theresa | Barcelona | IRB Barcelona | Private lab | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Camacho | Rafael | Gothenburg | University of Gothenburg | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Casas-Moreno | Xavier | Solna | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Chatterjee | Nabanita | Gothenburg | University of Gothenburg | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Corbat | Agustin | Uppsala | SciLifeLab BioImage Informatics/Uppsala Universitet/Sweden | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Fernandez-Rodriguez | Julia | Gothenburg | University of Gothenburg | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Garner | Oliver | Lyckeby | BergmanLabora AB | Industry | UTC+1 |
Guldbrand | Stina | Molndal | Thorlabs Sweden AB | Industry | UTC+1 |
Hu | Jianjiang | Huddinge | Karolinska Institutet | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Imreh | Gabriela | Stockholm | Karolinska Institutet | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Le Guyader | Sylvie | Huddinge | Karolinska Institutet | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Miranda | Gisele | Solna | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
norlin | nils | Lund | Lund University | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Piguet | Joachim | Stockholm | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Record | Julien | Stockholm | Karolinska Institutet | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Zhang | Haijiang | Göteborg | Among | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Bartoszek | Ewelina | Basel | University of Basel | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Batti | Laura | Geneva | Wyss Center | Private lab | UTC+1 |
Belyaev | Yury | Bern | University of Bern | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Bercowsky | Arianne | Zug | Dotphoton AG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Biehlmaier | Oliver | Basel | Imaging Core Facility, Biozentrum, Basel | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Cuny | Andreas | Basel | ETH Zurich | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Extermann | Jerome | Geneva | HEPIA / HESSO | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Ferrand | Alexia | Basel | Biozentrum, University of Basel | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Gelman | Laurent | Basel | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Lorentz | Pascal | Basel | Department of Biomedicine University of Basel | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Nørrelykke | Simon | Zurich | ETH Zurich | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Plantard | Laure | Basel | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Quintas Glasner de Medeiros | Gustavo | Basel | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research | Private lab | UTC+1 |
Reither | Sabine | Basel | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research | Private lab | UTC+2 |
Roig | Sara | Basel | Biozentrum, University of Basel | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Sanguinetti | Bruno | Zug | Dotphoton AG | Industry | UTC+1 |
Seitz | Arne | Lausanne | EPFL | Univ. | UTC+2 |
Sokoloff | Tatiana | Lausanne | Unil | Univ. | UTC+1 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Chu | Wei-Chen | Taipei | Academia Sinica | Gov. | UTC+8 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Lerksuthirat | Tassanee | Rachathewi | Mahidol Unive | Univ. | UTC+7 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Akçınar | Salim Can | Izmir | Ege University | Univ. | UTC+3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Rezgui | Rachid | Abu Dhabi | NYU Abu Dhabi | Univ. | UTC+4 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Malacrida | Leonel | Montevideo | Universidad de la Republica & Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Olivera | Andrés | Montevideo | Latin America Bioimaging | EU-Org | UTC-3 |
Pannunzio | Bruno | Montevideo | Universidad de la República & Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Univ. | UTC-3 |
Last name | First name | Town | Organisation | Lab | UTC |
Aaron | Jesse | Ashburn | HHMI Janelia Research Campus | Private lab | UTC-4 |
Acevedo | Luis | Overland Park | thya | Industry | UTC-6 |
Alshafie | Walaa | Ashburn | Janelia research campus | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Ammer | Amanda | Morgantown | West Virginia University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Armstrong | Brian | Duarte | City of Hope | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Asmar | Anthony | Gaithersburg | National Institute of Standards and Technology | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Bain | Virginia | Danvers | Cell Signaling Technology | Industry | UTC-5 |
Bajcsy | Peter | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Banerjee | Priyam | New York | Rockefeller University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Barbu-Stevanovic | Mihaela | New York | New York Blood Center | Industry | UTC-6 |
Barroso | Margarida | Albany | Albany Medical College | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Beavers | Nick | Rockville | Media Cybernetics | Industry | UTC-4 |
Bellve | Karl | Worcester | University of Massachusetts Medical School | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Bergles | Eric | San Jose | Pavilion Integration Corporation | Industry | UTC-8 |
Bernard-Cook | Marie | Worcester | UMass Medical School | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Bialy | Nikki | Madison | BioImaging North America, Morgridge Institute for Research | Org | UTC-5 |
Blute | Todd | Boston | Boston University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Borensztejn | Antoine | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC-7 |
Bowman | Vanessa | Boise | Boise State University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Brinkman | Brendan | Evident | Industry | UTC-4 | |
Brown | Mary | Saint Paul | University of Minnesota - Twin Cities | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Brunt | Peter | Fairport | AVR Optics | Industry | UTC-5 |
Calvert | Meredith | South San Francisco | Denali Therapeutics | Industry | UTC-7 |
Cameron | Lisa | Durham | Duke University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Cammer | Michael | New Rochelle | NYU Langone Medical | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Campbell | George | Memphis | St. Jude Children's Research Hospital | Private lab | UTC-6 |
Catrina | Irina | New York | Yeshiva University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Chacko | Jenu | Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Chalfoun | Joe | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Chambers | James | Boston | BINA | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Chen | Lily | Hayward | Eikon Therapeutics | Industry | UTC-8 |
Chiritescu | Catalin | Champaign | Phi Optics, Inc. | Industry | UTC-6 |
Cialowicz | Katarzyna | New York | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Cimini | Beth | Cambridge | Broad Institute | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Cole | Richard | Albany | New York State Dept of Health, Wadsworth Center | Gov. | UTC-7 |
Consani | Angela | Olathe | Bioscience Core Skills Institute | Private lab | UTC-6 |
Davis | Andy | Nikon | Industry | UTC-4 | |
De Niz | Mariana | Chicago | Northwestern University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Dobbie | Ian | Baltimore | Johns Hopkins University | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Doherty | Glen | New York | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Donnelly | Katelynne | Fort Collins | Biotect Services | Industry | UTC+7 |
Elliott | John | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Esquibel | Corinne | Grand Rapids | Van Andel Institute | Private lab | UTC-4 |
Fitzpatrick | James | Saint Louis | Washington University School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Gandhi | Shivam | Pleasanton | Eikon Therapeutics | Industry | UTC-8 |
Gaudreault | Nathalie | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC-7 |
Georgakoudi | Irene | Hanover | Dartmouth College | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Ghukasyan | Vladimir | Boston | Chan Zuckerberg Initiative | Industry | UTC-5 |
Giang | William | Hershey | Penn State University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Gibbs | Holly | College Station | Texas A&M University | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Grunwald | David | Worcester | University of Massachusetts | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Gu | Tingting | Norman | University of Oklahoma | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Gupta | Shravan | Rochester | The Institute of Optics, University of Rochester | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Halter | Michael | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Hammer | Mathias | Worcester | University of Massachusetts Medical School | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Hammond | Luke | New York | Columbia University | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Hao | Sijie | Charlottesville | University of Virginia, School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Herrington | Kari | San Francisco | university of California San Francisco | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Hockberger | Philip | Chicago | Waymaker Group | Industry | UTC+7 |
Ibarra | Humberto | New York | Zuckerman Institute - University of Columbia | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Itano | Michelle | Chapel Hill | University of North Carolina | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Jaffe | Claudia | Beaverton | Lumencor, Inc. | Industry | UTC-7 |
Kaiza | Medard | Pittsburgh | University of Pittsburgh | Gov. | UTC+4 |
Keller-Peck | Cindy | Boise | Boise State University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Kirchenbüchler | David | Chicago | Northwestern | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Knobel | Karla | Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Koksoy | Ayse | Houston | MD Anderson CC | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Kuo | Scot | Baltimore | Johns Hopkins University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Kwee | Edward | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Landua | Kalika | Houston | Nikon Instruments | Industry | UTC-5 |
Larsen | DeLaine | Hayward | Eikon Therapeutics | Industry | UTC-8 |
Leavesley | Silas | Mobile | University of South Alabama | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Lee | James | Houston | Baylor College of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Lee | Kitty | Stanford | Stanford University | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Lewis | Krista | Worcester | UMass Chan Medical School | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Lin | Sean | Williston | 89 North, Inc. | Industry | UTC-4 |
Liu | Tristan | New York | Columbia University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Machovina | Tyler | Sewickley | Okolab | Industry | UTC+5 |
Manning | Lane | Fairport | AVR Optics | Industry | UTC-5 |
Mast | Fred | Seattle | Seattle Children’s Hospital | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Mezzano | Valeria | New York | NYU School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Mikulski | Zbigniew | La Jolla | La Jolla Institute for Immunology | Private lab | UTC-8 |
Miller | Caroline | Vallejo | Histology, Imaging, and Image Analysis consultancy | Private lab | UTC-8 |
Mohindra | Rachit | Tucson | Teledyne Photometrics | Industry | UTC-7 |
Montero-Llopis | Paula | Boston | Harvard Med. School | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Mulholland | Jonathan | Stanford | Stanford University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Narasimhan | Arun | New York | Icahn School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Nelson | Michael | Madison | University of Wisconsin | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Ng | Emery | Blacksburg | Virginia Tech | Univ. | UTC-4 |
North | Alison | New York | Rockefeller University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Northan | Brian | Guilderland | True North Intelligent Algorithms | Industry | UTC+5 |
ODonnell | Rob | New York | Rockefeller University Press | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Ogama | Takeo | Waltham | Evident | Industry | UTC-4 |
Orlova | Natalia | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC-7 |
Orr | Vanessa | Madison | BioImaging North America, Morgridge Institute for Research | Org | UTC-6 |
Paulucci | Adriana | Houston | MD Anderson CC | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Pengo | Thomas | Minneapolis | University of Minnesota | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Peterka | Darcy | New York | Columbia University | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Peterson | Alexander | Gaithersburg | NIST | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Peterson | John | Cleveland | Cleveland Clinic Foundation | Private lab | UTC-5 |
Pihan | German | Boston | BIDMC/HARVARD | Univ. | UTC+5 |
Powell | Rhonda | Clemson | Clemson University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Price | Meridith | Chapel Hill | Oxford Inst. Bitplane | Industry | UTC-4 |
Reiche | Michael | Ashburn | Howard Hughes Medical Institute | Private lab | UTC+5 |
Relich | Peter | Torrance | Intellisense Systems, Inc. | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Repula | Andrii | Beaverton | Lumencor, Inc. | Industry | UTC+7 |
Rigano | Alessandro | Worcester | UMass Chan Medical School | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Roker | LaToya | Baltimore | Johns Hopkins University | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Rosa Molinar | Eduardo | Saint Louis | Washington University in Saint Louis School of Medicine | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Ross-Elliott | Timothy | Boston | Andor | Industry | UTC-5 |
Saltekoff | Stephen | Eugene | Applied Scientific Instrumentation | Industry | UTC+7 |
Sanders | Mark | Minneapolis | University of Minnesota | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Sauer | Ryan | Williston | 89 North, Inc. | Industry | UTC-4 |
Schreiner | Ryan | New York | Weill Cornell Medicine | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Schwartz | Stanley | Austin | Nikon | Industry | UTC-5 |
Scott | Ryan | Moffett Field | KBR/NASA Ames | Gov. | UTC-8 |
Sharma | Ved | New York | Rockefeller University | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Smith | Laura | New York | Rockefeller University Press | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Srinivasan | Sathya | Beaverton | ONPRC | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Stats | Sam | Williston | 89 North, Inc. | Industry | UTC-5 |
Staurovsky | Susan | Farmington | UConn Health | EU-Org | UTC-4 |
Strambio De Castillia | Caterina | Worcester | University of Massachusetts Medical School, Program in Molecular Medicine; Chan Zuckerberg Initiative; BINA Quality Control and Data Management Working Group | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Sudar | Damir | Oakland | Quant.Ima. Systems | Industry | UTC-7 |
Swanson | Sarah | Madison | University of Wisconsin | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Ta | Adam | Seattle | Sage Bionetworks | Private lab | UTC+-0 |
Taatjes | Douglas | Burlington | University of Vermont | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Tapia | Pablo | Bethesda | National Institutes of Health (NIH) | Gov. | UTC-4 |
Thirstrup | Derek | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC+7 |
Thornton | Staci | Storrs | University of Connecticut, Department of Kinesiology | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Titus | Steve | Rising SUn | ThermoFisher | Industry | UTC-5 |
Tourtellotte | Jocelyn | Brimfield | UMassChan | Univ. | UTC-4 |
Tsuchida | Mark | Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Tu | Haohua | Urbana | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Tzavaras | Nikos | New York | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Ulbrich | Russell | Worcester | ScientiaLux LLC | Industry | UTC-4 |
Vallmitjana | Alexander | Irvine | University of California, Irvine | Univ. | UTC-8 |
Van Howe | Thomas | Westmont | McCrone Associates, Inc. | Private lab | UTC-5 |
Vetter | Tatyana | Columbus | Nationwide Children's Hospital | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Vitha | Stanislav | College Station | Texas A&M University | Univ. | UTC-6 |
Wee | Erika | Cold Spring Harbor | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Univ. | UTC-5 |
Weiss | Kurt | Madison | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Univ. | UTC-6 |
West | Mary | Berkeley | UC Berkeley | Univ. | UTC+8 |
Wilson | Helen | Madison | University of Wisconsin Madison | Univ. | UTC+6 |
Woods | Kali | Boise | Boise State University | Univ. | UTC-7 |
Yao | Jie | Seattle | Allen Institute | Private lab | UTC-7 |
Zalavadia | Ajay | Cleveland | Cleveland Clinic | Private lab | UTC-5 |
Zeiss | Erich | Beaverton | Lumencor, Inc. | Industry | UTC-5 |